Chapter 1-Teamwork

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Today is the first day of camp and I literally cannot wait! All my friends slept over last night and we're arriving altogether in my car. Our entrance is going to be electric. When we got there, I instantly went to meet all the friends I made at camp last year and I noticed a new kid, a boy, a hot boy.... his hair was kind of messy and ruffled and he had a sharp jaw line. He stood beside one of my friends from camp, Crystal, and he looked a little confused. Since I figured he knew Crystal, I walked up to her, hugged her, and asked who the new boy was. He told me that his name was Louis and that he was from Doncaster, a small town in England, and was staying with Crystal for the summer. The entire time he was talking I was just dumbfounded by his accent. It sounded so hot and it just went with the way he looked. I was kind of dazed when he talked to me, but quickly snapped out of it and introduced myself.


When I first got here, I was a little nervous but then I saw this girl walk towards me and Crystal. She was very beautiful and had a huge smile on her face. I got butterflies as she asked me who I was and what my name was. I explained my situation to her and right after she told me that she was born in London but lived in LA for about half her life and now she was in grade 11, which is the same grade as me. It was interesting listening to her accent because it was kind of a mix between American and British and I just thought it was the cutest thing ever. As the day went on, we participated in many activities together and I started to crush on her more and more. I loved her silly personality and all her little quirks that made her so special. I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself though. She seems very popular and knows a lot of people and I'm just the underdog so I think the chances of her liking me back are very slim so I'll just try and be her friend first.


At the very end of the day, we had a three-legged race, which obviously requires two people. Most of the participants found partners immediately but I saw Louis just standing around looking for a partner so I built up the courage and offered to be his partner. He immediately agreed and bent down to tie our ankles together. His hands brushed my skin as he tied the ropes around my ankle and even that little bit of contact made me fluster and get goosebumps, despite the scorching weather. During the race, most of the people around us fell so Louis and I actually ended up winning! It was the perfect ending to a perfect day with a perfect boy.


I don't think I could've asked for a better first day, Eleanor and I got along great and we really connected with each other. Seeing the excitement on her face when we won the race was incredible and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings me. I'm just hoping I'm not exaggerating and that I have somewhat of a chance with this girl. 


I know the chapters are really short, but it's my first story so I'm kind of having trouble with getting the ideas to flow and stuff. I promise it'll get better as I continue to write though :) again, if you have any idea or character requests, inbox me and I'll try my best :)

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