Chapter 22-The Depart

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One week later

Today is the day. The dreaded, hated day that I wish would just never come. His flight departs in about an hour and I am spending the last few hours we have together with him at the airport, cuddled in his arms. I take in everything. His smell, his eyes, his nice lips, his body, everything. I need a mental image of him to keep with me at all times. I may have a polaroid picture of him in my wallet, but even that I cannot conjure up at my will. 

The intercom calls his flight number, announcing that they are now boarding. 

"Louis-I don't want you to leave," I state the obvious. 

"I don't want to either but please, do one thing for me. Don't let this affect your school work okay? Perhaps we can get into the same university," he chuckled at the end.

"Maybe, but I'm too smart for you," I smile back.

"There's your beautiful smile," he holds my chin up with his finger so that my eyes are staring into his. We both know what's coming and he leans in to place a tender kiss on my lips. Possibly one of the last I'll ever receive. 

"Please don't forget me," Louis said, completely serious. 

"I could never forget you. I love you." 

"I love you too." He said while leaning in to kiss me. He pulled away and I immediately felt the coldness I would be living with for the next year. 

And then he was gone. 


I went back home, tears streaming down my eyes as I made my way to my room to cry and sulk all day. I check my phone to see several messages from Liam, Harry, Niall, and Crystal all comforting me. I still had amazing people in my life and I shouldn't forget that. If Louis and I are destined to meet again, then I believe it will happen. As cheesy as it sounds, I believe in the power of love. 


After not updating for 2 months, I decided to double update yayyyyy go me

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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