chapter 7

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What has one got to lose anyways, there are many people out there who have been rapped, some have even been rapped more  than once.
But their's was not their fault

No one is talking of.....
Yeah no one is saying it's anyone's fault

The truth is that I started felling..ill....not the crambs but yes I was getting sicky
Yeah we say....sick of?

Maybe the whole thing......I mean. ....not the vacation but the hmmmm....well the whole stuff.....
Say the word.....say the word afterall your are all alone...

And so it went on.
Frequetly she will have an alone time and think.....more like argue with herself and try to convince her mind that all was not her fault.
The rape was not her fault.

Well who will ever want to get rapped.
I'd rather seduce someone for sex, or better still go calm as a whore in some night club than get rapped.

Her mind always had an answers to every thought and it was getting to her, every time she got the chance, she will let her mind wonder, she will sit and prepare the answers to throw back at her mind.
Maybe not her mind but sure a voice behind her head always spoke back at her. Maybe her conscience.

Some times she will get a pillow and set before her, the pillow now will act as her mind, so looking at it, they will have a heated argument, always, her mind will win but she will never admit it. If the last words from her mind are  so true then she will throw the pillow away, maybe in some hours or so, she will be back and they will talk again, or maybe the next day and with that she will walk out the door and find away to occupie herself with the others, even if it means her watching the boys play their games or better still, join her mom and Dina in the kitchen.

Jimmy had insisted they all stayed together, he didn't want them to be gone so soon after all that had happened.
Most importantly, the police were on the case so they needed be as one. No one would get implicated for no reason incase the police found nothing then decide to bring up something.

The good part about everything being that, her uncle knew how to get things his way, well for a man of his career, he had to, he had to be really good at the black lies.

No one had brought up the rape to the police and for the time being, they all kept shot about it.
One thing Hanna was well aware of is that, if you tell a big lie most frequently, then sure it will be believed, and that's what her uncle had been doing, he'd tell just how it happened, how they found out Jackills body, but never will he mention what happened before then.

He'd ordered stunt to call the cops before they got home, he'd spoken to them and informed them when they will arrive and when they could come to hear all their stories on the matter but they kept her away, told the police she had been sick and had no idea what was going on. Well that one bit was true.

She must be thankful to jimmy, he didn't only keep her dilemma out of the way, but also had instructed them to keep the whole issue on low tone.
Lets say....hers is like a case on the police waiting list. The less important list, so it's only when the  worse turns. worst that they will bring it up.

Maybe he wanted it all on the low key for his image, to protect his image, who knows, cause sure, his career ment more.

It has been five days since the vacation, the first three days were quite steamed up. The police man in charge of the case kept coming and coming, having a lot to ask them.
But now, he too had seemed to relax, the keys to the lake house had even been returned to her uncle since they found nothing in it to use as evidence, they were just going to keep to the lake, work more on figuring out the prints on the murder knife, and on his clothes because definitely, who ever killed him might have had contact with him.

Thinking of Jackill now Hanna thought.
Ok wait, she was going to wait till she got back to her room.
So to distract herself, she had to do something.


One thing to note!.
1.when guys are playing FIFA, never disturb.
2.they will never answer you at first call.
3.the only way to distract them is make a louder noise or get in front of the tv( heck...if your not lucky...they will throw you right out of the way....well depends on the kind of guy.)
4. Disturb them for what they like only.
5.make sure its for an important reason and so on.

Ok, she cleared her throat, and moved closer, none of the boys had heard her call, neither did they notice her enter, it was obvious they wouldn't notice anyways.

The thing she wasn't sure of is if what she had for them would do any good of getting their attention.

She had tried harder calling their names and shoving their shoulders but they just shrugged it off, so she was going to take the next big step.
Moving forward, she stood right in front of the tv.

"What the hell Hanna, move," marks tone so stern as he tried to move to the side and get a look at the tv.

"Hanna not now pls move" Daco waved her off.

Ok, maybe she will just go to her room and think some more. She even had bigger things to think of.

She should really start thinking of calling and hanging out with her friends instead of staying home being an attention seeker.

The boys gave her the get off look and slowly she walked off.
Half way through the door, she stoped and turned back.
Walking straight on without hestation she turned off the tv.

Their looks, expressions and reactions were death threatening but yeah! She could stand it, she will stand her ground.

"What!" Mark snapped finally breaking the I will kill you and the I am not backing down contest.

"Why don't we go make some pancakes" grinning, she looked at the two.

"Pancakes, that's why you had to stop this mind blowing FIFA, didn't you see I was trashing this dude, just take yourself and your offer and get out, no body wants pancakes we want FIFA, more FIFA"
He finished dismissively

"Oh wait.....First you weren't trashing me, and finally, yes Hanna we want pancakes, I don't mind having like there or four thanks" Daco side in a yet dismissive tone as he tried to go put the tv on again.

Hanna moved and stoped him, spreading her hands out to block him.
"Look Hanna if you want I'll carry you, but not now, later.....for now, go make those pancakes and let me handle mark in this game"

Hanna made a face.
"Who wants you to carry them?" She asked dropping her hands.

"Look I just need company that's all....."
"You've got friends, go hang out" mark cut her off
" yeah.....but I can't hang out just yet......I need to get this hole thing behind my back and gain my confidence again" ending the sentence, she began to walk out.

Daco turned and gave mark a look and both sighed at once.
"Fine" they said in chrous

She turned and gave them both a huge grin and winked. Turned and headed for the kitchen while the followed.

They sat looking around the kitchen bored but soon they joined in, all doing one thing or the other, soon the pancakes were done and served.they sat eating, as the gist got heated.

Glad to have a fun moment with her brother and cousin again, it only reminded her of their normal lives before the vacation.

Things had to fall back in place and things were only not thesame because she was always missing. Same mistake she made at the lake house and seen the result now, she wouldn't let it again.

The fact is that no life is perfect, so all she would do is accept her first step into the life of imperfection, lock it at the back of her mind and live her live.
Live it never before.

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