Spottedleaf's Death

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Spottedleaf watched as her Clan fought against the band of ShadowClan rogues. She wanted to dive in and help, but she couldn't.

"Greetings, Spottedleaf," a voice said her name and Spottedleaf turned. She noticed Clawface, one of the brown, battle-scarred ShadowClan rogues. Spottedleaf's pelt began to bristle and Clawface began walking over to her. "You can leave this pathetic Clan of yours and come join ShadowClan. Your medicine skills are much needed there more than here." Spottedleaf reeled back at the foul stench of Clawface's breath her nose detected.

"Never, Clawface. ThunderClan is my birth Clan and I will always serve as their medicine cat," she spat at the ShadowClan tom.

"But birth Clan is not important. You can come with me--" Clawface was cut off from his words from a lash of unsheathed claws from Spottedleaf. A drip of blood trickled from Clawface's muzzle and his eyes blazed with fury.

"So you want to fight, eh, medicine cat? Fine then. I hope you're prepared to die!" Clawface unsheathed his claws and began to attack Spottedleaf viciously, not showing any mercy despite the fact Spottedleaf was a medicine cat.

The surroundings began to go blurry in Spottedleaf's eyes and a tear ran down her face.

"Goodbye, Firepaw," she managed to croak out and her eyes shut away from the world. Her dark tortoiseshell body lay limp on the ground as Clawface released his teeth from the medicine cat's neck. Spottedleaf lay dead in a pool of blood.

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