Bluestar's Fall

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A/N: This is how Tigerstar actually kills Bluestar in "The Dark Leadership".


Tigerclaw's head looked around the clearing as Brokentail's rogues fled the clearing. He panted heavily, his gaze resting on the blue-grey pelt of Bluestar, his Clan's leader. The she-cat was heading into her den, pushing past the lichen that hung from the dark gap she went through.

He brightened up thoughtfully. Looking to Fireheart, who was guiding Sandstorm to the medicine den, who clearly looked as though she were arguing that she didn't need him to help her, he then turned and began stalking towards the leaders' den.

"Bluestar?" he called in. Now he could finally kill Bluestar and become leader like he always wanted to from a young kit. A fool would have made him deputy and believe he didn't kill Redtail at Sunningrocks.

Tigerclaw licked his lips at the thought of spilling blood. Bluestar called back, inviting him in, and at once Tigerclaw slowly walked in, his claws still sheathed so they wouldn't scrap on the cold rock.

He felt the lichen brush against his fur. His first sight was Bluestar sitting straight on her moss bedding, her blue eyes crowded. "What is it?" she wondered. "Have the rogues come back or have they finally gone?"

"Oh, I guess you could say they're gone," Tigerclaw replied. "But maybe not for long."

Bluestar stared at him. "What do you mean, 'not for long'?" she questioned. "Did they say they were going to return?"

"Not exactly," Tigerclaw told her. "But there's still a rogue, I guess you can say, among ThunderClan at this very heartbeat."

Bluestar's eyes narrowed into slits. "Deal with them. I want every rogue out of ThunderClan so we can rest for once."

It's time ThunderClan had a new leader, Tigerclaw told himself. And you will not survive this, Bluestar. I'll make sure of it. His claws unsheathed and Bluestar looked at them.

"Tigerclaw, unsheathe your claws. We do not walk around the camp with them like that." There was an edge to her voice.

"You're no longer my leader," he growled. "Your time is up and now it's my time to rule." Bluestar's eyes widened as Tigerclaw leaped at her, lashing his claws out. They raked down her shoulder, drawing fresh blood.

Tigerclaw's eyes brightened as Bluestar staggered back, wincing slightly as she felt the pain of the wound. Her pelt bristled and her eyes were now full of shock. It was as though Bluestar never thought he was going to betray her in the end.

"You can't kill me!" Bluestar hissed. "I'm still your leader! StarClan won't approve of this, Tigerclaw, and neither will ThunderClan." Crimson blood dripped onto the ground from where Bluestar was standing.

"You will never be my leader," Tigerclaw spat at her. "You're weak and worthless. A true leader would not bring in a kittypet and a true warrior is always a Clan born cat! You call yourself a leader."

"And a true warrior does not kill his Clanmates nor betray his Clan," Bluestar spat, lunging towards Tigerclaw. Tigerclaw slashed his claws out at Bluestar's shoulder as she landed in front of him, making her lose her balance.

Tigerclaw then placed his paw onto Bluestar's chest, putting a little pressure onto it as he let his claws sink in slightly. His eyes were wide with the thirst of blood in them as Bluestar struggled beneath him, her teeth bared.

"Any last words before you join StarClan, old cat?" Tigerclaw asked. "Or would you like me to send you off immediately, traitor?"

"Traitor? You're the only traitor in the whole forest!" Bluestar spat.

"Ah, but I know your little secret thanks to Greypool for spilling it out to me," Tigerclaw replied. "Would you like me to reveal that to the Clans at the next Gathering, making everyone in the whole forest remember you for being a traitor rather than a noble leader?"

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would. Just watch me when I do. Now say hello to StarClan for me." He opened his jaw and clamped them around Bluestar's neck, letting his teeth sink deeply into it. Bluestar let out a yowl full of agony, batting her paws at Tigerclaw's belly fur frantically.

Tigerclaw then removed his jaw from Bluestar, tasting blood in his mouth. Bluestar lay, gasping for air as her eyes were wide, but then they closed and her breathing gradually began stopping.

"Bluestar!" Fireheart yowled as he raced into the den. His eyes were full of anger as he stared at Tigerclaw. "You did this to her!"

"Someone had to," Tigerclaw replied. "She was old and a terrible leader. It's about time a real warrior led ThunderClan now."

"You're not a warrior," Fireheart growled. "You're a rogue and a traitor. You killed Redtail and you ruined Cinderpelt's dreams. Was it worth it, getting yourself into so much trouble? Your ancestors won't be pleased."

"It has and always will be worth it," Tigerclaw told him. "The forest will forever be a better place with traitors like Bluestar gone. Oh, and I know her secret as much as you do." His gaze was menacing.

"And I know your secret. I'm telling the Clan about what you did to Redtail and Bluestar!" Tigerclaw immediately blocked Fireheart's path before he could move.

"Tell the Clan and I will kill you like I did with Bluestar," Tigerclaw told him, his voice lowering. "If you want you and your friends to live, you will obey me. You will respect me over everything and you will keep silent. Make a wrong move and you'll regret it."

Fireheart was going to protest but then sighed. "Fine. I won't tell ThunderClan about this."

Tigerclaw was pleased. "Good. Now keep out of my way." He turned and began walking out of the den, Bluestar's blood staining his fur. You're a fool, Fireheart, Tigerclaw thought. You'll be known as a fox-hearted murderer to ThunderClan now.

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