Rusty's Dream

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Rusty was perched on a fence, staring out into the forest which is said to contain Clans of wild cats; ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan and RiverClan. The sound of ShadowClan did not appeal to Rusty as it made him imagine them as the most vicious and dark Clan in the whole forest. He had heard stories his mother Nutmeg had told him when he was just a kit with his sister Princess.

"Hello, Rusty," a voice greeted and the ginger tom jerked slightly. Rusty turned his head, noticing his friend Smudge.

"Oh, hello, Smudge." Smudge was perched on the fence next to Rusty. He began licking one of his forepaws and drawed it over his ear.

"Thinking about those wild cats again, eh, Rusty?" the plump black-and-white kittypet asked. Rusty gave a nod.

"Yeah. I imagine running about and being apart of them." Smudge stared at Rusty.

"But you can't go out into the forest! Those wild cats are hunters and can kill you!" Smudge protested. Rusty let out a sigh.

"I'm not going out into the forest," he replied. "Well, not now, anyway."

"So you're still planning on going out?" Rusty nodded. "But you heard about that cat who went out into the forest to explore!"

"I know, Smudge. It's just that. . . well, I don't really like being with my housefolk. I want to live a life out in the wild with the wild cats, running freely and catching my own food!" Excitement appeared in Rusty's eyes as he picture an image of hunting for his own food out in the forest and his mouth hung open.

"Rusty, just please don't go. It's for your own safety and you will die out there," Smudge sighed. He did not say anymore as he knew Rusty had made up his mind about one day going out into the forest, exploring and possibly ending up with the wild cats in a Clan.

"I'm going to see how Princess is doing," Rusty announced as he leaped from the fence, leaving Smudge up there.

"I'll come with you," the black-and-white tom offered. Rusty turned and stared up at Smudge.

"Okay, I guess you can come," Rusty mewed. He turned and continued walking as Smudge leaped from the fence and scurried after the ginger tom. Rusty guessed Smudge had only offered to come in case he decided to go into the forest.

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