Breezekit's Sadness

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Breezekit woke up to see his father, Crowfeather, walking to him and Nightcloud. Breezekit's amber eyes brightened at the sight of his father while Nightcloud stared at her mate with love. Crowfeather didn't look happy; he looked as if something was on his mind. Crowfeather's eyes looked at Breezekit, staying the same, and Breezekit's eyes went dull slightly.

"You should pay more attention to Breezekit, you know," Nightcloud told Crowfeather. "He might feel as you don't care about him -- or that he's neglected!" Crowfeather let out a sigh.

"I have my warrior duties, Nightcloud," he reminded. "I can't be with you two all day. Onestar would my be pleased with me one bit."

"So? Your son is more important than your warrior duties!" Nightcloud snapped. Breezekit stared up at his parents, guessing they were going to get into a fight. For some reason Crowfeather hardly noticed him at all, making him sad. But one day he would prove that Crowfeather can be proud of him. In fact, he'd be the greatest apprentice and warrior WindClan ever had!

"Breezekit is nearly an apprentice!" Crowfeather hissed. "My duties are part of my reputation in WindClan; Breezekit can wait."

"Are you kidding me?" Nightcloud questioned, her voice turning into a growl. "Do you not care about your own son? I knew it. You still love that stupid medicine cat, Leafpool."

"I don't," Crowfeather replied. "She means nothing to me anymore." He turned and began to walk away and Breezekit felt his heart stop beating. He understood it now; Crowfeather hated him and regretted having him. He meant nothing to his father.

"Ignore him," Nightcloud told Breezekit. "He can be really arrogant sometimes."

"He doesn't love me," Breezekit told his mother. "He hates me and I know it."

"He does," Nightcloud replied. "But don't worry about it too much. One day he will regret it. You just have to make him pay for what he has left you in." Breezekit nodded.

"I'll make sure he does," he meowed darkly. He then saw Heatherkit near him and Nightcloud and the hatred he carried for his father went. Heatherkit looks more beautiful than usual, Breezekit thought as he watched the light brown tabby. Heatherkit was the daughter of Onestar and Whitetail and looked more like her father than mother, although she had the eyes of Whitetail, except they were heather-blue.

"You can go play with Heatherkit if you want," Nightcloud mewed as she noticed Breezekit staring at the she-kit. "There's no harm in mixing with other cats." Nightcloud had never really been noticed in her Clan, the same with Breezekit. Breezekit was already known to be that grumpy cat who got irritated easily. Some cats say he got it from Crowfeather.

Breezekit began to trot over to Heatherkit, who looked at the black tom.

"Hi, Breezekit. Have you heard Squirrelflight has kits -- Jaykit, Hollykit and Lionkit?" Breezekit didn't care about what happened in ThunderClan. It wasn't his time to be happy if it didn't happen in WindClan. Besides, why should he care about some stupid ThunderClan queen's kits? "It's all around the Clan!"

"Good for her," Breezekit mumbled, giving a roll of his amber eyes. "Do you want to continue playing from yesterday?"

"Sorry, but no," Heatherkit replied. "I promised Harekit I'd hang around with him. You can come if you want though." Breezekit shook his head.

"I'll just stay alone then," he replied. Heatherkit gave a shrug and he watched as she began walking over to Harekit. Is Heatherkit trying to avoid me now? he asked himself, feeling slightly sad. Is my whole Clan starting to kick me into the dust? Fear of hardly being taught anything as an apprentice shot through him. Being a warrior meant everything to him and he had to be noticed. Maybe one day they will all pay for ever forgetting about me. . . Breezekit's eyes darkened. He'd show his Clan how much he deserves to be recognised. They'd all regret it sooner or later!

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