Dark Forest Battle ~ Hawkfrost's P.O.V

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WARNING: Contains spoilers for Omen of the Stars: The Last Hope. Do not read unless you've read that book.


A ginger she-cat appeared in my icy-blue gaze's sight. I could remember this cst's name to be Cherrypaw. Her claws became unsheathed and she began to pounce. I waited until she was close enough and then I rolled to the sight, making her miss.

"That's not fair!" the ThunderClan apprentice said as she whipped around.

"This battle wasn't made to be fair," I told Cherrypaw. "Try again if you think you're strong enough."

Cherrypaw once again pounced and I unsheathed my claws. The apprentice looked determined to beat me but I knew I'd win easily. I batted the apprentice away with my paw, causing Cherrypaw to have a cut on her shoulder. She landed with a thud and I began walking over to her.

"Am I not challenged with a worthy opponent? I see not. At least I'll still have the pleasure to end your little life, anyway."

"You won't kill me, will you?" Cherrypaw asked.

"I am a Dark Forest warrior. I kill, not play-fight like a weak scrap like you," I replied.

"I'm not a weak scrap!"

"You are," I said and put my paw at her neck, ready to dig my claws into it. I could smell fear from the apprentice and then I looked up at a shadow. There was my goody little half brother, Brambleclaw.

"Leave Cherrypaw alone. This battle is only for us to deal with," the ThunderClan warrior said.

"You think you can beat me again? I am stronger, Brambleclaw, and you're not," I said and removed my paw from Cherrypaw's neck. Brambleclaw leaped with unsheathed claws and I rolled out of the way. I then pounced onto him.

Dark brown tabby fur began rolling on the ground and my ice-blue eyes were full of the thirst of blood.

"Say hello to StarClan for me, will you?" I told my half brother and held my paw high, ready to aim a death blow. I could tell my father Tigerstar was watching, clearly delighted that I was going to put Brambleclaw out of his misery. Brambleclaw began batting at my belly with his paws but that did nothing.

The next heartbeat as I was about to crash my paw down, pain shot through me and my ice-blue eyes grew wide. Brambleclaw's teeth were dug into my neck. I began to fall to the ground. My breathing grew shallow and my eyes closed, for this was my second and final death. . .

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