Were Happy... Right?

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We're Happy.... Right?

Ash's POV

When I saw Gary's girlfriend walk in I was in complete shock. It was Katherine I haven't seen her in so long but she looked just the way I remembered her. She had beautiful long brown hair and shining Amber eyes, as for her outfit she was wearing a green sweater jacket over a white shirt, she was wearing a sky blue skirt with black knee socks. She looked as beautiful as I remembered (wait what am I saying, I have a girlfriend.)

As I looked at her she had the same shocked expression that I did. I guess she remembered me to.The only thing we managed to say to each other was each other's name. Misty and Gary were shocked we knew each other and had equally shocked faces after an awkward silence,Gary finally spoke "So you guys gonna tell us how you know each other?" "Oh yeah sure." I said wiping away my shocked expression.

We then sat down and started to talk. "So Katherine how do you know Ash?" Misty asked. "Well one day this girl named Claire was bullying me with her Pokemon. No one would help me but then Ash came running up to me and asked the girl to stop. When she saw this she sent out her squirtle and ordered it to use water pulse on me, Ash covered me and took the hit getting him soaking wet. When Claire saw this she returned her squirtle and left. I was hurt real bad and crying hard but then Ash picked me up and carried me back to his house and cleaned me up. After I was cleaned up I told Ash what happened and how he was the only one who protected me, I began to cry again. Ash then hugged me and assured me I would be alright. And we've been friends ever sense."

I noticed Katherine left out the end of the story. The part where I took her to the hills to cheer her up and while we were there we sat close to each other I was still soaking wet from the water pulse but she said I looked cute when I was wet. I blushed at the remark and told her she was pretty too making her blush as well. Then I stared into her beautiful Amber eyes and she stared into mine then she leaned in and kissed me gently on my lips and I kissed her back. Thinking back to this made me blush slightly luckily no one noticed especially Misty she's always been the jealous type.

Katherine POV

As I told the story on how Ash and I met I couldn't help but smile remembering how great Ash is. I chose not to tell Gary and Misty about the kiss Ash and I shared cause I wouldn't want to cause any trouble especially sense Gary can get so jealous.  Still though that kiss Ash and I had was incredible, it was both our firsts and that made it even more special. I always hoped Ash would one day be my boyfriend but.., wait what am I saying Gary's my boyfriend and I'm happy...right?

"Well that's a lovely story." Misty said getting my attention away from my thoughts "Yeah Ash is really nice guy." I said slightly blushing. "So how come you've never mentioned each other to Misty or I?" Gary asked. "Well I guess I just got so caught up in traveling and my gym battles that I forgot to mention her." Ash replied. "Typical Ash." Misty mumbled. "Hey I heard that." Ash replied as I laughed slightly.

"So Gary how did you end up going out with Katherine?" Ash asked. "Well about two months ago when I got home from Sinnoh I was in the forest doing some research on the Pokemon that live in that area and I saw this scared Eevee and I was surprised cause Eevee aren't known to that area seeing how scared it was I decided to help it out and I gave it some food. A few minutes later I saw Katherine come through and she said she was looking for her Eevee, I showed her the one I'd been helping and turns out it was hers. She was very thankful for me returning Eevee and wanted to do something for me to say thanks. Of course by now I've noticed how beautiful she is and I say the only thing she can do for me is agree to go on a date with me, and the rest is history." Gary said putting his arm around me. "Wow that's really sweet, I'm happy for you two." Misty replied. "Thanks Misty, you've got a pretty good guy yourself." I said to Misty. "Oh believe me I know it." Misty said hugging Ash and giving him a quick kiss on his lips.

"Well it's getting late I have to open up the gym in the morning so I should probably get going." Misty said getting up. "Ok it was nice meeting you." I said smiling. "You too." She replied. Ash then got up and kissed her goodnight. With that Misty left. "Yeah I think we should get going to." Gary said signaling me to get up. "Come on Katherine I'll walk ya home." Gary said grabbing my hand.

Just then Pr. Oak came sprinting through the door. "Gary please come quick I need your help with a Pokemon, there's no time to explain!" The professor screamed. "Ok gramps I'm coming!" Gary responded letting go of my hand. "Ash can you do me a favor and walk Katherine home?" Gary asked. "Sure Gary I'd be happy to." Ash responded. "Ok thanks, catch ya guys later." Gary said walking out the door.

Soon after Gary left Ash started to walk me home. I don't live that far away from Ash, it's only about a ten minute walk, for some reason though I wasn't upset that Gary couldn't walk me home. As we were walking I felt a cold breeze causing me to shiver. "Are you cold?" Ash asked. "Yeah a little." I responded hugging myself. "Here you can take my jacket." He said handing me his jacket. "Wow thanks." I responded slightly blushing as I put it on. Luckily Ash didn't notice the blush.

A short walk later

We soon arrived at my house and I gave Ash his jacket back. "Thanks for walking me home Ash." I said handing him his jacket. "No problem, it was good to see you again." Ash responded. "Yeah maybe we'll see each other again." I said looking into Ash's eyes. I continued to stare and I noticed him staring back at me. "Yeah.. I'd like that a lot." Ash responded not breaking the stare. We started to move closer to each other and I leaned in. As I leaned in my front door opened with my mom standing in the doorway. Ash and I quickly separated. "Well Ash it's good to see you again." My mom said. "You too Mrs. Greene." Ash responded. "Well goodnight Katherine." He said to me. "Yeah goodnight Ash see ya." I responded as we both waved goodbye to each other.

I stepped in my house and walked to my room. I can't believe it, were Ash and I having a moment, was he about to kiss me? No way that can't be he's with Misty and I'm with Gary. And we're both happy.... Right?

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