Facing The Truth

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Facing The Truth

Katherine POV

I woke up and noticed Ash was still asleep. I also noticed his arm was still wrapped around me. I smiled seeing this. I just feel so safe with Ash, like nothing is going to happen to me when I'm with him. My smile got even bigger as I thought about him. Why can't I be his girlfriend, why does he have to be date Serena.

My thoughts were interrupted as I saw Ash's eyes began to open. He fully opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Morning Katherine." He yawned. "Good morning Ash." I replied still smiling. "What time is it?" Ash asked still half asleep. I sat up and looked at the clock. "Oh it's only... Oh my Gosh it's almost noon!" I yelled shocked. Ash jumped up. "Oh my gosh I can't believe we both overslept." Ash said shocked as I was.

We both got ready as fast as we could. I was rushing so much I didn't even get to brush my hair properly. We finished getting ready and ran out our room and found Dani and Lauren. "We'll look who's finally up." Lauren said scolding Ash and I. "Sorry, we just overslept." I said upset with myself. "Yeah, real sorry guys." Ash added rubbing the back of his head. "It's ok, now come on let's get back to Pallet." Dani said leading us.

We got in the van and headed back home. We reached my house and started unloading our stuff. Thankfully Ash was here to help us and we finished rather quick. Lauren then tipped the van driver, he said thank you and drove away. "Thanks for the help Ash." I said smiling. "No problem." He replied. "You wanna come inside and hang out for a little while?" I asked. "Thanks but I can't Serena says she's feeling better and wants to hang out." He answered. My smilie turned into a frown as I heard this. "Oh... Ok, see you later Ash." I said trying not to sound upset. "See you later Katherine thanks for a great night." Ash said hugging me. Him hugging me made me forget I was upset and I started to blush. Ash broke our hug and started to head towards his house. What I wouldn't give to be his.

As I lost sight of Ash I headed inside my house and found Lauren and Dani in the kitchen. "I guess someone was having a good night last night." Dani said. "Well yeah the show went great, of course it was a good night." I replied. "So you're saying this had nothing to do with it." Dani said holding up her phone. Oh my gosh that's a picture of Ash and I sleeping together. "Why do you have that?" I asked shocked at what I saw. "Well you see it was getting late and Dani and I were going to get you two up  it when we opened the door we saw Ash holding you and the two of you still sound asleep and we figured you'd want something to remember the night, so Dani took a picture." Lauren said smiling.

I stood there still shocked at what I just heard. "Don't worry, Katherine all our fans think you two are cute together." Lauren added. "What! You put this on our Instagram, what were you thinking!?" I yelled. "Relax, I was just joking." Lauren said calming me down. "Oh ok, just don't scare me like that, I don't need the whole world knowing I love Ash." I said calm now. "Don't worry, we'd never do that. I am sending this to Ash though." Dani said typing on her phone. "Wait, no don't." I said trying to stop her. "Come on he seemed to enjoy it to, so why not show him this." Lauren said stopping me from reaching Dani. "Alright it's sent." Dani said smiling. "Oh my gosh, no." I said banging my head on the kitchen table. "Come on just relax, what's the worst that can happen, it came from me so if worst comes to worse I'll take the blame." Dani said lifting my head up. I smiled at her. "Yeah, you're right what's the worst that could happen." I said.


"I'm glad you could come over Ash, I'm sorry I couldn't go to the concert with you." Serena said. "It's alright, I'm just glad you're feeling better." I replied giving her a smile. "How was the concert?" Serena asked. "It was awesome there all really talented, I'd love for you to see them perform sometime." I answered excited. Serena was about to say something but she was interrupted by my phone vibrating. "I'm sorry about this." I said pulling out my phone. I opened up the text. It read:

Katherine says thank you for a great night :)

Under the text was a picture of when Katherine and I were sleeping with my arm wrapped around her. I smiled as I looked at the picture and blushed slightly. I didn't notice her moving but I saw Serena right next to me looking at the picture. "What, what is this!" Serena yelled upset. "Oh it's nothing." I said waving my hands in front of myself. "Ash, you're blushing, so it's clearly not nothing. Tell me are you cheating on me?" Serena asked getting more upset. "No, it's nothing, please believe me Serena." I said trying to calm her down.

"Ash, I just need to know one thing." Serena said still upset. "Sure anything." I responded giving Serena a reassuring smile. "Who do you love me or Katherine?" Serena asked. I didn't know what to say, I was going to say I love Serena but I couldn't cause I felt like I'd be lying then. Why though do I love Katherine, is she the one I want to be with, I don't know.

Me not answering caused Serena to cry slightly. "I need to go." Serena said beginning to cry more and she ran out the door. "Serena wait!" I yelled running after her. But I was to slow she was already to far out of reach. Even if I caught her what would I say, I hate to see her so upset but I don't want to lie either. I think I just have to face facts that I do love Katherine, but I never wanted to hurt Serena either. What do I do now.

A/N: I know I haven't updated that much recently and I'm very sorry about that. I also know this chapter isn't the best, but I have a good idea for the finale which will be coming up soon so please bear with me. Anyways until next time, stay beautiful PokeFans.

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