Unfair Battle

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Unfair Battle

Misty POV

I have to find Ash and make sure he's ok. I hope Gary didn't do anything to bad. I ran around Pallet Town until I found him with some of his Pokemon. I ran up and hugged him. "Oh my gosh Ash, I'm so glad you're ok!" I said happily. "What, Misty, what are you doing?" Ash asked confused. I let go of him and said "Well its just I thought you might be hurt." Ash looked at me confused. "Wait, how did you know I was hurt."

"Well, I ran into Gary and he said that you were gonna pay for something." I said being sure not to mention that it was my fault. "Wait, Gary did that to me and Pikachu?" Ash asked getting mad. "Yeah, I guess." I answered. "Well then, I guess I'm gonna go see Gary." He replied sternly.

Ash left with Pikachu before I could say anything else. What have I done, I hope Ash doesn't get hurt again. But at least he didn't know I had anything to do with it.


I can't believe Gary's the one who did that to me! I thought we were friends but I guess not. I've got to go settle this. Pikachu and I ran and found Gary at the lab. I ran up to him. "Gary, we need to talk!" I yelled angrily. He turned around and was shocked at first, but his shocked face turned into an angry one as he saw me.

"Ash, what are you doing here?" He yelled. "Why the heck did you hurt me and Pikachu like that!?" I asked mad. "Oh, so you don't remember, it's cause you trying to steal my girlfriend from me!" He answered equally mad. "What, why would I do that, I'm with Serena!" I replied confused but still mad. "Look Ash, I know you're just gonna deny it, so what do ya say we settle this." Gary said still mad.

I didn't respond for a second but finally spoke. "Ok what'd you have in mind?" I asked. "Well, I say we have a battle, 3 on 3 no substitutions." Gary answered. "And if I win, you stay away from Katherine forever!" He added. "And if I win?" I asked. "Well, if by some miracle you actually win I won't hurt you anymore and I'll drop the whole you and Katherine thing." Gary replied. Dang what an ego. "That doesn't seem fair to me!" I yelled. "Fine, but if you don't accept, then your beatings might just become for frequent, for you and your Pokemon." Gary replied giving an evil smile.

I didn't want to accept but what choice do I have, I can't put my Pokemon through that. "Ok fine, I accept." I said. "Alright good, and since I'm such a nice guy, you can pick any three Pokemon you want." Gary responded. "Gee thanks." I said sarcastically. I thought for a moment about who I wanted and I decided. "Alright I choose Pikachu, Infernape, and Sceptile." The three Pokemon I chose then came over to my side. "

"Alright guys, let's do this!" I said pumping my fist. They all nodded. "Alright Ash if you're done with failure of a team, let me show you some real Pokemon." Gary said getting his pokeballs. "Alright Blastoise, Umbreon, Electivire, let's go!" Gary yelled sending out his Pokemon.

Gary and I both gave each other serious glares. "Alright on the count of three, we both send out our first Pokemon." Gary said. I nodded in agreement. "Alright, 1... 2... 3!" Gary yelled. "Go Sceptile!" I said choosing my Pokemon. "Go Umbreon!" Gary yelled sending out his Pokemon. We both were silent for a moment until Gary broke the silence. "Let's go!" Gary said sternly.

"Sceptile use leaf blade!" Sceptile's leafs on its arms then glowed as it attacked. "Dodge Umbreon, then shadow ball!" As Gary said that Umbreon jumped up and fired its attack hitting Sceptile. Sceptile was knocked back but appeared to be alright. "Now Umbreon, skull bash!" Umbreon then launched itself towards Sceptile. "Sceptile intercept with leaf storm!" I ordered as Sceptile summoned a barrage of leafs and fired them at Umbreon, knocking it out.

"Alright Sceptile, nice work." I said praising my Pokemon. "Good work Umbreon, return." Gary said returning his Pokemon. "Don't be so happy Ash, this battle's far from over!" Gary yelled serious. "Go Electivire!" Gary yelled sending out his second Pokemon. "Alright let's go!" We said in unison.

Katherine POV

"Alright that sounds great." I said happily to my friends. "Yeah we're do awesome at the show." Dani said excited. "Alright now let's work on that new song." I said getting ready.


I fell to the ground at the sound. "Are you ok Katherine?" Lauren asked offering me a hand. "Yeah I'm fine, but what was that?" I said confused. "Let's check it out." Dani said. We walked outside and heard a loud scream that sounded like it came from a Pokemon. "That came from the lab." I said pointing in the labs direction. "Come on!" I said running. Dani and Lauren followed behind.

I arrived at the lab while Dani and Lauren were still catching up. I heard noises coming from the back yard and immediately ran there. I reached the back and saw Gary and Ash battling, but it didn't seem like a friendly battle. They both seemed very serious about it. "Alright Ash we each have one Pokemon left, time for me to finish this!" Gary yelled. "Go Blastoise!" Gary said sending out his Pokemon. "Alright let's go Pikachu!" Ash said sending in Pikachu.

I stayed unseen as the battle started. Dani and Lauren caught up with me and were standing next to me now. "What's going on?" Dani asked. "Ash and Gary are battling but there's something wrong, it seems to be more than a friendly match." I answered.

We continued to watch the battle. "Pikachu finish this with volt tackle!" Ash ordered as Pikachu became surrounded in lighting and ran towards Blastoise. "Blastoise intercept with skull bash!" Gary ordered. The two Pokemon then clashed into each other creating a big smoke cloud.

Both Ash and Gary looked slightly worried as the smoke cleared. The smoke fully cleared and Blastoise stood panting. Pikachu on the other hand was on the ground fainted. "Ha, I told you Ash, now remember you stay away from Katherine forever!" Gary yelled to Ash who was clearly upset about the lose.

"Wait, what!" I yelled revealing myself. "Katherine! What are you doing here?" Gary asked nervously. "Lauren, Dani, and I heard your and Ash's battle and we came over, but what's this about Ash staying away from me?" I asked confused. "Look Katherine, I just don't want Ash to get in between us, so we had a battle and since he lost he can't see you anymore." Gary explained. "What do you mean get in between us?" I asked still confused. "Look I'm just doing this for us, you think I'm just gonna let Ash steal you away from me, no he had to pay."

I'm so confused on why Gary is mad at Ash, wait a minute. "Wait were you the one who attacked Ash?" I asked getting mad. Gary stayed quiet for a moment then finally spoke. "Well you see I saw Ash was trying to steal you, so I just thought I'd teach him a lesson." "A lesson, nearly killing him is a lesson!" I screamed. Ash stayed silent throughout all this, I can't believe Gary did this. "Come on Katherine I was only doing it for us." Gary replied trying to calm me down.

"Us... Us!" I yelled forcing Gary to step back. "There is no US, anymore were done Gary!" I yelled even louder. "Come on don't be that way." Gary said trying to calm me down again. I just shook my head, I didn't want to be around this dirtbag anymore. "Come on Dani, Lauren, we have to rehearse." I said calling my friends over. And with that we left.

"You alright?" Dani asked concerned. "Yeah, I'll be fine, I'm just probably gonna be upset for a little while." I answered. "Well don't worry we'll be here for you." Lauren said smiling. I smiled back as we walked back to my house and got back to practicing for our concert.


I was shocked as I saw Pikachu lay fainted on the ground. But then I saw Katherine running towards Gary. She was yelling a lot at him she clearly didn't appreciate what Gary did for "them" apparently. I just stayed quiet not wanting to get involved between the two of them. Katherine ended up breaking up with Gary and as she left, he began to grow sad. He returned his Pokemon and walked away without saying a word. I picked up Pikachu and said goodbye to my other Pokemon and headed home. I just hope Katherine's ok. I have to admit though, she looks kinda cute when she's mad.

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