Friends Reunited

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Friends Reunited


I woke up on Katherine's couch and I really don't remember what happened. Katherine said someone attacked me but I can't remember who. I can't believe all Katherine did for me though, she's just so kind and caring. "Thanks Katherine, you're a great friend." I said thankfully. I noticed after I said this Katherine seemed to get upset. I asked what's wrong. "I think I might've found a guy I love and I'm not sure what to do cause I'm still with Gary and I'm not sure if he's interested in me." She said.

Who could she be talking about, me? No, she couldn't. I thought for a moment about what Katherine said. "Well if you feel that way maybe you should just tell him how you feel." I responded. I heard Katherine say something but I couldn't make out what she said. I asked what she said, but she seemed to want to change the subject as she walked into the kitchen. What could have her feeling this way, she's always told me what's wrong, could I have done something, I don't know maybe I'm just over thinking this.

Katherine returned from the kitchen with a sandwich on a plate. "Here Ash, I hope you like it." Katherine said handing me the plate. I took a bite, I was really hungry so I finished the whole thing pretty fast. "I guess you liked it." Katherine chuckled. "It was great." I responded smiling.

"So Katherine, I hear Dani and Lauren are coming back tomorrow." I said. "Yeah, they'll be here around 10 tomorrow and then we're gonna get back to the band." She responded. "Wow, I'd love to hear you guys perform sometime." I said smiling. "Well you're more than welcome to watch us during one of our rehearsals." She responded also smiling.

We continued to talk. I don't know what it is about Katherine but I just feel so happy around her. She's just so kind, funny, caring. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a vibration in my pocket. I reached in and got my phone out. It was Serena, she had apparently sent me a lot of messages, but I just got them now. I felt bad Serena must've been worried, so I texted her saying I'd meet her and explain everything.

"I better go, Serena's worried." I said getting up. "Oh... Ok, see you later." Katherine responded. "Hey thanks again for everything, Pikachu and I really can't thank you enough." I said hugging Katherine. "Oh, it was nothing Ash." Katherine responded. We broke the hug and I was off to meet Serena.

Katherine POV

Ash and I were having a great time together, but then Ash got a text from Serena. She must be really worried about Ash. But I got really upset when Ash said he had to go meet her. Why can't I just be happy for Ash, Serena is a really nice girl and I'm still with Gary... I guess. But I just can't help it, there's something about Ash I just can't get over from.

Ash got up to leave and thanked me again for helping him out. Then he hugged me, I felt so warm when he brought me close to him and I was blushing like crazy. Ash then left to go meet up with Serena. I really can't wait till Lauren and Dani get here, they'll be able to help me with this.

The Next Morning

I got up early and got ready for Dani and Lauren to get here. I can't wait it's been so long sense I've seen them. There not just my band mates they're also my best friends. I looked out my window and saw a cab pull up and saw Dani and Lauren get out. I ran out and hugged them.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you guys are finally here!" I screamed excited. "Yeah, it's been to long!" Dani said happily. "It's so good to see you again!" Lauren said equally happy. We walked inside my house and started catching up.

"So how was your guys trip down here?" I asked. "It wasn't to bad." Lauren answered. "Yeah but I'm glad we're finally here." Dani added. "So where's Gary at?" Lauren asked. "Yeah you guys are still dating right?" Dani also asked. "Oh yeah we're still dating... I guess." I answered. "You guess!" Dani and Lauren said in unison. "Well it's just I'm not sure I have feelings for him anymore, I think I have feelings for another guy." I responded nervously.

"Wait, this isn't like that fan boy back in Kalos is it?" Dani asked. "No, I know I have feelings for this guy." I answered. "Well who's the guy?" Lauren asked. "It's... Ash." I answered nervously. "Ash!" My two friends yelled in unison. "Yeah, I don't know what it is I just feel really happy whenever I'm with him." I responded. "Well if you feel that way, why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Dani asked. "I would but there's a problem." I answered putting my head down. "And what's that?" Lauren asked.

"He has a girlfriend." I said slightly sad. "Oh, that's a problem." Dani responded. I got a little sad thinking about this, but Lauren came over and put her arm around me. "Hey don't get upset, the band's back together and we'll be performing soon." She said trying to cheer me up. "Yeah you're right, we have a show in a few weeks, we have to get ready." I said happily. "More like a few days." Dani said. "Wait what!" I yelled shocked. "Well ya see while we were waiting for our cab, we ran into the man who owns the new Viridian City Concert Hall and he said it would be great if a well known band like us could do the first performance there." Dani explained. "We couldn't say no, the man was so kind and he really wants us to be the first performance." Lauren added.

I was shocked, a few days to rehearse a concert. But what can I do, Dani and Lauren already said we'd do it. "Well ok then, we have a a lot of work to do to get ready." I said. "Yeah so let's get started there's no time to lose!" Dani said standing up.

We then walked to my room and started rehearsing our songs. "Wait when's the concert?" I asked. "Four days." Lauren answered. "Right, so there's no time to lose." Dani added. I nodded and we started playing. I'm definitely nervous about this concert, but with friends like Dani and Lauren I know I'll be fine.

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