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Misty POV

I thought at first I might just go right to Gary with the picture and ruin Katherine's relationship. But then I thought of a better idea. I'll show this picture to Katherine and blackmail her to stay away from Ash. Yeah that'll be perfect, I'll get my revenge and get Ash back it's a win-win.

I found Katherine sitting outside playing her guitar. I casually walked up to her. "Hey Katherine." I said smiling. She jumped up when she saw me. "What... What do you want Misty." She replied clearly scared. "Oh relax Katherine I'm not here to hurt you, I just thought I'd show you something." I said pulling out my phone.

I showed Katherine the picture. "What how did you get that?" She asked surprised. "That doesn't matter, the point is I don't think you'll want Gary to this picture, would you?" I asked giving a smile. "What do you want?" Katherine asked still scared. "Well sense you asked, stay away from Ash, if I ever see you with him, Gary will see that picture." I sternly said.

Katherine began to chuckle a bit. "What's so funny?" I asked annoyed. "It's just, Ash already has a new girlfriend." Katherine answered. "What! What's this tramps name?" I asked angry. "It's Serena." She answered. Serena, I knew that girl was no good, she's just a friend he said, I don't like her like that he said. I realized my new mission Katherine was no longer an issue. Serena, Serena must pay.

I left Katherine without saying another word she seemed to be enjoying me so angry. But I can't worry about that now, Serena, she's gonna get for getting in between me and my Ash.

Katherine POV

I was so scared when I saw Misty, I thought she came here to hurt me again. But no she had a picture of Ash and I together. I know if Gary ever were to see that especially after our fight, he'd never forgive me. But I found a way to get some pleasure out of the situation. I started laughing. She asked why and I told her about Serena. I have to admit I'm upset about Serena too but seeing Misty get annoyed and angry made me forget about that. I will admit though I'd hate to be Serena right now.

Misty POV

I began walking around looking for Serena, but it's hard I have no idea where to look. Luckily though I found her and Ash together in the park playing with there Pokemon. I didn't know what to do, I had to get her away from Ash but how? "That's it." I said to myself walking over to a random person. "Hey, I need you to go over to that boy in the hat and tell him his mom needs him back home right away." I said to the man. "Uhh.. O..K." The man said. He then got up and walked over to Ash.

I saw Ash get up and leave, so it looks like my plan worked. Serena was sitting there alone and I walked up to her. "Hey Serena, I think we need to talk." I said sitting down next to her. "Oh... Hey Misty, what's up?" She asked nervously. "Well it's just I don't think you and Ash are really working out." I said calmly. "I'm sorry Misty but I love Ash and I'm not gonna break up with him." She responded. "Well I don't think that's a good idea, for your sake." I said with my voice growing angry. Serena stood up "Look Misty, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna break up with Ash just cause you can't move on." She said trying to act tough.

I saw Ash coming back. "Look Ash's coming back, if you care about your safety, you won't mention that I spoke to you." I said sternly. Serena nodded in agreement. And with that I ran off, not letting Ash see me. It looks like if I want Ash back I'll have to get a bit more creative.

Serena POV

I felt so scared when Misty came up to me, Ash told me what she did to his friend Katherine and she wasn't even dating him. I'm scared what she'll do to me if I say anything. I see Ash coming my way and I fake a smile not wanting to worry Ash. "Hey Ash, what did your mom want?" I asked trying to forget about Misty. "She said she didn't need me for anything." He answered. "Well that's  weird that guy said she needed you." I responded. Ash just shrugged it off.

Ash and I decided to go for a walk. During our walk, we passed a lake, it reminded me of Misty. I tensed up, imagining what she might do to me. "Is everything alright?" Ash asked concerned. I couldn't tell Ash what happened, I'm too afraid of what Misty will do to me. I faked a smile and just said "Yeah, Ash I'm fine." Why can't Misty just move on Ash is mine now and I don't intend to let him go.

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