Return Of An Old Friend

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Return of an old friend


"Ash do you love me?" Katherine asked. Oh my gosh Misty must've told her what I said last night. What do I do she's still dating Gary and I don't want to ruin there relationship. What to do, what to do. "Well um..." I said not knowing what to say next. "Well you see Katherine." I said but was interrupted by my mom walking in the door.

"Oh hello Katherine." She said surprised to see her there. She then looked at me and said "Ash there's a girl outside, she said her name was... Serena." My mom said. What Serena's here, why is she here. As I thought this I saw her walk through the door. "Hi Ash, nice to see you again!" She said excited. "Well I'll get out of your guys hair." My mom said leaving the room.

"What are you doing here Serena?" I asked confused. "Well I had a champions showcase in Viridian City and sense it's over I'd thought I'd come and visit." She answered. "Oh, well ok, nice to see ya." I said. "Who's this?" Serena asked. "Oh, this is my friend Katherine." I answered pointing at Katherine. "Nice to meet you." Serena said extending a hand. "Nice to meet you too." Katherine answered shaking Serena's hand.

"So Serena, how'd you do in your showcase?" I asked Serena. "Oh, I lost, but I can't complain my Pokemon worked really hard." She answered smiling slightly. "You wanna see what I did for my performance?" Serena asked. "Sure I'd love too!" I answered excitingly. Serena smiled at my answer. "Katherine, you wanna come?" I offered. "Uhh, sure." She answered. And we all walked to the back yard.

Serena POV

I couldn't wait to spend some alone time with Ash, or I thought it would be alone time until he invited that Katherine girl. Who is she, is she his girlfriend, no cant be he's with Misty. Yeah Misty, the girl that stopped Ash from being mine. We walked outside and I sent out my pancham and braixen as we started our performance.

(I couldn't think of a performance, so minor time skip.)

My Pokemon and I finished our performance. As we took our bow both Ash and Katherine gave a huge applause. "Thank you, great job pancham, braixen." I said hugging my Pokemon. "Wow Serena, that was great!" Ash said coming up to me. "Yeah Pokemon showcases seem really cool." Katherine added. "Thanks both of you, Ash I was wondering if you could show me around Pallet Town?" I asked Ash. "Oh uh Katherine, you alright if I show Serena around?" Ash asked Katherine. "Oh yeah, I think I'm gonna go see Gary." She answered. "Ok then let's go Serena." Ash said signaling me to follow.

Ash and I walked close together as he showed me around. "So Ash how's Misty?" I asked making conversation. Ash put his head down as I said that. "Is something wrong Ash?" I asked concerned. "It's just... We're on a break." He answered. "Oh I'm sorry, that's too bad." I said. I have to admit though I was slightly happy to hear that, Ash was finally free maybe now I'll get my chance with him. "It's ok, sometimes people just aren't who you think they are." Ash responded trying not to act sad.

"You know Serena, I never told you how great it was to travel with you." Ash said. I blushed at the remark. "Yeah traveling with you was really fun." I responded smiling. We walked up and came across a bench. "Ash I'm tired you think we can sit down for a minute?" I asked. "Sure thing." Ash said sitting beside me.

I wasn't sure what to do now, Ash was single yes, but he just broke up with Misty and he still seems upset about it. But I may never get this chance again. Ash broke my thinking by saying "You know Serena it's been really nice spending the day with you." "Yeah, it's been great day!" I responded smiling.

I found Ash and I staring at each other. I found myself getting lost in his eyes, I couldn't resist, this was my chance. I leaned in fast and kissed him on his lips. At first he was shocked, but after a second he began to embrace it and kissed me back. I couldn't believe it I was finally kissing Ash and it was amazing. As air became an issue we broke the kiss.

I was blushing so much right now and had a huge smile on my face. We stayed silent for a second before Ash spoke "Serena... You wouldn't want to maybe go on a date with me would you?" Ash asked awkwardly. I couldn't believe it Ash Ketchum was asking me on a date, my smile got even bigger. I didn't say anything I just gave Ash a big hug. I finally spoke still hugging him saying "Yes Ash I'd love too!" I then gave Ash a huge kiss.


Spending this day with Serena brought back a lot of good memories from when we traveled together. I got a little upset when she asked about Misty, not so much that we were broken up, but it reminded me that Katherine was still with Gary. We sat down on a bench I looked into her eyes remembering how kind, sweet, and nice Serena was to me during our travels. Next thing I know she kisses me. I admit I was shocked at first but she kissed really good, I kissed her back. She seemed to like it by the way she was blushing. I realized I had to move on from Katherine, she was with Gary and she's happy with him. Without thinking I awkwardly asked her out. She didn't say anything at first but then hugged me and said yes.

We got up from the bench and held hands the rest of the way back to my house, as we walked I noticed Katherine and Gary together smiling. Yeah this is right Katherine and Gary and Serena and I. It's just right this way.

A/N: I know this is a late update but I really wanted to get this chapter out. I've been really excited to introduce Serena into this story and here she is. So until next time PokeFans stay beautiful.

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