I Love You Too

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I Love You Too

Katherine's POV

I can't believe what just happened. Ash Ketchum kissed me, it was just as amazing as the first time. Does this mean he likes me? Is he gonna break up with Misty? So many questions I really need answers to. After the kiss I just ran I didn't want to but I couldn't think of anything better to do, I would never intentionally cause relationship problems for Ash but, oh my gosh I completely forgot, what about Gary what will he think if he finds out about this? No that's just it he can't find out about this. I have to talk to Ash to make sure no one finds out about our kiss. No matter how amazing it was.

The next morning

I quickly got up remembering what I have to. I got dressed quick and was ready to head out but my mom stopped me. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She asked. "Oh I just...gotta go meet someone." I said awkwardly. "Are you going to meet up with Gary?" She asked. "Uhh..yeah I'm going to hang out with Gary." I replied trying to sound believable. "You know I never saw you and Gary together, but that Ash boy he always seemed right for you." She added. I blushed slightly at the remark but quickly remembered what I had to do and quickly ran out the door saying bye to mom.

As I walked out my house I saw Ash running towards me fast. "Katherine I'm glad I found ya... We need to talk.... About last night." He said out of breathe. "Yeah that's what I want to talk to you about to." I replied. Ash caught his breathe and we sat down at a nearby bench and started to talk. "So you wanna explain what happened?" I asked "I don't know, I'm with Misty and I'm happy with her, it's just seeing you there, you looked so beautiful and you were so close I just wasn't thinking straight." He answered. "Well ok I think the same thing happened to me." I replied with my head down. "Hey don't be upset it was my fault it happened, I kissed you first." Ash said trying to cheer me up. "But what now?" I asked. "What do ya mean?" Ash asked confused.

"I mean what about us, what about our relationships yours with Misty and me with Gary?" I asked again. "Well I think we can just keep what happened last night to ourselves and just keep things the way they are, if you're ok with that?" Ash asked. I wasn't ok with that entirely I just feel like I want Ash as more than a friend, was that kiss a sign, I don't know and I don't want to worry about this right now, so I just responded with a "yeah sounds good." Ash began walking away but turned around and asked "I just wanna know, was it good?" I blushed slightly, "As amazing as the first time." I responded. Ash nodded and we waved goodbye. Maybe one day he'll be mine maybe one day.


I'm glad I got that whole kiss thing worked out with Katherine. It's better this way, Misty and Gary will never find out and no one will get hurt. I have to admit though I was happy when she said the kiss was amazing for her as it was for me. I can't think about that though, it's Misty's and I anniversary and I told her I'd do something special for her.

I took a quick cab ride down to Cerulean City and met up with Misty. "Happy Anniversary Misty!" I said handing her a bouquet of flowers. "Oh thanks Ash, happy anniversary." She said hugging me and gave me a quick kiss. Our first stop was lunch at a fancy restaurant. "Wow Ash this place is so nice." Misty said admiring the decor of the restaurant. "Yeah I thought, you'd like it." I responded. I then reached into my pocket and pulled out a small box. "Happy anniversary Misty." I said handing her the box. She then opened the box and pulled out a silver necklace with a blue heart in the center. "Oh Ash it's beautiful, thank you." Misty said admiring her gift. "I'm so glad you like it." I responded. "I love it Ash, but nearly as much as I love you." Misty said hugging me.

After we finished eating, Misty and I walked to a nearby ice cream parlor. We walked in and ordered. "Hello, welcome to Creamy Cerulean, may I take your order?" The clerk asked. "I'll have mint chocolate chip." I answered. "And can I have cookies and cream." Misty added. We got our ice cream and sat down.

"Ash thank you for such a lovely day." Misty said. "Anything for you Misty." I said eating my ice cream. We continued to talk to each other, enjoying each other's company. As it got later we decided to leave and I walked Misty home. We soon reached her house and I led her to the front door.

"Wait here Ash, I have something for you." Misty said walking inside. I waited a few minutes and then Misty came back out with a plate. "Happy anniversary Ash." Misty said handing me the plate. I looked at the plate, it was a plate of heart shaped cookies. "Wow thanks Misty, these look great!" I said taking the plate. Misty began talking again but my mind was lost in the sunset, I started thinking about Katherine and how great times her and I have together, and how happy I am when I'm around her. My mind was snapped back to reality when Misty hugged me and said "I love you Ash." Without thinking I answered "I love you too, Katherine." "Katherine!" Misty screamed releasing me from our hug. "No I meant Misty, I love you too Misty." I said trying to right my wrong. Misty did not seem any less upset, so I just backed away slowly saying "Well I'll see you later, I had a great time today Misty." And with that I walked away not wanting cause any more trouble.

I don't know what I was thinking saying that. I just hope Misty will calm down and not be to mad. Maybe it won't be so bad I thought, yeah everything will be alright, no need to worry.

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