I'm Here For You

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I'm Here For You


Serena and I were walking back to my house and we saw Katherine clearly upset. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Gary and I just had a fight." She answered clearly sad. "Well don't be sad, Gary will calm down and everything will be fine." I said trying to cheer her up. She smiled and said "Yeah you're right thanks." We waved goodbye to each other as Serena and I continued to my house.

I still feel like there's more to Katherine being upset thank just a fight her and Gary had. But what could it be. My thoughts were interrupted by Serena. "Is something wrong Ash?" She asked. "I just feel like Katherine is still upset about something." I answered. "Well, she could just still be upset about her fight with Gary." Serena said. "Yeah I guess." I responded, knowing it's more than that.

"We eventually reached my house and we walked inside. "Hey mom I'm home and Serena's with me!" I yelled. I heard no response, but found a note on a table. It read:

   Had to go shopping, be back soon.

"Oh she's not home." I said to Serena. "Oh well, that's just fine by me." Serena said putting her hands on my shoulders. I brought Serena in close and gazed into her blue eyes. Serena then pulled me in closer and began kissing me. She kisses really good, but something just didn't feel right. I know Katherine is still upset and I need to help her. But I can't exactly just leave Serena.

We continued kissing as if air was no issue at all. But next thing I know my mom walks in on us. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you two were in here." She said shocked. Serena and I both looked at her nervously before Serena finally broke the silence. "Well I should go, bye Ash." Serena said awkwardly, and walking out the door. "Bye Serena, see ya later." I said as she walked out the door.

After Serena left, I quickly ran to my room, not wanting to talk to my mom after that incident. I was still worried about Katherine though. I waited until my mom went into her room and I quickly left the house, looking for Katherine.

Katherine POV

I'm still feeling upset about the whole Ash thing. So I decided to grab my guitar and head to the hills to try and forget about the whole situation. I started playing my guitar trying to find a good melody. But I looked up and found myself staring at the sunset. I started thinking about Ash and how cute, nice, and dreamy he is. I blushed and smiled so much at my thoughts.

My smile quickly turned to a frown, remembering how Ash was with Serena.  I began to cry a little especially sense I know Gary is still mad at me from before. I covered my face with my hands not wanting to look at the sunset anymore.

I heard footsteps coming, I got scared, fearing it may be a wild Pokemon. My fears were turned to happiness as I saw it was Ash coming through the trees. I quickly wiped my eyes not wanting to know I was crying. "Hey Ash, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I was actually looking for you, is everything alright?" Ash asked concerned. "Yeah of course!" I answered trying to act happy.

"You're not fooling me Katherine, I know something's up, so please just tell me." Ash insisted. "I'm sorry Ash, I can't tell you." I said keeping my head down. "Come on please Katherine, I want to help you." Ash pleaded. "I'm sorry Ash, you can't help me this time." I responded. "Ok fine then deal with this yourself!" Ash yelled clearly angry. Ash began to walk away angrily. I never meant for this to happen, I know Ash just wants to help, but I can't let him know.

I began to cry, feeling bad for getting Ash mad. I covered my eyes not wanting to see anything. I lifted my head up after feeling something touch my shoulder. It was Ash, he wrapped his arm around me pulling me close. "It's ok, Katherine, you don't have to tell me." He said trying to make me feel better. "But I thought, you were mad at me?" I said fighting tears. "I was but I want to help you and getting mad isn't gonna do that." He answered smiling at me. "Thanks Ash!" I said hugging him. "Come on how bout I take ya home, a good nights sleep will do you some good." Ash responded offering me his hand. I took it as he helped me get up.  And we began walking back to my house.

Misty's POV

I want to apologize to Ash, I'll get my revenge on Katherine later. But I want to get Ash back I even made him a plate of cookies to say I'm sorry. I was walking to Ash's house but I saw him walking through the woods... With Katherine. Well Gary's not gonna like this. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the two walking together. Let's see how she likes it.

A/N: I would like to thank CimfandirectionerXOX for the idea for this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and until next time PokeFans stay beautiful.

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