Chapter 6:

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*WARNING* Contains language oops.



"Mikey," I whine, poking him in the lower back as he's pouring cereal. It's early morning in Australia and we were at a rented house because my dad was on a short break to do a couple interviews here and there. Michael's hand moves in shock, causing the box to fall and dump all contents into the bowl.

"Damn you, Jade Elizabeth," He curses at me, sighing.

"I'm just a child, you're not allowed to use such language around me," I tauntingly say, bringing myself on the counter that seperates me from Michael. I sway my legs and look and him with a smirk.

"What did you have for breakfast? A bowl of sugar?" He ends up pouring the excess back into the box and taking it to the table where the milk is at.

"I got up at around six and made three Pop Tarts. Does that count?" I continue to sway my legs.

Michael rolls his eyes and puts the milk back into the fridge after he pours it.

"I gathered you today to talk — by talk I mean complainabout Michael Clifford," I jump off the counter, strolling casually to where he sat.

"Here we go again," He groans.

"See, Mikey told me precisely one month ago he'd tell me what he meant when he stated: 'It was hard watching my two best friends fall into an everlasting pit,'" I pretend to read it off my palm. "And he has not gotten to the point."

"Today is the day," Michael says blankly, eating a spoonful of his cereal.

"And he is found guilty!"

"Shush, people are sleeping."

"But, tell me," I pull up a chair next to him and face him. He slightly smiles.

"You can't wait?" Michael's thick accent is soft.

"Nope," I shake my head and pop the P.

"You can't wait until I finish my cereal?"

"Hurry, old wise one."

(Location: ?. Middle 2016, possibly July. Or maybe it's June? 1 year before Luke and Ella start dating)

Michael's POV

A year is enough time to be in love with someone, right? Even if you're loving that person from a distance.

Ella was on her own tour by now for her first album, but that didn't matter. We all still kept in touch. What hurt the most is that every text, FaceTime or teasing Tweet was viewed through her eyes of friendship. You've already guessed my point of view, because my heart is totaled.

Ella and I were probably the closest out of the band, Luke coming in second. Mikayla hogged Calum.

Long distance is harder than I expected. Yeah, it feels similiar with family, but it's different about a girl. I don't even know how to describe it.

I do know that nothing important happened within the past year except the growth of Ella and I's friendship and a couple interviews about or with each other.

They'd ask things like: 'Is she doing good, since she came from a similar background?' Or 'Do you ever give each other advice?' No one ever asked any romantic questions, and I'm glad. I'm not ready for it.

"Michael?" I hear Luke come into the room with an undescribable face on. Talking about hard to describe.

"Are you okay?" I ask as he sits next to me.

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