readers getting involved

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Double update, yay! I hope you're enjoying the book so far!

Anyhow, readers getting involved with your story is by far the most important thing in writing (other than actually writing your book). They are the ones who give feedback and suggestions when you need them.

How to make them involved?

Ask them questions after the chapter, ranging from "How was the chapter?" to "How was your day today?" because when you do this, they feel more welcomed to the story. Maybe not all will comment their opinion, but they will probably appreciate that you asked about their day.

If you're writing a murder mystery, ask "Who do you think murdered the boy?"

If you're writing about a love triangle, ask "Who do you guys think *name* will choose?"

Make friends with your readers too. This is very important because you guys can exchange thoughts and maybe you can help each other with ideas.

This chapter was short, sorry, but thanks for getting us to 11k reads! That's amazing, honestly. You guys are super cool.

If you want, you can leave some tips on how you can get your readers to get involved in the comments section. I'll be reading your lovely tips!


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