How can you go from happy to horny?

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*I'm so sorry for the late update. I've been having to deal with alot of personal problems. :'(((*

Emma Lowe.

It was Friday and we had just been dismissed from school. Today wasn't such a bad day, actually. I mean it wasn't the best day ever, but it was nice.

I talked to Chad and Nikki for a while before heading off to my locker. A person with a black hoodie stood in front of my locker. What the fuck?

"Um..excuse me." I said trying not to sound annoyed.

The person still didn't move. Asshole.

"Um...are you deaf or something?" I said a bit too harshly.

The figure turned around to reveal a grinning Colton. The fucker was grinning.

"Hey, babe." He said. Now he was smirking. Jesus, Colton. How can you go from happy to horny? I mean, I know I'm undeniably sexy, but you don't have to show it all the time.

"Actually, it's pretty easy." I heard a faint voice say. Colton's. Surprise, surprise.

I laughed rather loudly before closing my locker. Colton stared at me in confusion. I laughed even harder.

"Emma Lowe, you sure are something." He chuckled softly before walking out of the entrance doors, me following behind.

"I know, babe. I know." I smirked.


"No fucking fair!" Colton shouted.

After I arrived at his house, we were bored so decided to play Mario Kart. Little did he know, I was a master at Mario Kart. Of course, I wasn't going to let my secret out. He was just going to have to find out.

I winked at him before running down the hallway.

"Wait until I get my hands on you, Lowe." He shouted before chasing me.

I ran around the hallways like there was no tomorrow. Shit, Colton had a huge house. I began to slow down, realizing Colton was no where in sight.

I decided to study his house. Not being the stalkish type, of course. I was just curious about him and his past.

I looked around and noticed family pictures.

One of them caught my eye, An older man resembling Colton and Robert standing next to an older woman who resembled Nikki and Adri. They were standing up with huge grins on their faces. Below them were four kids. The first one looked like Colton. He looked around the age of 12 or 13. Next to him was Nikki, she looked a year younger than him. Beside Nikki was I suppose Robert?

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a weight being added on my body.

"Hey there, Sugarplum." A hyper Colton said while grinning at me.

"Colton, get your ass off of me." I said trying to push him away from me.

"No can do, Princess." He said still grinning.

I was losing breathe. I felt lightheaded.

"Colton Austin Haim!" We both heard a faint yell come from the kitchen.

He jumped up from on top of me and offered his hand. I quickly took it and we both headed towards the voice.

"Yes, mother?" He asked politely.

"Can you go buy me a few things from the grocery store?" His mother asked looking at both of us.

"Sure." I said while Colton said "No."

I looked at him and gave him a warning look.

"Fine." He sighed in defeat.


September 4th, 2015. Friday, 12:19 a.m.
560 words.


Hi, guys! Sorry for such a late update and short suckish chapter.

I'll try to make the next chapter longer and better. :)))

I love you all, Stay Sexy. ;)

     Yours Truly, Ayloni. 💓

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