Love of my life.

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Emma Lowe.

I tossed and turned that night. I couldn't sleep and I didn't know why. I was feeling paranoid. As if someone was...watching me? I was beyond afraid of what could happen to me due to past experiences.

Her eyes felt heavy and she soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

I was in a white room. Alone. No windows, no doors. No anything, actually. It was just a white room.

'Hey, baby.' A voice boomed.

'W-who's there?'

'Your worst nightmare, babe.'

'What the hell?'

The voice burst into laughter.

'Watch your back.' His voice boomed once again.

I was tempted to ask.

'Or what?' I stupidly asked. It was like I was asking for my death sentence.

'Why don't you find out?' I could sense the smirk in his voice.

He burst into laughter once again. His threat didn't make me feel scared. I was scared for Jared and Matty. I was scared for losing my new friends. I was scared that they are going to get hurt because of me.

Minutes passed by, no voice. Just silence. My thoughts were haunting me. I hated being alone with my thoughts. Most times, they scared me. That's why I wanted to make new friends. So they could distract me from my horrible thoughts.

'Watch your back.' Echoed in my mind. All I heard was 'Watch your back.' fading and fading. When it was completely gone, The voice would come back.

I started pulling on my hair repeatedly. I wanted to feel pain. I wanted to feel pain, so badly. I-i was losing my mind.

I woke up sweating. I sat down and just placed my face on top of the palm of my hands. I was scared. I needed to escape this terrible place called planet Earth.

N-no. I can't just leave Matty and Jay alone. They needed me as much as I needed them. I couldn't bare living knowing their hurting because of me.

I quickly checked the time.

It read '4:46'

It wasn't that early, right?

I should take a shower and go for a run. I needed to distract myself from things.

I stripped my clothes off and entered my steamy hot shower. Just the way I liked.

I decided to think about myself.

I had a chirpy happy personality out of my home. I was the best friend you could ever have. I was funny and I wasn't judgemental.

However, inside of my house, I was the complete opposite. I was a depressed suicidal girl. I was diagnosed with depression at age 10. It was a living hell. It hurt even more at such a young age. I was supposed to be happy and live my childhood. I rarely even smiled. I rarely laughed. I would always be alone. I would never enjoy anyone's company, unless it were Jay or Matty. I would piss of people so they wouldn't want to hang out with me.

My depression got even worse when I turned 14. A few months before my birthday, my mother announced she was pregnant. Of course, we all were excited to have another sibling. A few weeks after my birthday, my parents decided to check up on their baby. At that point in my life, I was actually starting to feel better. I was starting to feel happy. On October 27, 2012, my parents go into a car accident. A drunk driver sped into their car and my parent's car flipped over. All were pronounced dead.

As I heard, dead. I lost it. I broke down. I couldn't handle it anymore. I locked myself into the nearest bathroom and just threw myself to the floor. I cried. I just sat on my ass for hours, crying. I decided after a few hours to go out. I thought I was done. I thought wrong. When I saw my brother's puffed eyes, I broke down again. This time in Jay's arms.

"Shhh, baby. They're in a better place now."  Jay said as he stroked my hair. He seemed to always calm me down by doing that.My eyes softened. I felt a bit better. I felt relaxed.

"I'll take her home so she can take a nap." I remember Jay tell Matty.

I didn't see Matt's response, but I'm sure it was a nod or a silent 'yes' because Jay proceeded to take me to the car. We drove in silence as I drifted to sleep.

"Emmy, wake up. We're home." Jay said softly.

"Jay, can you just pick my up and take me home, I'm really tired" I told him pleadingly.

"Of course, Emmy."

I lost my train of thought and realized I was still in the shower. Shit.

I finished my shower and decided to just wear a white t-shirt with grey sweatpants. I wasn't feeling too good today.

I decided to take a short nap considering I still had a few hours before I had to make my way to school.

"Emma!" I heard a yell from a distance.

I turned to see the love of my life. The man of my dreams. He looked at me with a look of passion, love. He rushed over to me and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug and my feet slowly lifted from the groud.

"Colton." I breathed.

Author's Note.

Haha, hate me? ;) Oh yeah, I decided that you guys should use your imagination for the characters. You can use anyone to play as them. Hell, you could even use yourselves. Haha, love you guys. XOXO

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