Damn Cipher

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Hey, I'm Dipper Pines. Just your average everyday highschool nobody. I'm that kid in the back of the class that never gets called on and, at most times, no one knows I even exists. Well, except for the bullies of the school, who make it there job to notice and harass me. Nobody cares when they do, except for my twin sister Mable. She's always there for me and standing up for me, even if that only gets me teased more. You see, Mable is the complete opposite of me. She's cheery and optimistic and popular. In fact, she is one of the most popular girls in the school. Our only similarity, we're both into the same sex. However Mable's only bi while I'm 100% gay. But I haven't even liked someone in about a year so I'm pretty sure I'll be forever alone. That is, until this school year.

(Dipper's pov)
I opened my locker and took out my third period supplies. Sighing, I rearranged my binders until I heard laughing down the hall. Familiar laughter. The hall became full of hushed whispers from the girls as one of the most popular guys in the school came down the hall. 'Bill Cipher' I thought to myself. I stared at him, admiring his appearance. He had fluffy looking blonde hair, soft tan skin, and strikingly yellow eyes. His gold hair fell perfectly over his right eye, giving a cool look. He was truly the hottest guy in school. But, despite his attractive looks, I'm probably the only kid in school who doesn't like him. That's probably because I'm also the only kid in school who's scared of him. I've seen his other side. He is a demon (not literally). When he gets in a fight, he doesn't hold back. Although he doesn't fight without reason, I'm still terrified of him. And he knew it.

As Cipher and his friends passed me, Bill grinned and winked at me, sending me into a cold sweat. Damn I hate him. I growled lightly under my breath as I slammed shut my locker and headed to class. Unfortunately, when I got to class I realized that I had chemistry. And who else was my lab partner but Cipher himself. "Sup Pine Tree~" Bill called as I came over. "tch" I grabbed my chair and dragged it as far away from as possible considering the size of the table. "What? No response?" he hummed, scooting closer. I was starting to feel like a mouse in a snake cage. "Come on, Tree. I don't see why you're so afraid of me!" Bill exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "So you saw me in one fight, big deal. And may I remind you that it was to save your hide!" "First off, I never asked for you to save me, and secondly you didn't have to put those guys in the hospital to save a life as worthless as mine." I shot back, glaring at Bill. His response shocked me. He stood up, grabbed me by my collar, and pulled me to him so that we were face. "Don't you EVER say that you are worthless EVER AGAIN!" he yelled. "You are EXTREMELY important!" I stared at him like a deer in headlights, to terrified and stunned to do anything. And, as if just realizing what he was doing, Bill blushed deeply, quickly put me down and ran out of the classroom. Slowly, I sat down in my chair and stared at the door, as was everyone else. 'What was that about?'

(Bill's pov)
"Dammit!" I punched the door of the bathroom stall open. I can't believe I just did that in the middle of the classroom! "Jeez, I'm such an idiot..." I whispered to myself. I splashed my face water and stared at myself in the mirror. That little stunt probably just made Pine Tree ten times more scared of me. I sighed and sat under the sink, burying my head in my arms. 'Why would such an adorable guy as Dipper think he's worthless? Agh I shouldn't have let my feelings show that much though....' I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the bathroom door closes. "B-bill? Are you in h-here?" a small voice stuttered. "Dipper?" I asked, lifting my head up. Unfortunately, I did it a little too fast 'cause I hit my head hard on the bottom of the sink. A loud squeak came from the small boy in front of me. "B-bill! Are you alright?!" he ran to my side and checked my head. "Yeah I'm fi-" "No you're not!" Dipper cut me off. "What do you mean?" "I mean you're bleeding." I raised my hand to my, feeling where it hit the sink. Upon touching it, I felt wetness and it sorta stung. "Well would you look at that! I am bleeding!" I laughed, earning myself a strange stare from Dipper. "You're insane." "And you're a disco girl." Embarrassed, Dipper glared at me before pulling me to my feet. He's surprisingly strong. "Come on." he mumbled, dragging me towards the door. "Wait where are we going?" I asked. "To the nurse's office. Where else would we go?" he sighed. "But isn't class about to-" *RIIIIIING* "-start..." I finished. Dipper let go of me and spun to face me. "Class can be skipped for the day. YOU need to get that gash in your head cleaned and looked at." Dipper grabbed my arm again and continued dragging me to the nurse's office. 'Isn't this kid supposed to be scared of me?'

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