Pushed Away...?

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(3rd person)
Dipper and Bill made it back to Chemistry class half way through the first period. The teacher was a bit concern with where they were for half an hour, but she let it slide (if only my teachers did that lol). The boys took their seats and listened to the teacher talk, their hands still together.

(Bill's pov)
I smile down lightly at my hand, currently being held by the small brunette named Dipper. He seemed to be comfortable with his hand in mine. Although he was looking at the teacher instead of me, I could tell he didn't want to let go. His grip was tight and he was even struggling to write notes with his left hand. I observed his every action quietly and gave his hand a squeeze. Dipper responded with a light jump and a blush spreading across his face. He looked over at me through the corner of his eye before quickly looking back up front. I smirk at this cute reaction. and turn towards the front myself.

The whole period went by with us like this. By the end of the class we forgot about it and tried going our separate ways only to be slingshot back towards one another. Laughing with a blush across our faces, we (reluctantly) let go of one another's hand. I felt kinda lonely when I let go. Watching for a moment as he walked away, I smiled and turned down the hallway next to me once he was out of sight.

(Dipper's pov)
I walk away from Bill and look down at my right hand, which was just previously intertwined with his. I smile to myself. 'Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought. Maybe Bill isn't as bad as I thought...' I walk like another 2 yards before I feel myself fly into a locker. A piercing pain spiked up my arm as I turned to face whoever pushed me. Who I came face to face with was the one kid who pride himself on being an ass to me. The same kid who Bill nearly killed and sent to the hospital our first year because he saw him beating me. Gideon Gleeful [A/n: in this Gideon is taller than Dipper for the sake of intimidation], as well as his not so intimidating tag along Robbie Valentino. "W-what do y-you want-t Gleeful?" I stuttered. I hate that damn stutter 'cause it makes me sound more terrified than I actually am. Gideon and Robbie laughed at the stutter before grabbing my collar and pulling up so I'd have to stand on my toes. "Saw ya gettin' all cozy with that Cipher fella earlier. And ye see, that's just not allowed. A fag like you and a devil like him ain't allowed to be happy." Gideon pushed back into the lockers and laughed. "W-what the hell Gleeful?!" I shouted at him as I pulled myself off the ground. "How d-does any of th-this affect you?" Finally gaining my balance again, I glare up at him. "Is that a serious question?" Gideon snapped at me, taking an intimidating step forward. "Thanks to you and that bastard I was in the hospital for over a month! He nearly killed me!" During his fit of rage Gideon pushed me back to the ground and Robbie took as step back, looking slightly terrified. Gideon proceeded to loom over me  and delivered a painful kick to my side. Then he leaned down, grabbed my hair, and threatened me. "So listen here Pines. I'm gonna make ya'll pay. If I catch ya two gettin' cozy again it's gonna be Bill in the hospital next time." He smashed my face into the ground before standing straight and marching off.

After a few minutes of lying on the ground, I struggled up and made my way to the nurse's office. I let the wall carry my weight and held my hands to my currently bleeding nose and aching side. The nurse was on break when I got to her office so I unlocked the door myself and went straight to the bathroom in the back. I didn't realize how beat up I was until I actually looked at myself in the mirror. My face was practically covered in blood and my left eye was already turning black and swelling. I sighed and washed off all the blood and blocked any more from leaking. Grabbing two ice packs from the freezer I turned off the lights and lie down on one of the beds. 'What am I supposed to do now? If I go near Bill and Gideon or Robbie sees, he's gonna be in a lot of trouble and might even get seriously injured...' As I think, without realizing, my eyes start overflowing with tears. 'Maybe it'll be best for me to avoid him... I mean, we were fine before we met each other, and it's not like I'm really that important.' The tears begin to stream down my face uncontrollably and my body begins to shake. 'Yeah... this will be best and safest...'

(Bill's pov)

My last class before lunch just finished so I run out of it and down the halls as fast as possible. I have lunch with Dipper after all. I arrive at the cafeteria and begin to search for the small brunette. It took a while but I finally spotted him sitting alone at a table in the back corner of the large room with his hair covering the left side of his face. I shouted out and wave to him. He flinched in response and frantically searched around the room before getting up and speed walking away from me. I put my waving hand down and, hurt, stare at him for a while. I snapped back to reality after a while and chased after me. The crowded halls made it very difficult to follow him since he blended in and was so small compared to most of the people here. I shouted out to him but he ignored me. I got closer to him and was able to grab the sleeve of his hoodie,pulling him to a stop. "Hey Tree, why you running from m-"

"L-let go Bill."  Dipper commanded me, looking away as if he couldn't bare to see me. "What? Why? What's wrong PT?" I tried to look at his face but he turned away and attempted to pull his arm from me. "I said let go Cipher!" His shout surprised me, mostly because he used my last name. "Dipper what's wrong? Why are you acting like this? We were finally getting closer earlier-" "E-earlier was a mist-take! I-I should've never k-k-kissed you!" He shouted, finally looking at with his eye glistening with tears. Feeling like I just got shot in the heart I loosened my grip on him and tears filled my eyes. Dipper let out a light gasp at seeing the tears. "D-Dipp-" He ripped his arm away and ran off before I could even finished saying his name. I stood there looking at the ground as tears rolled down my face like an overflown river.

"W-why Dipper..." I whispered to myself, trying to understand what happened. Trying to understand why Dipper said that. "If it really was a mistake you should've had come to get me earlier at all..."

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