Secret Relations

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(Dipper's pov)
I woke up engulfed with warmth. Strong arms were wrapped tightly around my small body. Golden hair tickle my nose and a warm breath blows on my neck. Bill has me wrapped up tightly as he is scrunched into a ball with his head nuzzled against my neck. I let the taller boy stay like that and I pet his fluffy blonde hair. I have a headaches from all the crying last night and my eyes stung, but I felt calm wrapped up like this. I wish the calmness would've stayed but my mind soon started to make a list of every possible thing that could go wrong. I started panicking and pulled myself away from Bill. I paced around the room for a while, the sun was barely up but my mind was fully awake. I stopped when I heard a light groan from the ground under the window.

I look over to see the golden boy slowly sitting up on the ground. He looked over at me with sleepy eyes. The light from the early morning sun shone through his fluffy bed head hair, making it practically glow. His entire demeanor was completely different than what it was usually. At this moment, he looked so soft and innocent, like a vulnerable little child. It was really cute and sorta calmed me down a bit. I walked over to him and sat next to him. "Morning sleeping beauty." I said quietly , smirking lightly into his drowsy eyes. "Mornin'." Bill responded. he proceeded to stretch out and let out the biggest yawn ever. Like seriously, it should be in like the Guinness Book of World Records or something. "Why are up so freaking early dude?" Bill groaned as he looked out the window at sun barely above the horizon. "I usually get up early for school so it's sorta just programmed into my brain, which hella sucks when I'm tryna sleep in." Bill scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap. "Well why don't we go back to sleep then? I mean it is the weekend." [btw i have no idea what day it's supposed to be here but let's just go with saturday] He nuzzled his head into my neck a lit hum, which actually kinda tickled. "I'd love to sleep more," I respond. "but the weekends is when the janitors do a full sweep of the school to keep it clean." I attempt to push out of his grip but he was holding on surprisingly tight for someone who just woke up. I look  down at him and I'm met with a soft yet passionate gaze.

"Please stay with me? Just a bit longer?" Bill pouted lightly. He brought a hand up to the back of my head and pulled himself up to my face. Our faces were centimeters apart. A deep blush spread across my face as I stared into his eyes. "I, eh um..." I tried to speak but couldn't manage out any words. I tried to look anywhere but at him, only to end up staring at his partially parted lips. The lips slowly turned into a smirk as Bill noticed the direction of my gaze. Our faces then came closer together until his top lip was ever so slightly touching my top lip. My eyes flicker back up to his. He had a questioning look in his eyes as if asking permission to actually kiss me. I answered by closing my eyes and leaning forward into a kiss. Bill lets out a light purr of pleasure as he leans forward and pushes me back so that I'm resting on my elbows. Soft slow kisses slowly move to rough passionate kisses until I could hardly hold myself up. The sensation ran through my entire body, but before anything else could pursue, the sounds of footsteps could be herd approaching from down the hall.

"Mmm, B-bill." I try to get his attention and push off only to end up falling completely onto my back and into another kiss. The footsteps were rapidly getting closer to the room we're in. "B-bill! S-someones, hmm, coming. We, mmm, n-need to stop." I clumsily stutter between kisses. Bill, however, didn't seem to care. I ended up having to push him off and drag myself out from underneath him. Just in time too it seemed, as the sound of keys could be heard from outside the door. We both rushed into a corner in the back of the room as the mystery person came in. We held our breath as they walked around the room. They weren't there for long, but it felt like an eternity. My heart was racing from fear of being caught. As soon as they left though, Bill turned to me, slightly annoyed. "Why did you go and push me like that?" "I h-had to get you o-off of me 'c-cause that person was coming." I responded, thinking that was an obvious answer. "We would've been c-caught otherwise." Bill looked even more annoyed. "Who cares if we get caught? It's not like what we're doing is wrong. you think this wrong?" He sounded hurt as he whispered out the last sentence. "O-of course not!" I shouted. "Then why do you so desperately not want to be found?" "B-because if someone f-found out about us then w-we'd both be in danger..." I looked away from him and my voice faded. My eyes stung slightly as they watered up from thinking of my encounter with Gideon the day prior.  Bill placed a hand on my head and gently ruffled my hair.

"Hey, it's ok. No one is gonna get hurt." Bill gently turned my face towards his and flashed a soft smile. His smile makes me feel a bit better and clams me down. I take a deep breath and smile back at him. "Alright. B-but can you j-just promise you won't tell anyone ab-bout us? For safety?" I beg him. He has a reluctant look in his eyes but nods yes anyways. "But I have one question." "Wh-what is it?" Bill shifted into a more comfortable position and looked at me with a curious smile. "What exactly are we?" I blush lightly at the question and look away. "W-well what exactly d-do you want us t-to be?" I asked bashfully. He pulled my face back towards him again. "Dipper Pines, will you go out with me?" Bill asked shyly in a quiet voice, a light blush dusted his cheeks. My own face heated up and my heart was racing faster than it ever has in my entire life. "Y-yes! Of course I will!" I answer excitedly, jumping forward hugging him and giving him a kiss.


A/n: Hello there! It's been a while! Sorry about the long wait. I hope you'll forgive me, seeing how along with a new chapter, I drew you guys pictures of Bill and Dipper (below) ^3~ Anyways, next chapter will be out sometime in the future, and since summer is near I'll be able to write more~! Until next time loves <3 

 I hope you'll forgive me, seeing how along with a new chapter, I drew you guys pictures of Bill and Dipper (below) ^3~ Anyways, next chapter will be out sometime in the future, and since summer is near I'll be able to write more~! Until next time...

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Falling in Love (Billdip highschool au)Where stories live. Discover now