Round One

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(Bill's pov)
I ran until I got to the woods around Dipper's house. They were dense and had a somewhat calming silence to them. Occasionally I could hear a few birds, or the rustle of some random animal walking near by. There were huge pine trees in every direction, letting only scattered rays of light through. The whole place seemed to glow, and just seemed to have a mystic vibe to it, like a video game forest or some shit. I stumble around the majestic place for a bit longer before tripping over a loose tree root and rolling down a hill. I crash to the ground at the bottom of the hill and sit up to find myself in a huge clearing. There is a huge lake, surrounded by flowers. The feeling it gives off is quite mythical, like something otherworldly. If I didn't have a date right now I would stay here for hours.


(Dipper's pov)
I sat at my table flipping around some cards as I waited for Bill to show up. He was supposed to be here half an hour ago! Feeling slightly disappointed, I got up and started to prepare for his arrival to lift my mood and stay hopeful. I reach up to the cabinets and grab a large bowl. Setting it down on the counter, I grab a few bags of popcorn, chocolate chips, marshmallows, and Doritos. I empty everything into the big bowl and mix it up evenly to make my specialty "Snack Bomb" (this is an actual thing i do so feel free to try it). I then took out a few glasses and filled them with Pitt Cola. Setting everything by the tv, I sprawled out on the carpet and waited once more.

After 15 more minutes of waiting, and almost losing hope, I hear a knock on the back door. Immediately I jumped up and ran towards the door. I was maybe a foot away from it when I tripped over Waddles, Mabel's pig. As he squealed and ran away, I fell face flat on the ground right in front of the door. On the other side of it I could hear someone burst out in hysterical laughter. I could tell it was Bill. Wiping myself off and completely embarrassed, I stood up and opened the door. There, heeled over and laughing, was my, uh, boyfriend.

"Oh sh-shut up you d-dunce." I glared down at the laughing boy in front of me. After a few more seconds, his laughter slowly died down and he stood up to meet my height. Well, almost, since he is slightly taller than me. He smiles at me. "Have a nice fall P-Tree?" As I glare at him, I notice some new injuries on him. "Wh-what happened??" Bill stopped laughing and stroked the scratches on his face and arms. One of them looked particular bad. "Oh nothing really. I had gotten lost on the way and just tripped on a log, hehe." Bill seemed to avoid eye contact with me. He was obviously hiding something, and I didn't like it.

"Well, uh, alright then I guess." I gave him a look, but stepped inside to let him in. He stepped in and looked around. "Wow, I've only ever seen the museum and gift shop before..." A smile crawled across his face as he peered into the kitchen and up the stairwell. He followed me into the living room where I had all the snacks and games set up. "Are you up for a little one on one?" I asked him, plopping on the ground and grabbing a control. A large smirk grew on his face. "Hell fucking yeah." Bill plopped down next to me and grabbed the second controller. "So what we playing?" he asks as I put a game in the consul. "Mortal Combat." I sat back down as the game started up. Before we picked our fighters, Bill leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Hey P-Tree, why don't we make this more interesting?" He smirked and winked at me as my face flushed completely red. "W-w-what do y-you mean?!" "I mean, best out of three. Loser does whatever the other wants, for the rest of the date." Bill had this somewhat daring look in his eye, irking me on. Well, obviously I had to accept. Gotta put his ass in place. "You're on dorito. Not like you're gonna win anyways."


*Finish Him*
With the big red letters on the screen, Scorpion takes down Cassie Cage... and Bill wins by only a few health points. Groaning, I lay my head back onto the couch. I was sure that I was gonna win... Bill turned to me with a hella sly look on his face. "That's three-to-two Pines, y'know what that means~"

"Yeah yeah, just.. don't ask for anything that'll kill me..."

"Gasp! How little you think of me, my beloved!" Bill exclaimed, in quite an overdramatic fashion I must add. A did blush grow slightly on my face when he called me his 'beloved'. I pushed his shoulder lightly as he giggled about his acting. Standing up and brushing myself off, I place my hands on my hips and stare down at him. "So do tell, what must I do now that I've lost." He gave me a sly smirk. He grabbed my hand and tugged me down on top of him. My face burned bright as our faces grew closer together. Bill brought his lips to my ear and whispered, "Make me pancakes."


"U-um, what?"

"You heard me." Bill let go of my wrist and reclined back onto the couch. Confused, and I'll admit a bit disappointed, I stood up and walked to the kitchen. Bill quickly followed me, tugging on my shirt before I could grab a bowl. "W-wha-" "Take your shirt off." I stood silently for a moment, as my mind process what he said. "My sh-shirt?"

"Yeah. Pants too, leave only boxers on." He slowly started pulling up my shirt. I hesitated, about to stop him, but I just let it happen. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as he pulled the shirt over my head. His hands then gravitated to my waist, and started undoing my belt. He looked me in the eyes as gently rested my hands on his. "Too much?" I shook my head and glided my hands up his arms. He continued to take off my pants. I can't lie, it was slightly arousing, having the hottest boy at school undress me. Bill lightly kissed my thigh as he stood back up. He winked at me before walking over to the table and sitting down.

"Alright, now put on an apron and start the pancakes~"

'Damn that was hot'

A/n: Soooo sorry I took a year. My hiatus is now over. But as an apology I republished my old Billdip fic called Unexpected Love. I will also start adding some art in future chapters~

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