Where'd You Go?

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(A/n: wow you guys are needy)

(Dipper's pov)
I stared at Bill for short moment, my face burning red as I fully understood the situation. "Y-y-you j-just kissed me?!?" My words came out more stuttery than usual and sounded more like a question. Bill sat back and looked away, blushing. "Y-yeah. I did." For a long while after we say in silence. It was a little late when Bill opened his mouth to speak. "Dipper I-" "I should go." I cut him off and quickly made my way to the school entrance, my bag on my shoulder, my mind full of air. Behind me i could hear Bill get up and call out for me, but he didn't follow. He just stood there, watching me go. Today was tough and I really needed to clear my head.

By the time I made it home the sky was already a pretty crimson color. Most days I'd admire this beauty but right now the only thing one my mind was Bill's kiss. The feel of his lips still lingured on mine. They were so soft and sweet. I brought my hand up to my lips and softly touched them. 'Gosh what is happening to me???' I shook my head and slapped both sides of my face to snap myself back to reality. Now's not the time to think about this. I still have to explain to Grunkle Stan about why I'm back so late. I entered the house only to be greeted by emptiness. "Mabel! Grunkle Stan! I'm home!" Walking around a bit I waited for a response but only got silence. "Hello?!" I shouted once more but still nothing. "I guess they must've gone out..." In the kitchen I spotted a sparkly flamboyant piece of paper on the counter, obviously a note from Mabel.

'☆~☆Hey Dippy~! Grunkle Stan and I went out to a concert for the night. Would've invited you but I only had one extra ticket and I needed an adult. Sorry~. See ya tomorrow!*♡*'

I threw the note out and grabbed some food before heading up to my room. It didn't bother me that they left me alone. They're always doing it. At least now I don't have to worry about being home so late. Although now I'm stuck with the silence and my thoughts. And as I stretched out on my bed, sleep quickly consumed me.

(Bill's pov)
I watched quietly as Dipper ran off. He headed straight for the school entrance, bag on one shoulder, hand covering his mouth. "Shit Bill! What were you thinking!" I angrily kicked the tree next to me. Not my smartest idea but I didn't really care right now. That stupid kiss I pulled probably just ruined my friendship with Dipper. He probably hates me now. I sat back down beneath the tree. My lips were still warm from the kiss. It may have been a bold move but it was so amazing. And if i didn't know any better I would've said that the cute brunette had kissed back. I wish it could've lasted forever. But the way he ran off right after? Ugh what have I done? My head was rushing with thoughts as I begin low down beneath the tree. It was getting pretty late but I didn't want to go home. I didn't want my brief happiness to be destroyed by that wretched place. I stared up at the crimson sky and let my eyes slowly close.

(Dipper's pov*again*)
I walked into the school building expecting to be greeted by the energetic puppy called Bill Cipher. But to my surprise, Bill was no where in sight. I didn't see him at my locker or his. I continued searching until the first ball sounded. The ringing snapped me back to reality. 'Why am I even looking for that ass? I don't wanna see him!' I hurried off to history and sat down in my seat. My mind wasn't in the class though. It was still wondering where Bill could be. 'Maybe he's avoiding me because I ran off after the kiss yesterday..." I subconsciously touched my lips and smiled at the thought of our lips connecting, the tingling sensation and warmth spreading across them. The softness of Bill's red plush lip-. *WHACK* "Snap out of it Dipper!" I shouted, slapping both sides of my face and startling my poor history teacher. I quickly apologized and stared out the window, letting my mind consume me.

As the day went by the absence of Cipher's presence started to become worrying. The alarm level really maxed when chemistry started and the seat next to me was vacant. It wasn't like him to be gone with out any warning. He'd usually call me or send some annoying text if he wasn't gonna be in school. He should've at least talked to someone else in the school but every seemed just as clueless as I was. Excusing myself for the bathroom, I decided to look around for him. He wasn't in the bathrooms, not the changing rooms 'thank God for that', or the nurse's office. The last place I thought to chech was the roof, a place where I myself tend to hang. The roof was a quiet place few people ever went to. I stood up there and stared around the school yard seeing if I could spot the blonde. I was close to giving yup when I spotted a golden tuff of hair just beyond one of the trees from yesterday. Of course he'd be in the one spot I forgot existed. I quickly made my way down from the roof and across the school yard, sneaking past the security guards.

I stood over the golden boy, who I discovered was asleep. I smiled down at him. He seemed so at peace that part of me felt bad about having to wake him. After a moment of thought I took a pic of the sleeping boy, just as a uh friend thing. Yeah, friend thing. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I poked Bill's cheecks. 'So squishy~" I was so entertained by the squishyness of his cheeks that I didn't even noticed when he woke up with an annoyed expression that quickly turned to one of amusement. "Having fun there stranger?" Bill spoke after staying quiet for a few more minutes. Startled, I fell back onto my bum and my face flushed pink. "B-B-Bill! I-I didn't n-notice y-you wake!" Bill just laughed and sat himself up against the tree. "Haha it's fine PT~! That was probably the most pleasant wake up ever." Bill laughed. I watched him for a moment before realizing that he was in the same clothes as yesterday.

"H-hey Cipher? D-did you sleep h-here?" I asked him, looking at his messy (and some what erotic) bed hair full of leaves. Bill flinched at the sudden question and became flustered. "I uh possibly did? Not that it's important or anything. It wouldn't be the first time I did." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. He seemed off, like he was hiding something, but I respected my boundaries and didn't push. "Ok-kay then C-Cipher." I stood up and stretched my hand out to him. "C-come now. W-we have s-some chemistry to d-do." Bill went to take my had but became momentarily flustered. "C-c-chemistry?!?" he exclaimed. "Y-yeah. You know. Chem c-class. L-labs. O-other school st-stuff." Bill seemed relieved by my explanation and happily took my hand and we headed back to the school building. Thank God chem was double period. I did not want to miss the notes. But secretly I can say I just wanted to able to sit next to Bill for a bit. Next to the boy who was still holding my hand. The boy who, just the prior day, had stolen my first kiss.

A/n: Whaaattt???? Two updates in one week??? lol you're welcome you needy babys~! You guys are so cute. Thanks for liking my story and begging for more, the day i update. Next chapter will be out sometime in the future. So, until next time my darlings:





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