Unforgettable Meal

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(As promised, a drawing at the end of the chapter)

Bill watches calmly as Dipper made his pancakes, half nude. He looked him up and down, memorizing every detail he could. Every muscle, the way they moved as he mixes the batter together, moving like waves across his skin. His face grew as red as a rose when Dipper was no longer facing him. He never actually expected the sweet and innocent boy he was oh so found of to actually strip down to his boxers?! This was embarrassing even for him. Yet, he found this quite enticing. He's seeing a new, alluring side of the smaller boy, and he can't get enough of it. 

Dipper hums away as he stars pouring the pancake mix onto the greased pan. He could feel Bill's eyes burning into his bare back. And oddly enough, he wasn't even that embarrassed. I mean, yeah ok, being near naked in front of the guy you are barely able to admit is your boyfriend is embarrassing, but Dipper could've sworn he saw a dark red blush covering Cipher's face out of the corner of his eye, and that alone was empowering him. Strange ideas started flooding to Dipper's head after that. He began moving in quite sultry ways. He'd sway his hips a smidge more as he walked, sticking his ass up high whenever he "accidentally" dropped something, gliding his hand up his side as he stood back up, anything to get a reaction out of Bill. And it would work wonderfully~. The first time he stuck his ass up was very sudden and out of nowhere, Bill nearly fell out his chair at the damn sight of it.

Dipper finished the pancakes and stacked them up neatly on a plate before sauntering them over to the table, where Bill was quickly trying to hide is blush by chugging a glass of water. Dipper smiled lightly to himself. 'Cute,,' He grabbed an extra plate and the syrup before siting across from the golden haired boy. "Dig in~" he cooed.

(Bill's pov)
Oh. My. Fucking. GOD. This boy, this brown haired, scrawny, adorable boy, is fucking murder on my poor heart. I watch him sway his waist and bend over to pick things up, and I'm mesmerized. As he saunters over to the table with the pancakes and I have to chug my water just to calm myself down. I can't let him think has the upper hand on me otherwise he'll make me shyer than he is! I squeak out a thanks as he lays the food in front of me. He sits down across from me, stacks like four pancales on his plate, and douses it in syrup.

"Hey Pines, you sure you can eat all that? Those pancakes are huge." Dipper didn't say anything in response. Instead, he took his fork, rolled up the first pancake, and brought it up to his mouth. I watched cautiously, as his eyes were full of mischief. Dipper tilts the pancake, letting some syrup start to spill out, only to let it drip on his hands so he can slowly lick it up. At this point I have let my mind wander and I am mesmerized by his actions. I shuffle my legs and can just feel my face burning.

He seems to have noticed 'cause a smirk grew across his face and his eyes smiled. And then he stuck out his tongue, slowly licked the tip of the pancake roll, and stuck like most of it cleanly in to his mouth before biting down and eating it. "Yeah, I think I can finish all these just fine" 'This boy will be the death of me.'

I pull my eyes away and direct my attention to my own stack. I also have four big ass pancakes, and I drizzle them all with syrup even though I know I'll eat maybe two. I try really hard to focus on my food but the scene that had just unfolded in front of me was playing on repeat in my mind. The syrup dripping onto him, the way he licked it, and then shoving this huge thing into what I thought was going to be a small mouth... There was a tightness between my legs and I knew this was going to be trouble.

(Dipper's pov)
My head is spinning. I can't believe I just did that. I have no idea where this surge of confidence came from, but seeing Bill squirm is giving me so much pleasure. It completely over weighs the intense amount of embarrassment. Although, I did almost choke on the pancake while shoving it down my throat. I wasn't even aware I could fit that much in my mouth, I just knew it would pull a reaction out of the tall blonde.

As we continue to eat our respective stacks, I can see Bill blushing and squirming in his seat. He has barely eaten half of his first pancake and I'm already done with two, so I'm sorta worried. "Hey Bill? You okay?" I stand up and lean over the table so I can look at his face more clearly. Bill immediately reddened and his hands snapped between his legs. 'Weird..'

"Y-yeah Dippy, I'm fine." he choked up, looking away towards the ground. "Don't believe you"

His head shot back up as I pushed aside my chair and walked around the table. I turn his chair towards me and lean over him so that our faces are almost touching. His breath hitches and his eyes flicker down for a quick moment before he looks back at up at me. I follow his gaze to see his hands between his thighs. 'Did he burn his hand on the pancakes?! Why is he hiding them?' I grab both of his wrists and pull his hands up to look at them, and he let's out gasp. And then I see it. Visible between the gaps of his hands. His skinny jeans bunching up at the crouch.



'OMGHSNKSOSKSOPA' I drop his hands and jump backwards as my face flushes red. Bill snaps his hands back down and looks away. An air of awkward silence settles. The only audible sound is the blonde shuffling his legs. An idea suddenly came to mind, a terrible yet perfect idea. I slowly slink to the floor, onto my hands and knees. Bill doesn't seem to notice me crawling towards him until I'm at his feet and touching his leg.

"Th-the bet is st-still on,," I manage to squeak, "s-so can I h-help you with anything else, m-master. "

A/n: Enjoy the cock tease bitches. As promised, I've returned from the grave. I also have a few drawings for y'all so enjoy those too.

 I also have a few drawings for y'all so enjoy those too

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