Painful Tears, Sweet Tranquility

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(Bill's pov)

I slowly walked away from the cafeterias, away from the whispering  people, the staring faces, my head in a daze, my face wet with an endless flow of tears. I kept my head down so my hair would cover my face. I made my way into an old class room that is less like a classroom now and more of a storage room and sat in a desk that wouldn't be in view of any peering eyes. My heart feels as if a million bees stung into it and made a burrow. Dipper had toyed with my heart. 'No... he's not like that.' I know deep down that Dipper was to nice to toy with someone, that something must've happened for him to do this. I know this, and yet I still couldn't help feeling betrayed. I couldn't help but feel like I was being cast to the side like trash. This is something I'm going to have a hard time recovering from. 'Although I still need to figure out what caused him to lash out...' 

(Dipper's pov)

I ran as fast as I could from Bill the moment my arm was free. 'He was crying! I made him cry...' My heart felt heavy and the tears running down my face got more intense as I pictured his crying face in my mind. I broke his heart, but it was to keep him safe. This is for the best right? If I lie and keep my distance he won't have to be severely hurt because of me. He won't get beat up by that jackass. He will forget about me eventually anyways. This will blow over and things will go back to the way it was before he talked to me. I say all this, and yet I feel like none of it's true. That's because, deep down, I know it's not. I know, by doing this, I'll only hurt both of us more than any bully would. But it's too late to turn back now.

I continued running until I noticed I was in an empty court yard that I didn't recognize. It was quite peaceful and the only way to it was the door I came from. There were one to no windows looking out to it so no one could see or listen in one me. After surveying the area with wet blurry eyes I collapsed to the grassy ground and let out a loud painful scream. Laying on the ground I cried for what seemed liked hours. By the time I stopped the sun was already low in the sky with a faint pink on the horizon. School was most definitely over, and everyone, including Bill, had probably gone home. I stayed on the ground a little while longer, too weak to move. I knew I'd have to get up soon to get my stuff from my locker and the last class I was in. I didn't have to worry about going home to Mabel and Grunkle Stan since they went to Wyoming for wedding that I honestly did not want to go to so I stayed in Oregon. I finally decided to get up and get up to get my stuff from in the school. However, the door was locked. 'Of course it was locked...' I trudged around the school to find an unlocked door or window so I could get in. After nearly twenty minutes of walking around the school and nearly making a complete circle, I finally found a window slightly cracked open about 6ft up. I reached up on my tiptoes and slid it open enough so I could climb in. Grabbing onto the windowsill and using the wall to push off of, I hulled myself through the window and fell to the floor. Of course, since I'm not athletic in any way, shape, or form, I fell straight down on my back and my head hit the wall. "Fuckin- ouch.." I curse myself as I rub where I hit.

I heard a chair move and quickly looked up to see if anyone else was here or if I was imagining it. I couldn't  see who was there but I could hear their footsteps.  I listen nervously as they get  closer, fearing that it was a teacher or the principle. However, it wasn't. It was a certain teary eyed golden boy, who I was trying to avoid.  We awkwardly made eye contact for a brief moment before quickly looking away. Neither one of us said a word, we just stayed there in silence as a heavy atmosphere fell over us.  After what felt like an eternity, Bill finally broke the silence. "Um, a-are you ok Dipp- Pine Tree?"  He avoided saying my name and his voice was  painfully trying to distance his words. I looked up at him and felt a terrible pain in my heart as I saw his red eyes and he seemed to feel the same as his face fell as our eyes met once again. Seeing this, I couldn't stop myself from crying all over again.  Bill flinched in surprise and dropped down to me,placing his hands on my face and bringing up to look at him. "Dipper w-why are you crying?" He  searched my face desperately as if looking for something. The more he looked at me, the more I cried, and the more I cried, the closer he seemed to come to crying.

Soon enough, we were both in tears at each other's side with no words or explanations. However, I knew exactly why were crying. And it was all my fault. I had been fooling myself this entire time. "I-I'm so s-sorry Bill." I cried out through tearful chokes."I-I hurt you m-more than protect y-you."   Bill backed up and stared at me with confused, tearful eyes. "W-what are you talking about Dipper? What were you protecting me from?" I tried to speak but all that would come out for a while was chokes and mumbles. Bill waited patiently for me to stop crying, rubbing my back to help calm me down. It took a while but eventually I stopped. When I did, I looked up at him through blurry eyes. "I-I didn't want to see y-you get hurt b-because of my bullies. I-I thought th-that if I av-voided you then there would n-no reason for them to g-go after you." Bill pet my head to shush me and cautiously pulled me into a soft hug. We sat like that for a little while in a quiet, serious atmosphere, although it was less awkward than when I first fell into the room. Bill broke the silence once again. "Dipper, what made you feel like it was necessary to protect me in the first place?" I looked up at him, afraid to tell him about Gideon threatening me. He would surely go after him and beat him to a pulp. I was about to change the subject when Bill pushed my hair out of my face, the hair I had been using to cover up my black eye. "How'd you get that?" He asked in a voice  laced with hatred. It was obvious that  he was pissed. His eyes burned with a passionate fire. "I-I walked into a-a pole earlier..." I tried to pass that off as my lie but obviously he didn't believe it. "Dipper, that's the oldest lie in the book. That's like saying you only had one drink when there are twenty empty cans lying around you." Bill spoke as if remembering something painful. I tried to ask him but he cut me off before I could even open my mouth.  "Now Dipper, tell me who did this right now and I'll make sure it never happens ag-"

 "No Bill, th-that's why I w-won't tell you. You'll j-just beat them to a bl-bloody pulp. You'd send th-them to the h-hospital again." I grabbed at his shirt desperately so he'd listen and not let vengeance cloud his judgment. "B-Bill, please. Just leave it be. I barely feel it so please, don't do anything that'll get you hurt or put in jail..." I begged him with teary eyes. He seemed to calm down a bit. "Alright Dipper,  I won't do anything." Bill whispered in a gentle voice, bringing me into another hug. We continued to sit like that as the sky outside grew dark and the objects surrounding us were drowned in moonlight. Neither one of us wanted to let go, fearing that if we do, we would fall  apart all over again.  The calmness of everything slowly lulled us to sleep. Bill was the first to fall asleep. I watched as his chest heaved up and down. He looked so peaceful and he practically glowed in the moonlight. As I watched the beautiful creature sleep, my own eyes slowly shut and the two of us were out cold on the abandoned classroom floor.


A/n:  Hey guys~ Hope you're all liking the book! If there is anything you think should be added/edited then please, feel free to tell me! Until next time my lovelies~  (^w~)*

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