At Least Friends?

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(Bill's pov)

We got to the nurse's office only to find that the nurse had went on her lunch break. When I was a about to suggest that this is a lost cause and we should just go to class, Dipper pulls out...a key? "Wait is that a key to the nurses office?" I shouted. "Yup." "Why do you have tha-" "Don't feel like talking about it." Dipper said weakly. "Okay..." I said, a sad tone hinting in my voice. Dipper obviously recognized my tone, for he looked at me from the corner of his eye, yet he stayed quiet and simply opened the nurse's office door. Once opened, he led me into the room and onto the bed. After making sure I was comfortable, Dipper left to the bathroom at the back of the room. He came back with a wet wash cloth, a bottle of what looked liked rubbing alcohol, and some bandages. I reached my hand out to take the cloth from him but he whacked my hand away.

"Wha-?" I asked, slightly alarmed from this unexpected act. "I will not let an injured man tend to his own wounds while they should be resting instead." Dipper placed the wash cloth gently to the back of my head as he spoke, using his free hand to move my hair out of the way. He placed it on the top of my head. 'His hand is so warm...' I blushed at the thought. We sat in silence for a while until I got annoyed and had to break the silence. "Why are you helping me?" I asked meekly. Dipper paused for a moment. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean, you're always avoiding me and saying you're scared of me and now you are helping me." I explained.  "I am scared of you. Who wouldn't be after watching that fight." Dipper sighed, sitting down next to me. "But, I can't just stand by as someone is hurt. I guess you can say it's against my principles." He laughed lightly to himself, a sad look appearing in his eyes. "Funny how such a useless person as me can have principles to protect others when I can't even protect myself..." He said it so quietly that it was nearly inaudible. However, I did hear it. And it angered me. "What did I say earlier about calling yourself useless!!!" I roared at him, quickly standing up and going face to face with him. "Why does it even matter? I'm not important to you so you shouldn't care." Dipper stated simply, as if it was natural. "That's a lie!" I shouted, grabing his wrists. "What?" Dipper said, a confused and startled expression on his face. "You are very important to me! You make my day at school complete every time I see you!" I confessed, turning cherry red. Dipper, however, obviously didn't understand. He looked like a 5 year old being taught quantum physics, which was kinda cute. "What are you talking about???" he asked. "I mean, I wouldn't almost kill someone to protect someone less unless I really liked them." I said slowly. He still didn't understand. I sighed. "Maybe this will help you understand." I slowly leaned in closer to him. Our lips were about to touch when i heard the door start to open. i stopped, taking the rag out of the smaller boys hand, and sat back on the bed. Dipper still looked bewildered about what just happened and was bright red. 'Looks like he finally understands what I meant' I smirked slightly to myself, although, I felt a bit guilty. For all I know, that  could've almost been his first kiss.

Dipper left to class after explaining to the nurse what had happened. I got to leave as well after the nurse fully attended to my wound. However, for the rest of the day, Dipper avoided me.

(Dipper's pov)

He almost kissed me! Bill Cipher, the most popular [and dangerous] person in the entire school, was about to take me first kiss. The very person that I'm obviously scared of almost kissed me. My entire face was probably red for the rest of the day after that. I had avoided Bill until lunch, to embarrassed from what had happened. Was that supposed to be a confession? Am I supposed to give him some sort of an answer? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the foot that had been placed in front of me. I tripped over it -- my lunch flew into the air -- several kids were laughing in amusement -- the ground hurdled towards my face. I closed my eyes,preparing to get an abrupt introduction with the cafeteria floor. To my surprise, however, I landed on a soft yet...muscular? object. I opened eyes to see... "Bill?!" I shrieked in surprise, slightly blushing. "Hey Pine Tree." He smirked at me and lifted both of us up. Then his expression all of a sudden got dark and serious. "Who tripped him?" he said in a deep and threatening voice. 'Oh shit! It's just like when he almost killed that kid!!!' Realizing this, without really thinking, I took his hand and ran out of the cafeteria and to the bathroom. There I splashed water on his face to calm him down. "What was that for?!?" Bill shouted. "You would've killed them like you almost did last time!" I cried. Bill noticed the terror in my  voice, for he got really worried and hugged me. "I'm so sorry!" he whispered. Startled, I stiffened(you can interpret that anyway you want ;))and pushed away. "S-sorry. I'm just still a little...awkward from before." I apologized to him, feeling as if I just rejected him. "No. It's my fault. I shouldn't have randomly hugged you. Or almost, you know, K-I-S-S you." Bill said. "But,"he started again, "Promise me you'll be at least my friend." I stared in surprise. "What?" "Let me have a second chance to prove myself not a monster. I want to get to know you. And I want you to trust me, more than your sister. I don't want you to be afraid of me Dipper." Bill confessed, almost begging. "Please Dipper. I love you." Startled and sorta happy by the sudden pronouncement of love, I said yes to his offer. Little did I know, this was one of the worst decisions I ever made.


A/n: Hey guys! Sorry for taking a bajillion years to write this! I had some much going on and a TERRIBLE case of writer's block! I will also be updating my other books soon so keep an eye out for them! Not literally tho. Please don't actually take out your eyes. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then......





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