Outdoor Bonding

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(Bill's pov)

To some people, detention was a painful after-school prison that is best to avoid. But to me, detention was like heaven. I was almost always there and the detention teacher absolutely adored my. Guess you can say I'm the popular "bad-boy" type. So when I got detention in chemistry, I didn't mind. In fact, I was thrilled because my Pine Tree was going to be with me as well! Dipper, however, couldn't be anything but furious at me. He's never had detention or any kind of mark on his perfect record, I knew that. At the moment we're currently alone sitting detention, thanks to my persuasion to get the teacher to leave.

"Hey Dip-Dop, don't look so glum. This place is a rule-less paradise!" I patted the boy on his back causing him to flinch at the sudden contact. "P-paradise?!? You ca-call this a paradises?" Oh great, he's stuttering like he used to again. "I st-still have t-to help my Gr-grunkle St-stan at the shack! H-how am I s-supposed to explain t-to him that I got detention because I'm g-gay?!?" Dipper snapped at me as he stuttered, but that is quite cute. 'Even though I prefer his normal voice...' "Whatever Tree. For me, anywhere's better than that shithole I'm forced to call home." I said, so quietly that Dipper leaned in to hear. His response was a confused (and cute) cock of the the head. "Forget what I said Pine Tree!" I exclaimed cheerfully to try covering up my accidental slip up. I think he could sense my wanting to forget my last sentence, for he instantly let it go. Though, there was a hint of curious worry in his eyes for a split second. "O-okay, well there's still the fact th-that this is going to stay on my p-permanent record." he stuttered, staying with the subject change. "Relax PT, I'll talk to the principle and get it removed if it means that much to you." The boy's face seemed to light up. "Really?!" I nodded at him, only to be pounced on with a hug knocking us both over. "Oh thank you thank you thank you Bill!" At that moment I was very glad he was hugging me, for then he can't see the blush that appeared on my pale cheeks and the surprise from the sudden hug and the fact that...

"You called me 'Bill'."

"What?" Dipper pulled back and looked at me.

"You called me by my first name instead of 'Cipher'." I said smiling at him slightly. "I, uh yeah. S-so what?" A light blush brushed his cheeks as he averted his gaze from me. "Uh, nothing, just that you never do that." Dipper continued to avert his eyes. "Well s-sorry. I won't ag-gain do it again then." "Ahh!  No no forget I said anything!" I shook my hands at him in protest. Looking bashfully away I continued, "I-I like it. I'd wish you'd say it more..." The blush on his face got visibly deeper and he scratched his neck awkwardly. "I-I'll consider i-it" he mumbled. I smiled happily at the smaller boy in front of me. "Alright now let's play!" Jumping up, I grabbed Dipper's hands and started pulling towards door. "P-play?! But we're i-in detention!" Dipper said this but didn't resist my tugging, he just stared at our connected hands. "P relax~" I cooed sweetly. "Detention is just something made up for the bad. And since we aren't bad we can just leave and hang elsewhere!" Dipper processed the info before nodding slowly and slightly smiling (cute~), a twinge of curiosity in his dark brown eyes.

We continued like this to the back of the school grounds. There sits an acre of beautiful maple and cherry trees. We sat beneath one and stayed quietly like that for a while. I looked over at Dipper only to find him staring at the ground with a slight blush. I followed his gaze down to our connected hands. I forgot I was still holding it. A blush crept across my face and my hand twitched. We simultaneously looked up at one another, making eye contact. Our blushes deepened and we quickly pulled away out hands and looked separate ways. "Uh so Tree, are you gonna tell me why you were ignoring earlier?" I could hear him flinch from the question, which he probably didn't want to answer. "D-do I really h-have to say?" he stuttered. I sighed and nodded at him. "Yes PT, you said you would." The boy whimpered a bit before coming to a silent agreement. "O-okay then..."

(Dipper's pov)
I straightened up against the tree we were sitting under and hugged my legs. "I was a-avoiding you bec-cause you're p-popular..." Bill seemed taken aback by that answer. "Why would that make you avoid me?" He stood up and looked down at me with a hurt expression. "There's nothing bad that will happen to you because I'm popular." I looked away from his looming body above me. "Y-yeah there is..." I said quietly. Bill crouched back down and looked me in the eyes. "What do you mean Dip?" "I mean ever since you started hanging near me the stares and bullying have only gotten worse. Girls come up to me to glare and spit the worse name they can come up with to me. Jocks that have hung around you seem to be pissed at me for being your friend because it lowers their popularity." I sighed and looked him in the eyes. The light wind had blown back his fringe, exposing his right eye so both eyes were shining in the afternoon sun. Then without a stutter I whispered, "What makes a pretty boy like you wanna be friends trash like me...?"  Instantly, Bill's face hardened and he grabed my shoulders, bringing our faces closer together. "I already told you. Do not call yourself trash. You're extremely important." Bill stared into my eyes, a deep fire burning behind them. "W-why though? What m-makes me s-so importa-mmph!"

My brain didn't register what exactly happening at first. Bill's face was suddenly touching mine. More specifically, his lips were on mine. They were soft and sweet and my body sorta reacted on it's own as I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss. The moment lasted for what seems like forever, and to be honest, I didn't really want it to end. But being human means that we needed air. I pulled away from the kiss but kept my eyes closed as I heaved for air. "That's why you're so important." Bill said in between breaths. Opening my eyes I looked at him. And as brown met gold my brain finally caught up. 'Bill Cipher is in love with me.'

A/n: Oh my Stars! 1.57K VIEWS! Thank you guys so much! I'm so happy you guys are enjoying this and sticking around even with my slow ass updates. Thank you for all your comments they're really keeping me going with this book. So, until next time my darlings:





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