Chapter 24

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I picked it up and saw that it was Ajay. I sighed and had a feeling that he must have watched the television last night. As soon as I answered, I put the phone away from my ear when all I heard was screaming. I waited for a few moments and then asked if he was done yelling at me.

"Yes...I'm done."

"Good, because you almost broke my eardrums."

"Can you please explain to me why the fuck you're going to be the next king of Kyrat?"

"I have no idea, dude. If I knew the real reason, I'd have told you straight away."

"Shit, just when I had a good plan on killing Pagan, you go and fuck things up."

"Hey, I didn't choose to be here. And I don't think you chose to be in this kind of situation."

" have a point there, but you can't be king. We have to end this shit right now."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's time for Yuma and Pagan to meet their end."

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked him.

"Yuma's in the mines right? So I'll go after her first then Pagan. Then I can finally end this shit with the Golden Path."

"What's wrong with the Golden Path?"

"I had a vision about Amita and Sabal...the vision revealed their plans for the future of Kyrat."

"What are their plans?"

"Where do I fucking start? Sabal, I saw him talking to people who were Amita's followers and he killed all of them in front of Bhadra. He told whoever was alive that if they sided with Amita they had to die. And Amita, she was taking people's children by force and making them work day and night. She even threatened that if anyone were to oppose her, they'd die."

"What the fuck kind of drugs were you on?"

"Dude, I'm telling the truth. I saw all of that shit. I can't trust Sabal anymore and you shouldn't trust Amita either. Their both making Kyrat worse."

"Why were you doing drugs?"

"Yogi and Reggie gave me something and then I went on some damn acid trip and then I saw the visions and then here I am calling you."

"That was a fucking rollercoaster. But what's the plan to stop Pagan?"

"I'm going to stab the fucker over and over again. You can sit there and look fabulous."

"Okay-wait. I'm not going to be a part of this fight?"

"Blake, when Yuma's dead Pagan's going to call you to protect him. I need you to stay put and don't do anything."

"How come you get all the action?"

"Don't argue about this shit! It's not debatable, I need to do this because of all the shit Pagan put me through."

"Fine, so what am I going to do? Take a fucking walk around Kyrat?"

"Do whatever you want as long as you don't interfere with the fight."

Ajay hung up on me and I jumped when I saw my right hand. I forgot Yuma gave me a handshake with her bloody hand. I washed my hand in the bathroom and made sure to wash it twice. The Amita thing was making me irritated. I can't believe that I was helping her enslave children. What the fuck is wrong with her? I need answers and I need to know if Ajay is right. I said goodbye to Dumbo and made my way over to Amita's base.

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