Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of someone pounding on my door. I looked at my watch and noticed that it read 9:45 am. Shit I fucked up. I got out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I quickly washed up and got dressed in the same clothes as yesterday.

I opened the door and found Yuma giving me her scary death glare. I felt like shutting the door on her face, but I had a feeling she could rip down the door in just a few seconds.

"Do you know what time it is?" She asked me coldly.

"Uhh...time for you to get a watch." I said quietly.

"Did you just...nevermind. It's late and we must go, now." Yuma pulled me out my room and pushed me out into the hallway. I followed her through the mansion to Pagan's office where he was sitting at his desk with a young man. The young man turned around and waved at me. I waved back awkwardly and Yuma pushed me into the room.

"Blake, I would like you to meet my goof friend, Raymond Lee. Raymond, I'd like you to meet Blake." Pagan said. Raymond got up and walked towards me.

Raymond looked like he was in a biker gang to me. He wore a black leather jacket, dark sunglasses where you can barely see his eyes, combat boots, skinny jeans, a tank top underneath the jacket, fingerless gloves, and he had spikey hair. He held out his hand and I was about to shake it when he waved his finger at me and he took my hand and made a fist. We fist bumped and I made the explosion sound which made him laugh.

"watashi wa kare ga suki! (I like him!)" Ryamond said and laughed again.

"...excuse me?" I asked. What language was this guy speaking? I felt like I heard it before, but I don't know where. Pagan noticed my confusion and decided to step in.

"He's speaking in Japanese. If my Japanese is correct...I think he says he likes you." Pagan said. I looked at Raymond and he gave me an innocent smile.

"Do you have a translator?" I asked.

"Yes, Yuma here speaks Chinese and Japanese. Don't you Yuma?"

"Yes, I've been to Japan for a few years to deal with some assholes. The language there is very hard." Yuma said.

"Getting off topic. Raymond is here to visit for a little while and I want to make his stay fantastic. You think you can do that Blake?" Pagan asked. When he said my name, I felt like jumping out a window or running out the door. I guess Yuma knew what I was thinking because she went to block the doorway.

"But I don't know how to speak Japanese...Pagan." I never really used his name before like that and it felt awkward.

"Good point, but Yuma and I are going to be busy with some "important business" and I need you to keep Raymond happy, understand?"

"Yes, but can I get a translator or something?" I asked.

"Sorry, but I don't know anyone else who speaks Japanese in my country. But before you leave , I need you to promise me you won't go see Ajay."

"I promise I won't. See you later." I said and I motioned for Raymond to follow me and he bowed to Pagan and Yuma.

When we walked outside, it was a beautiful day. I looked up at the sky and smelled the fresh air. I looked at Raymond who took out a cigarette and started to smoke.

"So what do yo- oh wait, you don't speak English." I looked down at the ground.

"Says who?" I stopped thinking and looked at Raymond. He smiled at me and put an arm around my shoulder.

"I can speak seven languages: French, English, German, Japanese, Italian, Chinese, and Russian. Ever since I met Pagan, I pretended I had no idea how to speak English. He bought it alright." Raymond blew smoke everywhere and I coughed.

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