Chapter 12

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Today was horrible. I spent most of the day at school crying. I had never told Jake that we had broken up, but I hope he got the idea that we had.

I decided to grab my laptop and Skype my brother. I missed Jack. He moved back to England to live with my uncle and cousins. He didn't like it here so we all agreed he could move back.
I miss his cheekiness and just having him around.

After a few minutes of calling he finally answered. "Wow, Charlotte, you look like shit." We're the first words that came out of his mouth.

"Thanks Jack. I've had a rough day that's all." I said. "I miss you" I whispered.
"I miss you too. What's wrong?" He asks.
"Everything was going well. I had a boyfriend and today he cheated on me. I found out and I've cried the whole day."

I spent a few hours talking to Jack. Now I'm just waiting for mum and dad to come home. I'm scared how dads going to react. At the moment I just hope they will comfort me.

I heard the door open and immediately footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. I looked up to see mum walking over to me sighing she pulled me into a tight hug, whispering comforting words in my ear. I cried some more, I couldn't stop. I really like Jake, I don't understand how he could do this to me.

I spent my whole day in the bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat in one of the cubicles with the door locked. At first I had been throwing punches at the walls surrounding me. Then I took my sharpie out and wrote on the walls. Words of wisdom for any guy, telling them not to do what I did.

As soon as she walked away from me, I knew that it was over. She didn't say, but I knew. I really like her. I had the best summer with her and I had to go and ruin our relationship.
I'm now at home sitting on my couch with a photo album in front of me. Full of pictures of us from the summer.
I miss her. If we were still together I would be texting her right now. Or she would be here cuddled up next to me, her head in the crook of my neck, eventually falling asleep.

I had planned a whole day out this Sunday for her birthday. Her birthday is next Tuesday, but seeing though it is a school day I chose Sunday instead. I was gonna take her to the city, spoil her. And then we were all throwing her a surprise party. I hope Joy still goes along with it.

Joy is a really good friend and Charlotte needs her right now.
I close my eyes and I feel the cushions move under me, I open my eyes and turn my head to see my oldest sister, Casey, staring at me.
Shaking her head she says "you've really done it this time, Jake." I shake my head.
"I know. I was her first boyfriend. Her first kiss. I ruined everything." I sighed. "Next year I'll be in yr12, I'll graduate and then she'll never have to see my face again."

"It's sad, I really like Charlotte. She deserves someone better. I thought you changed, Jake. I see the way you look at her. She's not just some girl to you, so why do this?" She asks. I shrug, years brimming my eyes. I let a tear roll down my cheek, not even bothering to wipe it away.
Casey pulls me into a hug.

Today's Wednesday. Second day back at school. I get out of bed, chuck on some nikes and walk upstairs to have breakfast.
I went to bed last night with trackies and a grey shirt on.
I put some bread into the toaster and grabbed the Nutella jar. When the toast popped I spread a lot of Nutella onto my toast. Grabbing the toast and my bag I left for the bus.
I got on the bus and saw Charlotte sitting by the window with her head leaning against it. I didn't think she would come to school today, she proved me wrong.
She looked up at me, no expression whatsoever and looked back down. I felt terrible. Taking my usual spot in the back of the bus, I waited until we arrived at school.
I walking to get off the bus and Charlotte was trying to get out of her seat, I let her get out and walk in front of me, she walked out not saying  anything. 

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