Chapter 10

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I rushed this morning. Running to my wardrobe grabbing some clothes and throwing them on. Running up the stairs shoving food in my mouth and running to the bus stop.

Yes, I woke up late. 10am. Now I'm here at the shops texting Jake, as I remembered I didn't tell him to meet me anywhere.

Me: meet me outside the movies.....

Jake: already here, turn around.

I turned around and see Jake walking towards me.

"OK, no time to waste I have to be at Joy's by 3pm" I said "right I'm thinking a Polaroid camera, and some converse. Let's go" I grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him into Kmart.

I chose a white camera. I paid for it and we continued our walk through the shops. Next stop was the converse shop. I picked out white high tops. I also grabbed a converse jumper, I paid and we made our way to the food court.

Hungry Jacks was on our minds, so we decided with that. I got a burger and chips with a water. While Jake got a burger, sundae, chips, drink, slushi, and nuggets to top it off.

I was only half way through mine and Jake had eaten everything in front of him.

We didn't do much after lunch we went our separate ways. I'm at home now wrapping up the presents.

"Charlotte, don't forget to pack a bag for tonight" mum yells.

I totally forgot about a bag. I grabbed my sportsgirl bag and shoved some underwear, shorts, pj's, shirts in.

Time to go. Mums driving me. At the moment Neon Lights by Demi Lovato is playing and mum and I are singing at the top of our lungs.

we finally arrived at Joy's house. As I walk towards the door, it fly's open and everyone comes running out.

"Quick, we have to get ready" Liliana, yelled.

"Bye Mum" I yelled behind me.

Walking inside there were bright clothes, makeup and shoes laid out in Joy's room. I was very confused.

"I thought we were staying in. Making pizza, gossiping....." I trailed off.

"Oh. Well. Where not. We're going to a party. All yr9's and 10's will be there" Joy said "yes, that includes Jake", she added.

I blushed immediately. "Wait, what's going on between you two?" Kimiya asked. "

"He may or may not have asked me to be his girlfriend" I whispered.

Everyone looked at me in sync, mouths wide open. I shrugged like it was no big deal. But it was, big time. "So, this is what we have to choose from?" I asked. They all nodded. "Guys you should have told me I have so many fluro clothes" I said.

Minutes later we were on the train on the way to my house. I had to make us look drop dead gorgeous. Once we were inside no one was home, mum and dad had gone work. I ran downstairs with everyone following behind.

I took out a bunch of clothes. From mini skirts to shorts, to midriffs to singlet's. I laid them out on my bed. Everyone gasped looking down at the clothes.

"ok everyone out, Joy, you stay" I instructed. Joy stayed behind and I grabbed a pair of bright yellow short and handed them to her. I gave her midriff with BAM written on it. "We'll paint the bam later in glow paint." I lead her to the bathroom and she got dressed.

Next was Susanne, she got dressed in shorts and I green flannel. Milly in a white mini skirt with a purple midriff. Liliana in a blue skirt with a white midriff with POW written on it. Kimiya was wearing white jeans, as she refused to wear shorts or skirts, with a bright green singlet. Claire got into some orange shorts and a white singlet. Last was me in a bright pink pencil skirt, with a white midriff. All the skirts came mid-thigh on everyone and the shorts were short. Midriffs showed a bit of our tummy's but we looked good.

We slipped on some converse, all different colours. I had dug out my yellow, pink, blue, and green ones. So we mix-matched them. I just wore my white converse.

I straightened Liliana and Kimiya's hair. Curled the ends of mine. Straightened and put in a high ponytail for Milly. Braided Claires hair. And for Joy I braided the top half of her hair and curled the rest. We all put a bit of foundation, mascara and some bright pink, green, orange, yellow lipstick on which will glow in the dark.

I looked everywhere for my paint box and finally found it. Hadn't painted in years. We did squiggerly lines and all different patterns on our arms. I out lined Liliana and Joy's tops. We stood outside and splattered some of the paint on our white tops and pants. I read the back of the paint to make sure it came off clothes.

Mum and Dad came home just in time to take photos of us.

"I thought you girls were having a sleepover?" dad asked.

"Change of plans. Could you take some pictures, please?" I asked, with a smile on face.

We posed for almost every picture dad took some when we weren't ready. We posted some on Facebook and Instagram and snap chatted what was going on. My story was really long now.

"Shit this hill is tiring" Joy complained.

Walking onto the train, I saw Aaron, Jason, Liam and Atharva hop on. I walked to the top and the boys were already seated. Wearing white shirts, fluro shorts or white shorts and fluro shirts. Jason looked up and smiled "hey girls, you look great." The other boys looked up and we sat down next to them.

I took a seat next to Aaron. "Hey, nice job with the out fits." he whispered. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Your snapchat story." He said.

"Oh. Thank you." I said leaning my head against his shoulder.


We are now standing outside of the party.

"I don't wanna go in anymore" Milly said, breaking the silence outside. We can here the loud music and see people dancing through the windows.

"Come on, I did not get dressed up for nothing." I replied. I grabbed Liam and Jason by the wrists towards the door, with everyone else following. I pushed the boys in front and Liam grabbed the handle of the door and swung it opened.

I walked in before they had the chance to. Everyone, and I mean everyone turned around and looked at us. It was dark except for the glowing bodies and faces. I walked further in. "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Someone shouted. The music started up again and I found Jake in the crowd. I didn't walk up to him, instead I dragged my friends in and started dancing.

Unlike the last party I went to, I am dancing like never before. I used to always go to parties and never cared what people thought and now I'm doing just that. We swayed our hips side to side and then I felt two large hands snake around my waist from behind, by looking down at his hands I knew it was Jake, as he is wearing the watch I got him for his birthday.

I was still swaying my hips against him, until he whispered "I could be a random. Yet your still dancing." I turned around in his arms and looked up into his eyes.

"Your watch, I knew it was you from your watch." I yelled over the noise.
Last night was amazing. When the girls and I got back to Joy's house we made pizzas at 1am and talked until 7am. We watched the sunrise.
At the moment Joy and I are making pancakes.
"Last night was heaps fun. Thanks for making us look good" Joy said, while flipping a pancake.
"It was my pleasure" I answered, setting the table.
On the table there is jam, Nutella, banana, strawberries, lemon and sugar.
Placing the plate of pancakes on the table and pulling out a chair, everyone rushed in.

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