Chapter 13

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The party had come to an end. Turned out mum and dad knew about the surprise party as mum made me a birthday cake. I received loads of presents. I was going to wait till Tuesday to open them but couldn't resist.

"Ok, so no one was going to tell you this at the beginning of the party, but I think now is a good time." Kimiya said, once we left the building. "Jake organised this" all the air in my lungs left. I took a deep breath in and nodded. "He did it before you guys broke up and he wanted us to continue with it. He also paid for everything." She finished off.

I was shocked. It was nice of him. But I hated knowing it was him. I ignored it and changed the subject. "So sleepover at mine then?" Everyone looked at each other and nodded. Liam, Jason and Aaron came along.

Mum picked us up and now we are downstairs, watching movies.


Anthony had come over earlier today and asked if I was going to the surprise party for Charlotte. I said no. As much as I wanted to, I didn't want to ruin her night. She won't be happy when she finds out it was my idea let alone let me in the same room as her.

Anthony text me saying the party was a success and she really appreciated it. Its been a week since I messed up. And god, do I miss her. Her thick accent runs through my mind on a occasion. I miss her small hands that fit perfectly into mine.

I miss her....

Laying in bed thinking about her makes me want to text her 'night beautiful, hope you had a great night' but I knew I couldn't. My eyes became droopy and soon sleep took over.


Todays Tuesday.

Charlottes Birthday, 15 today.

Walking to my wardrobe while cleaning my teeth I grab a pair of denim shorts and adidas shirt. I pull the pants up my legs and the shirt over my head with the toothbrush between my teeth. After rinsing my mouth, I pack my bag and grab some toast and walk to the bus.

The bus pulls up to Charlotte's stop and once she walks on the bus everyone starts singing 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'. I placed a small box and a card on the seat she sits in. Once she got to her seat she picked up the box and read the card. I was watching from the back seat of the bus.

I saw a slight smile cross her face but it disappeared as fast as it arrived. She opened the box and pulled out a charm bracelet. Yes, I bought her a charm bracelet. It had 3 charms on it already. A red telephone box, to remind her of home. She showed me some pictures of her in front on one before and told me that she loved them. Another charm was a plane, Charlotte said then we she graduates she wants to travel the world. And lastly, a heart, engraved on it 'always yours'. The last one is me telling her that she'll always have me. Forever.

She smiles, a crooked smile. She twirled the charms between her fingers before placing it around her wrist. A warm feeling filled my heart, liking that she was wearing it.


When I reached my seat on the bus there was a small box. Ripping open the card I started reading I smiled slightly until I read who it was from. Jake. I opened the bow to reveal a charm bracelet with three charms already hanging off it. Red telephone box, remembering how much I said I loved them to Jake. A plane, saying how much I wanted to travel. And a heart with the words 'always yours' engraved on it. I smiled. I was sweet. I wanted to thank him.

I placed the bracelet around my wrist and fiddled with the charms, smiling once again before looking out the window. I knew Jake was watching, I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head. I blushed knowing that he still cared about me.

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