Chapter 7: Finding Christian

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Christian had stormed off. He was now sat in the Moulin Rouge bar. He sat down on a stool and ordered a drink. He needed this. How could he tell Satine about his hand? The bartender passed him a drink and Christian took some money out of his pocket and paid. Seconds later the bartender returned with him change. "Thanks" He mumbled before taking a sip of his whiskey. He then sighed and stared into the distance.

Christian must of been sat in the bar, he had had about three drinks now, about two hours before Toulouse came rushing up to him. "Oh Christian here you are! I have been looking for you for the last two hours. Come on! You need to come with me!" He said in a rush trying to drag Christian off his stool.

"Toulouse leave me alone! I don't want to go nowhere. Leave me be!" Christian said getting a little annoyed with Toulouse. 

"No Christian, come on!" He was now raising his voice slightly and trying harder then ever to drag Christian away from his drink and seat. 

"Toulouse leave me alone! Just go away!" Christian pushed Toulouse away slightly. 

"Christian for once in your life listen to me!"

"What? What is it?! What is so possibly important that you cannot go away and leave me alone?" Christian spat, virtually shouting. It was like all the built up anger inside him was spilling out and he couldn't control it.   

"It's Satine!" Christian nearly fell off his seat when he heard this. He gripped Toulouse arm. His anger seeped away and was over flooded by worry and dread.

"Take me to her!" Was all he said. How much time had he wasted? Toulouse said he had been trying to find him for over two hours. How could he be so stupid as to leave Satine alone. Especially since she was pregnant. He felt his stomach twist and clench as he thought this. Would the baby be okay? Would Satine be okay? If Satine died what would he do? He ran out of the bar with Toulouse close behind him.   

Toulouse was a little man so he couldn't run as fast as Christian. "Come on Toulouse!" Christian called behind him.

"Christian you must realise darling I am not as fit as you. And will you stop a moment I need to tell you something before you go running off!" He puffed out.

"Toulouse we haven't got time! Just tell me where she is?" He had stopped running and turned around to face Toulouse who was leant against the wall breathing in and out deeply.

"A message! Tell me!"

"Satine said she doesn't want to see you."

"What?" Toulouse's words hurt him. Wounded him. Why would Satine not want to see him? Him?

"She just asked me to let you know that she was with the doctor but she doesn't want you to go see her." Toulouse said, slowly regaining his breath.

"Why doesn't she?" He could feel his anger gaining control of him again.

"I don't know Christian. Just incase you want to still know where she is..." He hesitated before continuing. "It's Marie's room."

Marie's room. That was on the other side of the Rouge. He had no more time to waste. He ran for his life. He didn't feel like he had just tried to drown his mind in drink, he felt alive and awake.

He didn't care if Satine didn't want to see him, he wanted to see her. He was going to stay by her side and never leave it again.

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