Chapter 10: Satine's Parents

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Harold looked a little shocked. "Nothing, I meant nothing by it. Now if you please I have alot of work to do." He tried to usher the couple out of the door but Christian wasn't having any of it. Harold was hiding something and he wanted to know what.   

"Harold we are not going anywhere so you better start explaining." 

Harold, knowing Christian was serious, sighed. "I don't know how to tell you. I knew I should of told you Satine, you just have to promise not to hate me for this. Okay?"

Satine looked up, she had been avoiding Harold's eye. She didn't know why she just couldn't look at him. "What? Harold?"

"It's about your childhood Satine. Your parents..." He said just above a whisper.

"My parents? How do you know about my parents? You said I was left on the door step one night and you took me in and looked after me." Satine didn't know what to think. This was all new. Was she finally going to find out about her past? And who was this other person that had the baby?

"Ah yes. Well that isn't completely true poppet. The fact is I know alot about your parents because well... I am one of them..." He spoke very softly. 

"What? You mean you're my father?!" Harold nodded. "How could you of kept something like this from me? You have been lying to me my whole life!! Explain it to me now. I want to know where I came from. I want to know everything!" Satine was feeling so emotional. Harold was her father! Her dad!

"Well, it all started thirty years ago." He began but was cut short. 

"Where did you meet? What was her name?" Satine asked. She couldn't believe she was finding out about her parents after all these years. She hadn't really told anyone how much she hungered to know about her past. She was always curious about her parents and now she was going to find out.

"We met one day at a dance class. I bumped into her whilst dancing and we started talking and it took off from there. She was so beautiful Satine. A vision. Her name was Samantha Rouge. I used to call her my little star! She was ever so wonderful." He seemed to be lost in memory.

"There is one thing I don't understand. Who else had a baby here?" Christian asked. He was very instresed in Satine's past as much as she was but he didn't see how this had anything to do with the baby.

"Oh the baby, well I am getting to that." He drank from a glass of water on the side of his desk before continuing. "Your mother and I started dating and we eventually decided to tour the world together. I sang whilst your mother danced. After a few years I was called back to Paris because I was told that my father was ill and he needed some help. Me and your mother came back as soon as we could. Unfortunatly on the way back your grandfather died. I didn't even get to say goodbye." Harold cleared his throat and began once again. "When I returned I got told that my father had left me his old entertainment building. I knew that this is where the people of the 'Under World' were and I knew everything about it. In my early days I had often helped my father out at night here. I knew what he did. At the time the place wasn't called the Moulin Rouge, it was called Le Nuit Faux (False Night) I soon took the place on board and kept my fathers 'Under World thearte a float. I felt it was the least I owed my father after I couldn't even say goodbye to him one last time." He sighed. He face seemed sadder, more darker. "Satine, I am very sorry I never told you this sooner. I just always assumed you were too young to know." 

"Too young? To know about my parents. I grew up my whole life thinking my family didn't love me!" Satine said. "Anyways, are we going to get to this baby yet?" She didn't have the energy right now to get into another argument.

"Oh yes. We had been living at Le Nuit Faux for about six months before I decided I wanted to change a few things. Me and your mother were still together and happily in love. But with all the work I had to do to help keep the Rouge afloat I hardly had time to tell her how much I loved her. I wanted to show your mother how much I really loved her, to know that I always would. Outside, as you know, there is a red windmill. Well that windmill was in honour of your mother. Her favourite thing whilst we were travelling the world, as a pass time, was cooking and making bread. Whenever she could there used to be freshly baked bread on the table. She said she had always wanted to try and make one in a mill one day. So I built this mill. Soon after people started to questions the name of the place and how the mill fitted into it. I realised the mill and the name didn't work so, I decided to rename Le Nuit Faux. And I named it after your mother. Moulin Rouge. Red Mill. This place is named after your mother Satine, in her memory. Now we had been together, your mother and I, for about 4 years. We were very happy. Everything was going so well."

"I am very happy for you both. Now the baby!" Satine was slightly annoyed. Partly because Harold had known this all her life and never told her but also because he had known her mother and spent so much time with her. "Where is she now?"

"What?" Harold asked.

"Where is my mother?" Satine repeated.

"I'll get to that. Now the baby. One day your mother came to me in despair she was very upset. I was very worried. She eventually told me that she had fallen pregnant. I was so happy. I was going to have a little baby that I could fall in love with. And I did. 9 months later you arrived Satine. You are the baby that was born at the Rouge..."

Ziddler stopped talking and looked at Satine. Satine had tears coming down her face. Christian's hand was in hers. She reminded Ziddler of the time when she had came in crying from school because the other kids were teasing her about her life. "What happened to her Harold?" Satine said in a very un nearving voice.

"She died Satine." Was all he said. Satine gave a little whimper and more tears came flooding down her face. "She died soon after she gave birth to you... Your mother had always been healthy but whilst she was pregnant with you she became ill. I am not saying it is your fault she died Satine." As he saw the shock on her fac.

"So you see that is why I am so against you having a baby. Your mother was so healthy and then she suddenly took ill and died, when you was born. Apart of me died when she left. I was so heart broken but I had to stay together for your sake. I had a little girl to raise. If you die Satine I don't know what I will do. You mean everything to me! You're my daughter. My little diamond. You look like her you know, your mother, she had red hair like you and you have her smile. You have already been ill Satine I just don't want you to have this baby and then leave me like your mother did. I won't be able to take that. Just before she died your mother saw you. A single tear ran down her face and all she said was "Satine, my little diamond. My baby." They were her last words my darling. Your mother loved you very much you know. I know she did eventhough she wasn't around for long she loved you with all her heart...."  

"I'm sorry I cannot do this." Satine blurted out. She then got up and walked out of the room. Christian looked at Ziddler.

"You should of told her sooner Harold." He said before getting up and leaving after her.  

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