Leaving it Behind

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It's been a week since the incident and I couldn't be happier. Destiny hadn't talked to me at all because she had to go on some trip or something and being on tour is so much fun. Life felt like it was finally falling into place. If only I had known...

"LEEYUM!" I heard an Irish accent yell from downstairs. "Can we go to Nando's now?" I chuckled a bit. He had been asking me every two minues for the past hour. I decided I shouldn't make him wait any longer and walked down the stairs while fixing my hair. 

"Okay Niall lets go." I smiled at him. A goofy grin broke out onto his face.

"Yay!" He yelled causing me to jump with the loudness of his voice. He ran off to go get his shoes while I grabbed my keys and phone. When I glanced at my phone I noticed I had a text, not thinking it was anything important I promised myself I would look later and slipped it into my pocket. Oh how I was wrong. 

As I pulled into Nando's Niall was literally jumping up and down in his seat. I looked over at him and let out a little laugh at how ridiculous he was. I parked the car and got out, locking it behind me. I looked ahead to see that Niall was already inside and waiting in line a little less than patiently. Looking over my shoulder to make sure the car was locked, I headed into the restaurant.

When I got inside Niall was already ordering his food so I rushed over so I could order my food also. As we were waiting for our food to come Niall was jumping up and down anxiously.

"Niall calm down our food will be here soon enough." I chuckled at Niall as he turned his smile into a pout. 

"But Li, it's not just any food it's Nando's!" He yelled causing other people around the restaurant to stare. 

"Okay Ni whatever you say." I said while laughing at his childish behavior. 

After about 10 minutes our food came and we sat talking and laughing at the randomest of things. As we headed back to the hotel we fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others company.

When we finally got back to the hotel I decided I should go back to my room and get some relax time before our next concert. I said bye to Niall and went back to my room. 

Plopping down on the couch I pulled out my phone to check Twitter, when I saw the text. I opened it only to see it was from Destiny. My heart dropped as I read her words. 

We need to talk. ASAP. This is important. Don't forget that I know everthing Liam. xx Destiny

Why now? Everthing was going great. I sighed in defeat and dialed the number I knew all to well.


"You can not be serious right now!" I yelled as Destiny sat calmly staring at me.

"Look Liam, you are getting way to comfortable with the boys and you seem to be forgetting that I know everything." She stared at me with a bored expression like I should already know all of this.

"I'm not going to do that." I said stubbornly. She smirked. 

"You want the whole world to know that perfect little Liam killed his own mother? Okay, have it your way." I shook my head. No one can know. "Alright then you will agree to my terms." She winked at me then stalked off leaving me speachless. 

I just stood staring after her with my mouth agape. This could not actually be happening. 

When I finally came to my senses I started walking back to the hotel staring at the ground hoping no one would recognize me. I arrived and stared up at the big building. Finally controlling myself I walked to the elevater and pushed the third floor button. 

When the elevater stopped I walked to my room and opened the door to see all of the boys in there cooking and watching tv. 

"What are you guys doing here." I asked puzzeled at there appearance in my room. 

"We just thought that we could all hang out together. You know family fun time." Niall said while munching on a bag of chips. I smiled. These boys are the best.

The smile soon slipped from my face as Destiny's voice ran through my head over and over. 

I'm afraid you're forgetting who's in charge Liam. That's why you have to leave One Direction.


And boom! Supperrr short chapter... sorreh. BUUTTTT I updated! Woo! 

This chapter sucked but I needed to write somethingggg. Cliffyyyy.

The video on the side keeps me entertained for hours. I did that at Disneyland... it was funny. 

Erm... I love you all and this story is almost finished actually :( Sad day right? Hopefully I can update again soon because I take forever.

McKenna x

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