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  I know that this story has been sorta confusing and didn't have like the whole plot planned and everything but it's my first story on here so I will get better. I already have ideas for two more stories but I'm probably not going to post them until this one is over. Alright lovelies! Read on!





All I could hear was the sound of the clock counting away the minutes until Katie and Harry would be home. Even with all the yelling going on all I can hear is the seconds quickly ticking away. Ticking our lives away. Every second is one less second that we are going to live. We have a very limited time here and we should live it to the fullest you know YOLO, but also people like to say to take it slow just live your life don't spend so much time worrying about when you will die. You should just live you life how it's going not rush into things because you know that your time is limited and you have to accomplish everything first. I don't know what my perspective is. I'm just so stressed about everything I don't have time to take a step back and get a perspective on my life, how it's doing, and where it's going, but I guess that's how it is sometimes you don't really think about where you want your life to go you just kind of go with the flow not worrying or stressing. I wish my life was like that. I wouldn't have to worry, stress or just be afraid of so much. I'm surprised my hair hasn't gone gray with all the stress. I just-

I was disturbed from my thoughts by Louis yelling in my face.

"Liam!! Wake up and smell the carrots!!" I quickly covered my ears. Ouch he has a LOUD yell.

"Louis! Stop yelling!" I scolded him. 

"Sorry, but you wouldn't answer! We sat here yelling at you for like 5 whole minutes!" He said sitting back away from my face. 

I just sat there not replying. I folded my arms in front of my chest letting out a long sigh. I leaned my head back against the couch and closed my eyes. It's been a long day already. I heard the door open then shut. I could hear Katie giggling about something Harry said and Harry softly chuckling. They came into the room so I opened my eyes, lifting my head a little. 

"Hello there children." Louis said looking up at them a slight smirk on his face.

"Hi Louis." Harry said smiling. They just stared at each other for a moment before going back to what the were doing.

Harry and Katie sat down next to me on the sofa talking to each other about something I couldn't quite catch. This is it the moment of pain, anguish, and cream cheese. Cream cheese?! I am definately going nuts. Okay Liam focus just get this over with so you can get kicked out of all these people lives and not have four brothers anymore. Don't cry, don't cry. Don't you dare cry. I took a deep breath standing up. 

"Hey Harry, Katie. Will you help me out in the kitchen really fast?" I asked trying to avoid eye contact. They both looked up at me looking a little questionably, but Katie quickly changed into a smile.

"Sure!" she hopped up happily. "Come on Harry." she giggled pulling Harry up from the couch. He still had a look of curiosity on his face but complied. We walked into kitchen and I immediatly went to the cupboard pullng a cup from it. I moved to the sink filling it up with water. I could feel both of their gazes on me probably wondering what I was doing. My hands were shaking really bad. I'll admit it, I'm scared. Harry can get scary when he's mad, but I'm scared for Katie the most. I'll be getting her into a big mess by doing this.

I let out a shaky breath and turned the water off. I closed my eyes for a second, savoring the last moments where we would all still be friends. Where I would still be accepted. I slowly turned around with the cup still in my hand seeing their gaze still on me.

"Okay I need you guys to-" I dropped the cup trying to make it look like an accident. It hit the floor shattering in a million different directions leaving glass and water all over the floor. Katie let out a half scream in surprise and Harry gasped a little.

"Sorry that wasn't supposed to happen! Harry will you go get some towels?" He looked up at me nodded and then went to go get the towels. "Katie will you help me pick up some of the glass?"

"Sure" she smiled a little at me then got on the floor and started to pick it up. I watched her for a second then got down on the floor next to her, picking up some glass. Katie stood up going to the trash can to throw the glass away. I slowly stood up and walked towards the trash can to throw my glass away too. I went up behind her and reached around her to throw it in. She turned around to pick up more, but since I was standing right there she ran into me. 

"Oh I'm sorry!" she said smiling sheepishly.  

"No it's fine." I said leaning closer to her. I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. She just stood there probably from shock. 

"What the heck!" I heard Harry yell from the doorway. I quickly pulled away and turned to see him fuming with anger, but with tears quickly forming in his eyes.

"Harry! It's not what you think! I swear!" Katie said desperately. She ran over to him trying to tell him what happened, but he wasn't listening. He was glaring at me with so much hatred you could feel it in the air. Katie gave up and ran out of the room crying. 

"What was that?!!" Harry screamed at me. "You knew that I liked her.. a lot and you go and do that!!" 

"Sorry?" I tried. Psh like that was going to work, but hey why not try?

"Sorry! Sorry!! Sorry my ass!! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I flinched at him cussing at me. It hurt just a little but I deserved it.


"No!! Don't talk to me ever again!" He stormed out of the room. 

I stood there for a minute not really processing what was going on. I felt some tears spring to my eyes. I slid down the wall as a sob escaped my mouth. I pulled my knees into my chest and buried my head in them, unable to hold back the sobs that were escaping me. I sat on the floor sobbing and sobbing. 

I heard two people enter the room and one sat down next to me on the floor wrapping their arms around me. I grabbed their shirt and sobbed into it, wrapping my arms around whoever it was. I sat there sobbing until I had nothng left, but still had tears running down my face. 

"Hey mate. Lets get you to your bed kay?" I recognized it as Niall's voice and nodded into his chest. He slowly helped me get up and started walking me to my room. I looked up to see that the other person was Zayn. Where's Louis? Where's Katie? Where's Harry? I was to tired to ask any questions so I just let Niall help me get into my pajamas and into bed. I layed down and curled up already half asleep.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow alright mate?" Niall said softly. I nodded and cuddled up in my bed more. "Get some sleep." He said then kissed my forehead in a brotherly way and left my room. I immediately fell into a sleep filled with nightmares.


Oh my Gosh!! I am sooooooo sorry that this took forever!!! I feel soooo bad!! I was really busy because of homecoming and school and I had writer's block but I'm not even going to make excuses.. I'M SO SORRY!! Don't kill me!!!! asdfghjkl I'm really sorry okay? And idk how often I'm going to update but not as often as I would like maybe once every two weeks? Idk just as soon as I finish the next chapter so we aren't going to have a schedule. Kay bye! I really am sorry.... I love you all. <3

But idk man this chapter really sucked. Like a lot.

OKay I need you to answer me truthfully... Should I continue this story or just delete it?? Please tell me cause I feel like nobody likes this so Idek if I want to continue yaaaa anywayy bye.

McKenna x

Don't tell me what to do -A Liam Payne Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now