The confrontation

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Liam's POV

The ride back to te hotel was dead silent. No one talked, no one moved. Maybe that had to do with the fact that it was late and we were all really tired. I still hadn't been able to apologize. I was so close until Destiny had to interrupt and mess it all up like she normally does. The cab pulled outside of our hotel and we all piled out of the car and into the hotel. We walked over to the elevaor and pushed the 10th floor button to go up to our room. No one said anything the entire way to our room. I pulled out the key and opened the door. They all filed in and I decided that I should probably apologize now.

"Umm lads?" I said a little hesitantly.

They all just looked at me and sat down on the couch and left a space open for me in the middle of it. I quickly sat down and took a breath.

"I was trying to say this earlier but I got caught off. Umm I was trying to say that I was sorry for acting like a jerk lately." I looked down at my hands not wanting to look up. I heard the boys whispering to each other for a minute then they stopped and looked at me. Niall and Zayn got up and put two chairs in front of me and Harry was on my left and Louis on my left. I was a little confused a first but then I realized that they were going to try and get to the bottom of why I was acting like this.

"Liam." Niall said. He set his hand down on my knee and looked me straight in the eyes. "We want to know why you have been acting like this."

I looked down at my lap. I knew that this question was going to be asked someday. I knew it was going to be asked today after they moved the chairs, but yet I was so not prepared for it. I knew that they would figure out my secret one day but I was hoping that they never would. I could just tell them about Destiny, about that night that my secret came to be, about everything. I was just scared about what they might think. I was scared that Destiny would tell the whole world about my secret. I don't even know how Destiny knew about my secret but she did. You know what I was going to do it. I am going to tell the lads my secret. I looked up from my lap to see that they were all staring at me still waiting for me to answer. I took a shaky breath in "I-"

*Flashback* (still in Liam's POV)

I looked at the clock by my bed 1:47 am. It was just a normal Wednesday night. Me being my 14 year old self always stayed up on the computer way past when I should have been asleep. I was looking through twitter, facebook, and youtube just looking at random stuff. This is what I would usually do while my mom was downstairs watching t.v or doing something random that girls do. All of a sudden I heard the door get kicked open and somene yelling downstairs. My first thought was it has to be a burglar. Then I heard my mom scream and I got scared, but me being 14 I had to go see what was going on. I crept over to my door careful not to make any noise and slowly opened my door being as quiet as  possibly could. I started to walk down the stairs crouching so that who ever was down there wouldn't be able to see me that well. I got to where I could see what was going on. I saw my mom sitting on the floor facing who ever was in our house with a very scared look on her face. I turned so I could see the person in our house. It was a man about 35 years old and was starting to get a little gray hair. He was wearing a mask over his face so we couldn't see his face. His eyes were a dark brown with no mercy, no happiness, and no regret. He turned to face me and I realized he had a gun in his right hand that was now pointed right at me.

*End of flashback*

I looked up to see the boys still staring at me waiting for me to finish. "You what Liam?" Zayn asked gently. I could feel my eyes staring to tear up from remembering that night. I had tried so hard to forget what happened, convince myself that it was just a dream but it wasn't it had really happened. I was trying so hard not to bawl my eyes out right now. I had to stay strong. I opened my mouth ready to say something but closed it again. Was I really ready to tell them? I wasn't so sure any more.


"Come down here." He demanded.

I slowly and cautiously walked down the stairs towards him. As soon as I got near him he put the gun down and motioned for me to come closer. I walked over to him and he put his arm around my shoulder. "Ahh yes you must be Liam." He said to me I nodded a little. "I have heard so many things about you." He said like he knew me. "I have a couple choices for you and you need to pick which one you would like alright?" I just stared at him. "Here are your choices. I can shoot you and your mom. Or you shoot your mom and you live." He said gesturing to my mother who was still on the ground. I had no idea what to do because no matter what I did my mom was still going to die. My mother motioned for me to come over to her so I took the man's arm off of my shoulder and walked over to her. She grabbed my hand with her icy cold one and I pulled her off the ground. She immediately enveloped me in a hug. She started to cry and wispering in my ear. "Liam are you listening to me?" I nodded. "I want you to take the second choice. You need to survive you have so much going for you." I began to cry and started to protest but she cut me off. "Liam." she said a bit more sternly. "You do as I tell you you will pick up that gun and shoot me and then go on with your life. I want you to forget about what happens here but never forget about me. You understand?" I nodded and hugged her tighter. I was crying so hard and I didn't want to loose my mother but she was not letting me do the other choice. "Liam let go of me." She said I pulled away from her and looked at her. "Liam I love you never forget that." I hugged her again and said "I love you too" I pulled away and walked back over to the man. "I'm going to choose the second option." I said. He smiled at me and handed me the gun. I turned around to look at my mom. She smiled at me and and nodded a bit to tell me that it was ok and this is what I was supposed to do. I had a never ending stream of tears falling down my face so I could barely even see. I raised the gun up and pointed at her head. I didn't want to hurt her perfect heart. I whispered "I love you." then pulled the trigger.

*End of flashback*

I was literally shaken from my flashback by Niall who was looking at me very worriedly. "Liam are you alright? You keep like zoning out." I looked at each of the boys who were looking at me. I started to shakily stand up. "I-I'm sorry I can't tell you." I said as a few tears escaped but I hurriedly wiped them away hoping that no one had seen them. "I'm going to go to bed now." I said then quickly walked away and to my room. I closed the door and locked it then burst out crying with all those emotions I ws trying so hard to hold in. No I wasn't ready to tell them and I don't know if I ever will be.


Annnddd that's chapter four and Liam's secret!:) What did ya think? Did you think that was going to be Liam's secret? So tell me what you thought, comment, vote, fan. You know the drill.  byee

McKenna x

I'm drinking a Dr. Pepper hehe :)

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