Mending our bond

372 28 11

Harry's POV

I can't really believe that that even happened. It's been over 24 hours and I can't seem to move. Louis has been here ever since trying to get me to eat, sleep, move, etc. All I can think about is Katie. I wonder if she will come back. I don't think any of the lads have seen her since that night. I hope she's alright.

To be completely honest I'm not even mad at Liam. I know that I probably should be but I'm really not. I know that something has been going on that's making him act so weird so I can't really be mad at him. Actually I'm just worried about him and Katie.

I was starting to get a headache from all the thinking so I decided that maybe I was over-thinking things just a little bit.

"Harry I'm going to go see the lads ok?" I heard Louis call from the other room.

"Can I come?" I asked. I was tired of being a wimp and sitting in here not doing anything.

"Umm sure." The surprise was evident in his voice. "Just let me go get my shoes."

I slowly stood up from the couch not wanting to get light headed from having been sitting in that same spot for approximately 27 hours.

I heard a bang and a soft "ow" come from the other room where Louis went to get his shoes. I couldn't help but let out a small bubble of laughter from my throat, thinking about what Louis could have possibly been doing. My laughter increased when Lou came back rubbing the back of his head and muttering curse words under his breath. My bubbles of laughter increased until I was on the floor rolling around in my pools of laughter. He started at me like I was some mental guy with purple skin but honestly I couldn't care less right now.

"Alright alright enough laughing at me lets go." He grumbled and sulked to the door. I pulled myself off the floor and wiped the tears that had slipped from me laughing a little too hard.

Getting in the car we headed on our way to Liam's flat.


I was too lost in my thoughts to realize that we arrived at Liam's flat. Louis nudged me out of my thoughts. "Harry we're here." He opened the door slipping out and shutting it behind him. I took a deep breath and slowly opened my door, stepping out of the car. I jogged slightly so I could catch up to Lou. He looked over at me as I caught up to him. "You ok?" I just nodded and continued toward the door.

Louis knocked then opened the door and walked in. I hesitated before following closely behind Lou. "Liam, Niall, Zayn!" Louis yelled looking around for them.

"In here!" I heard Zayn yell so we followed the sound to the kitchen.

Louis walked through the doorway with me in close pursuit. I saw all of them in there cooking (most likely for Niall) some spagetti. Zayn looked up to greet us.

"Hey Lou, and Harry." he said nodding at both of us before going back to making the sauce. As soon a Zayn said my name I saw Liam look up in surprise.

"Hey guys." I said smiling at them. Liam just stood there staring at me. I took a step toward Liam and he took one back. I frowned, what's up with him. I took two more steps toward him and he quickly backed up hitting the wall.

"Liam, can I talk to you." I asked, motioning towards the living room. He slowly nodded and hesitantly followed me out there. I sat down on the sofa and patted the spot next to me for him to sit. He looked a bit scared but quickly covered it up and sat down.

"Liam." I started, moving closer to him. He cowered away, looking at me in fear. "Liam, I'm not mad at you." I said looking at him curiously. He was acting odd.

"Yo-you're not?" He stuttered. I shook my head.

"Of course not, I know that you didn't really mean it when you did it." I explained smiling slightly at him. He seemed to relax.

"Yo-you do?" He asked looking at me curiously.

"Of course buddy." I said watching him carefully. He looked as if a load had been lifted off his shoulders. He smiled at me looking relieved.

"How about me and you go to a movie tonight?" I asked wanting to repair our bond. He nodded and smiled.

"That sounds like a great idea." He said.

We went to the movie and had a great time. Whatever part of our bond was severed had been repaired and both of us could not have been happier.


Surprise!! I updated! This chapter is crap but I felt like I needed to update something. This story is not off hold but I decided to update. Sorry!! But I love you all!

A VERY Happy Birthday to Zayn Jawaad Malik today! Happy 20th Birthday Hun!

I love the song on the side! And it's Zayn's girl so even better!

McKenna x

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