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Liam's POV

I knew exactly who it was. It was...... Louis?

"L-Louis? What are you doing?" I asked kind of scared of how he was looking at me. I tried to get up out of the chair but Louis pushed me back down and screamed "NO JIMMY PROTESTED" in my ear.

"Sorry for doing this Liam but you are stuck right here until you tell us what's going on." I just stared at him in disbeleif. Did he really think he could keep me here? I could just go up to my room and climb out the window. It was then that I noticed Zayn guarding the front door, Niall guarding the way to the upstairs, and Harry guarding the way to the kitchen. I was trapped in this room. Crap I had to meet Destiny in 45 minutes and if I came late again she would get pissed and tell everyone my secret. She was starting to run low on patience. Maybe I could call her and explain what was going on. I reached to get my phone out f my pocket but it wasn't there. I checked the other one then jumped out of he chair and checked my back pockets. It wasn't there.

"Louis have you seen my phone?" I asked him looking around the room to see if I could find it.

"Oh I have it you can't call or text anyone either you just have to sit here until you tell" he said smirking at me. I suddenly got really scared what if she actually does tell everyone that I'm a freaking murderer. Louis must have noticed my expression because he asked me what was wrong.

"Louis seriously give me my phone now." I said as calm as I could.

"No you haven't told us yet." he said holding it above his head.

"Louis I am not joking with you right now I need to call someone now!" I said starting to panic a little. He thought about it for a minute then finally gave in.

"Fine but you have to put it on speaker phone." He said not asking for an argument. Well this was going to be interesting. He handed over my phone and I gratefully took it.

L-Liam D-Destiny

*ring* *ring* *ri-

D"It's about time you called you freaki-"

L"Hey you're on speaker phone with the lads."

D"Oh hey guys." 'Hi' they all replied

L"So about today I'm not going to be able to show up something came up." I said looking up at them and glaring.

D"Oh? and what came up?"

L"It's complicated." I replied. 

D"Well I have all the time in the world so tell me."

L"umm... how about later? I have to go."

D"ughhh.. Ok fine later but I'm holding you to that."

L"Okay bye... Iloveyou." I said really quickly through clenched teeth.

D"loveyouto." she said in the same way as I had.

D"Oh and I expect that we will hang out tomorrow then?" She asked although it wasn't really a question it was more like 'You better be there or bad things' type of thing.

L"ya bye." I said not waiting for a reply and hanging up.

I let out a breath that I didn't even realize that I was even holding. The boys were now looking at me very strangely.

"You were so urgent about that??" Zayn asked me still guarding the door looking confused.

"yep" I said trying to drop the subject and it worked.

"Alright so are you going to tell us now?" Louis asked me. I shook my head and sat down on the coach. Maybe I could pretend to fall asleep and once they did then I could sneak out.

"Whyyy nooottt?" Louis pouted. I just looked down to my lap and said nothing.

"C-can I have some water?" I asked him. He nodded and told Zayn to go get it for me. I smiled a little when I realized they left the door unguarded maybe I could make a break for it. Just then Louis went over to the door and stood in front of it. Ahh poop.

"I'm gunna go check on my water" I said and got up to go into the kitchen. Since Zayn was in there they just assumed that it would be ok so they allowed me access.

When I walked in Zayn had the glass half way filled with water. He turned around when I walked in then smiled. 

"I'm just checking on my water." I said and looked around. There was a window that I could easily get out of and it wasn't locked. Perfect. As soon as Zayn filled up the whole glass I motioned for him to go first out the door. As soon as he went into the next room I quickly opened the window and jumped.

Louis's POV

Liam just went in the kitchen to 'check on his water' Ya right. I know what he's up to. He's going to try to get away while we aren't looking. As soon as Zayn came out of the kitchen without him I knew exactly what was going on. I ran into the kitchen to see Liam halfway out of the window. I grabbed him by his waist and tried to pull him back in but he was resisting and kept kicking me. I yelled for the lads to come help me. They all ran in then saw Liam and I and rushed to help. We all grabbed Liam and pulled him back inside. He landed on the floor with a loud thud. He groaned and grabbed his head. I guess that when we pulled him in he hit his head a little hard.

"Liam are you okay?" I asked him. He slowly stood up and nodded his head.

"Why were you trying to get away from us?" Zayn asked the question that we were all thinking.

"I think that I'm just going to go to bed." He said totally ignoring the question and walked upstairs.

Liam's POV

Well the first escape plan failed but now that I'm in my room I can get away. Destiny texted me and told me to meet her at midnight at the park. I just have to wait until the lads go to sleep and then I can get out.


Alright lovelies thats da chapta:) I hope you like it! I love you all so keep spreading the word about my story and comment, fan, and vote thank you!!!

Bleh I don't have a laptop so I have to use my mom's but she gets mad at me for being on it for a long time so I searched for a macbook online and I didn't know that theywere that much! WTF! Anyways sorry just had to say that

McKenna x 

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