The Interview

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Harry's POV

The next morning I was still thinking about last night. Destiny. This definately had something to do with Destiny. I know it does, it has to. I just can't figure it out. I mean how would Destiy make him act weird. It's all so confusing.

"Umm Harry?" Louis said sounding a little concerned.

"Hmm what?" I said.

"I was asking you what you wanted for breakfast." He said.

I hadn't realized that I had zoned out. "Oh umm I'll just have cereal." I said still kind of in my own thoughts.

"Harry...... are you alright?" Zayn asked me. I nodded.

"Can we have a meeting?" I asked them they nodded. Since everyone was sitting at the table we all just moved into the living room. Everyoneone sat and looked at me waiting for me to start.

"Liam" I started. He just looked at me with a look of annoyance.

"Why can't you guys just leave me alone?!" He yelled then got up and ran to his room. Slamming the door behind him. Okay? Gosh he's pissy today.

"Okay then?" Louis said.

"Well I just wanted to tell you guys what happened last night." I said. "Liamm snuck out so i followed him. We ended up at the park. You know the same one we found him at?" I paused. "Well he sat down on a bench and just waited when no one came he called Destiny and asked her if she was coming. She said no and then Liam said bye I hate you and she said it back." I paused waiting to see what they would say.

"Do you think they're in a fight?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know that's what I was thinking." I said.

"You know what guys? Lets just leave him alone and let him do what he wants and see if it gets sorted out by itself." Niall suggested. We thought about it for a minute. Maybe it would just pass by and be over with. We agreed and went back to what we were doing. We had to get ready cause we have an interview in three hours.

This is going to be a long day.

*2 hours later*

Liam's POV

"Zayn! Come on we are going to be late!" Louis yelled. Gosh that boy is so obsessed with his hair. "I'm coming!" He yelled down at us. 5 minutes later he came down. "Okay lets go now." he said. We all filed into the car. Paul was driving Louis was in the front seat, Harry was behind Paul and Zayn was behind Louis, and I was in the back next to Niall.

They hadn't been questioning me any more which I was so grateful for. I am never going to tell them. I have to meet Destiny after the interview. Yay. Not. Man I hate that girl. Hopefully it won't be anything extreme this time.

We pulled up outside of the studio and got out of the car. We made our way inside and they directed us towards where we needed to wait until the interview. I didn't really have anything to say so I just stood there and didn't say anything. Niall was talking to Zayn about some food or something and Louis and Harry were just doing whatever it is that they do. We waited until they called us out on stage and we sat down ready to answer their questions.

*one interview later*

"I'm so tired!" Niall complained. "And hungry"

"Niall we're going back to the house, it's like 10 minutes away." Harry said. Niall just groaned and slumped in his seat. Ugh I have to go see the she devil aka Destiny in an hour. Great (note the sarcasm) She can just die in a hole for all I care. Okay that was a bit harsh but I mean she has to have something more productive to do with her life then torture me. What does she have against me? I never did anything to her.

We pulled up in front of the house and everyone piled out. As soon as we got inside Niall headed towards the kitchen of course Harry, Louis, and Zayn all went to the couch and sat down and turned on the tv. I decided that I would just sit and watch tv too. I might as well have a little time to rest before I go meet Destiny. They turned on the Olympics and were watching the gymnastics.

I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. Crap I must have fallen asleep. What time was it? 11:00. I was supposed to meet Destiny two hours ago! Oh no. Niall got up to go get the door. He back a few minutes later with Destiny trailing behind him. She looked over at me and gave me that devious smile. This can not be good.


Oh my gosh my brothers are being sooooo annoying! It's hard for me to even write when they are like this. Bleh. 

I just got back from a six hour dance practice. Bleh. My legs hurt so bad:(

Anyway I love you all. Peace out.

McKenna x

ps This is dedicated to @1D4me_xx for making my day with her comment:)

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