Meeting with the She Devil

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Liam's POV

She sat down next to me. "So Liam, where were you about 2 hours ago?" I gulped. I knew she was going to say something like that. "I was here sleeping." I said cringing a little. I will admit that I was afraid. Very afraid. I do not want people to think that I'm a murderer even though I kind of am. "Sleeping, really?" she said "I just remember that we had planned to go out at 9 and now it's 11. What ever hapened to our plans?"

"I fell asleep." I said looking down. "Sorry"

"Mm I bet you are." she said. "And you will be even more soon." she said in a whisper so only I could hear it. Crap.

"We can still go out right now though right?"  She asked.

"Yep of course." I said trying to sound cheery. Really I was not happy she was going to make me do something that I don't want to do and it's going to be horrible, but I'm not even kidding about how close she is to telling everyone about my secret. It's so close to that point it's really scary.

"Good lets go." She said grabbing my hand. She pulled me out the door and to her car. 

"Where are we going?" I asked very curious.

"We are going to where you were supposed to meet me but didn't." She said with annoyance clear in her voice. I decided that it would be best not to comment so I just sat there in silence. We got to the park and jumped out of the car. We walked over to a bench and sat in silence for a moment just observing the kids playing. They were so innocent and had no worries in their lives. I was so jealous.

"So Liam." she started her tone so cold I shivered a little. "You missed our little date." She said still looking around the park as if she hadn't said anything to me. I just sat there not saying anything waiting for her to continue. She turned suddenly to face me and put her pointer finger up to my face almost touching it like you do when you are getting mad at someone. "You are so lucky and I mean so lucky that I didn't tell anyone."  "But if this ever, ever happens again you will not be so lucky. Understand?" She said with her teeth clenched. She was staring me right in the eyes and the evil and anger was flaring in her eyes it was really quite frightening. If looks could kill I would have died about 69 times already. (a/n Sorry I couldn't resist putting 69 hehe) I nodded furiously. She smirked then dropped her hand and looked back in front of her.

"Well since you have been horrible about showing up for things I have a favor that I need you to do for me." She said. By favor I knew that she meant 'something horrible that I'm not going to want to do but I'm going to do anyways so I can keep my secret that I'm to afraid to tell anyone.' That kind of favor. I groaned inwardly. "I heard that Harry is bringing home a girl tomorrow. Am I corect?" "Yea" I said. I remember him saying something about a girl. From what I understand he really likes her and is planning on asking her to be his girlfriend soon, but I didn't have any idea how this had anything to do with the little 'favor' she wanted me to do. "And I understand that they are getting a little serious." She said. "Yeaaa?" I questioned still confused about how this pertained to anything. I took a drink of my water.

"Well when he brings her over I need you to get her alone but make sure that Harry would come in soon. Then you kiss her in front of Harry." I had a total spit take. "WHAT?!" I yelled. "You heard me" She smirked. "No, no, no, no, no. What how can you even think that! Harry would hate me forever and he really likes her.How would I even get her alone and have Harry come in right as we are kissing?" "I don't know. Spill something on her and tell Harry to go get something while you take her to the sink then kiss her and he walks in to help you clean her up and BAM!" She said clearly pleased with her plan. I just sat there mouth open trying to process this. This wasn't going to work and if it did then Harry would not be happy at all! I was'nt very happy with her right now, but I couldn't find words to say.

"Well lets go back now it's getting late." She said standing up and making her way over to her car I was still sitting on the bench with my mouth open. "Come on you idiot! I can't wait all day!" I got up off the bench and started over to her car "And close your mouth you'll catch flies." She said then slid into the car. I slid in the other side and she started the car and drove in the direction of the house.

Not excited for tomorrow.


Oh my gosh from yesterdays dance practice I am sooooo sore. I can't evn move! It sucks a lot! Everything from my shoulders down hurts and it's not fun.

And my brother got his wisdom teeth out today. mwahaha. It's funny. He looks like a chipmunk:)

I wasn't going to update today but you guys are so awesome that I decided to sit down and finish this chapter and post it for you so count youselves lucky! haha. I tried to make it good for you so sorry if I failed! But comment and tell me what you think and constructive criticism is good to:)

Oh and my frend had her finger in my face like it says and I said "I'm going to lick your finger." and she was like "Do it I dare you." So I licked her finger and she freaked out and was like "Why did you lick me?!" and I was like "You told me to!" and then she was like "When someone says 'Do it I dare you' they are being sarcastic." It was so funny!:) anyways Love you all! 

McKenna x

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