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The taxi driver stared at me through the rearview mirror for the sixth time in the last half hour I had been in the taxi. I realized I was a sight to behold, as my clothes were crumpled, my eyes were puffy and red, and the tear tracks on my face were obvious against my pale complexion. His stare was unnerving and frankly, kind of creepy. His head tilted to the side as his stare became more intense. Wiggling uncomfortably in my seat, I tried to look anywhere but the man. A look of realization dawned on his features.

"I knew I recognized you from somewhere." An Irish accent heavy in his speech. "You're that kid from that boyband aren't you?" His gaze returned to the road, only to have him look back at me only seconds later, awaiting an answer. I opened my mouth to utter a reply, just to close it again, unsure of my answer.

"Yeah, that's me." I said, deciding on the easier answer. Obviously noticing my reluctance, the driver returned his focus to the road. "But not anymore." I uttered softly to myself. Tears immediately sprang to my eyes. I blinked them back. No crying.

Driving further out of London, the driver continued to look at me in the mirror. Ignoring it was fairly easy, but I was concerned for our safety seeing as he wasn't paying attention to the road.

Where the taxi was taking me, I wasn't sure. After I had found out that Destiny's father was the man who had haunting my nightmares for years, running had been my first instinct, so I did. I ran all the way back to where the boys and I were staying, threw myself on the bed and cried. When I finally pulled my face from the now damp pilow, I realized I had a text from Destiny. I already knew what it said. Leaving the boys was going to be one of the hardest things I was ever going to do, but it had to be done. I either leave now, or get kicked out later when they find out what I've done. So, pulling myself off the bed I grabbed a bag filling it with the necessities. Taking one last look around I grabbed my bag and closed the door behind me.

The boys had been out there waiting for me, of course. I had made a big deal of my arrival.

"LiLi what's wrong?" Niall asked glancing at me with his bright blues. His face had such a look of confusion, concern, and innocence it made me want to cry.

"What's with the bag mate?" Zayn asked, also mirroring the looks of confusion. I looked down at my shoes not able to see their faces anymore. It was making it too hard.

"I- I'm leaving." The looks of confusion deepened.

"Oh, you're going to see your family? Why didn't you say something." I shook my head violently. They didn't understand, and the tears that were threatening to fall made it harder to speak again.

"N- no, I'm leaving t- the band." I managed to stutter out. The silence that followed made me just want to curl up in a ball and never face the world, but seeing as that wasn't an option, I kept my focus on my shoes.

"W-what?" I looked up to see Niall shaking, and trying to hold back his sobs, but failing. A lump started to form in my throat. "You can't l- leave." I knew I needed to leave before it became to hard to say goodbye. Moving around my bandmates and best friends, I walked to the door. The tears were falling everywhere, as they watched me walk to the door. I turned around one last time just to utter one last word.

"Goodbye." And with that I walked out closing the door behind me.

That is how I ended up in a taxi headed to who knows where. I had paid for the taxi to take me as far as it could, not knowing where I would end up. I didn't exactly know where to go. I had just left the band so I couldn't live there and if I went home they would question why I was there and not on tour. To sum it all up, I was lost.

The thing that stuck in my head the most was Niall's face as I walked out the door. Him and I were the closest and his face tore me apart.

I pulled my phone from my pocket, staring at the blank screen. I had turned my phone off knowing I would get calls from all the boys. My finger hovered over the power button. If I turned it on, resisting the calls would be so much harder. Sighing in defeat, I put my phone back into my pocket.

After ten more minutes of internal battles, I pulled out my phone turning it back on. Immediately, it flashed with 16 missed calls and 47 new texts. It began ringing again as Paul's name popped up on the screen. My finger hovered before hitting the accept call button.

"Liam! What is going on? I get a call from Louis who's in tears and Niall is sobbing in the background, saying that you left the band." I sighed running my free hand over my face. 

"It's a really long story." I looked up then noticing that the taxi has stopped. 

"This is as far as I can take you kid." I nodded before getting out waving to the driver as he sped away back the way we came. 

"I have all day." Paul said simply, obviously waiting for me to explain. I sighed dramatically.

"It all started when I was fourteen."


As soon as I finished explaining the whole story, all I could hear was Paul's steady breathing, the only thing that hinted he was still on the phone. I waited anxiously for his reply. 

"Look Liam, this is a lot to take in. But, these boys love you. You guys have been practically brothers for three years now, and I know that they won't judge you. They will understand. The fans love you just the same. You might loose a few, but only the fake ones. Liam, all these people love you so much and they aren't going to judge you ok? Just think about coming back." I heard the familiar click signifying the call had ended. 

My mind was moving at a million miles an hour. Should I go back? Would they really not judge me? Could I do it? In the moment I figured out what I have to do. It wasn't going to be easy, but I knew what I had to do. I had to go back. Destiny can't push me around anymore. I sen a text to Paul 

I'm coming back. You were right. Li x

I quickly pulled up the number for the taxi company asking for one to come pick me up, giving them my location. Not even ten minutes later a taxi pulled up. They rolled down the window and I recognized the man as the one who drove me out here. He gave me a strange look.

"You celebritys are a curious bunch aren't you?"


Mkay! Just a few more chapters left! Like maybe 1 or 2?? Tried to make it longer!!! I really did!

Thanks for all the support I love all of you guys!! 

I start school Monday so... we will see how that goes... hahahaha


McKenna x

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