How are you supposed to forget about something like that?

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Hello! So I'm sorry that it's been a while since I updated!! I just didn't know exactly how I was going to do this chapter and I just didn't really have any motivation. Also school starts on Monday so I'm not going to be updating as often but I will update at least once every two weeks I want to say once a week but we will see how it goes. Right now I'm just updating whenever I finish the chapter and fix it and stuff, but when school starts I'm thinking about doing like a Friday update so every Friday. Would that work?? Tell me what you think about Friday updates. Or it might be a Saturday update but idk.

And the song for this chapta is................... The A team by Ed Sheeran!! Because I love him!! Like I love him a lot<3


Liam's POV

I woke up to the sound of breakfast being made downstairs. I hope that Harry was doing it otherwise it would probably just end up in a mess for me to clean up. I looked over to the clock. 8:30. I never wake up this late. Well I guess that I did go to sleep at four. Harry's friend is coming over at noon I think. Crap. Maybe she will get sick and cancel. Or she will get in a crash and die! Okay that was mean. I don't want her to die. I just don't want her to come. If she does then her and Harry are probably both going to get hurt. I need to stop thinking so much.

I might as well get ready. I can't just sit in my room all day. I went into the bathroom and got in the shower. I hopped out got dressed and did the normal morning routine. I went downstairs to see the lads just having un, laughing, and eating breakfast. I went in the kitchen an opened the fridge looking for something to eat. I was really hungry.

"So Harry, what time is your lady friend coming over?" Zayn asked. Oh ya. After I got in the shower I totally forgot about that. I suddenly lost my appetite and felt a little sick.

"Oh she can come a little early so she will be here in an hour." He answered. I felt really sick. I ran to the bathroom and spilled my guts out. I felt someone sit next to me and rub circles in my back

"You alright mate?" I heard Niall ask. I nodded and felt the nausea coming back so I leaned over the toilet again and emptied myself until there wasn't anything left.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I said. I felt Niall get up and leave so I leaned back and rested my head up against the wall behind me and closed my eyes trying to calm my churning stomach. I heard Niall come back in.

"I got you some water." he said. So I opened my eyes and took the cup from him. I took a sip. Swishing it around in my mouth before swallowing trying to get the gross taste out of my mouth. I slowly and shakily stood up and went over to the sink grabbing my tooth brush and brushing my teeth. I made sure that I got any sign that I had ever puked out of my mouth. I mean I had to kiss that girl, I know I don't want to but that's just gross if my my mouth tates like-- eww ok just eww stop thinking about that.

"I'm just going to go lay down in my room for a while." I said to Niall. I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to my room. I silently opened my door went in and closed it behind me. I went over to my bed and laid down and just laid there.

I just don't understand how one person can make me this upset. I mean I'm never this upset like ever, but all of a sudden this girl comes and makes me unhappy. How does that happen? I don't even remember the day we met. Is that sad that I can't even remember the day my girlfriend and I met? Because I don't think that it is. I don't even know where, how, or when I met her. It's kond of pathetic really, but maybe I've forced myself to forget so that if she ever gets out of my life then I will have no memory of her and it will be like she was never there. But the thing that will always be in my memory and I will never forget is that night that my secret came to be. That night haunts me in my dreams every night. It's like I'm reliving the whole thing over and over again every night. I'm surprised that the lads haven't gotten me mental help or something because I'm pretty sure that I scream every time I have that dream. My mum told me to forget about that night and what happened there but I can't. How are you supposed to forget about something like that? It's like learning how to ride a bike. Even if you don't do it for a while you just always know how. Where as no matter how much time passes I will never be able to forget that night. Ever.

I looked over to the clock. 9:15. She will be here in fifteen minutes. Kill. Me. Now.


Yay! I updated! But oh my gosh ew I hate this chapter it's just ew. It's really really short and a filler and ew just ew.

Buuuutttt I am going to spend a lot of time in the next one and try to make it long and good. Like I said I'm probably going to do like a Friday update.

School starts on Monday!! NOOOO!!!!!! I hate school with every inch of my body. :P Bleh.

Love you all. And commenting and voting helps me update faster like even if it's just a smiley face it still makes me feel like people like my story. So the more people comment and vote then probably the faster I update. Thank you guys for reading!<3

McKenna x

Ps sorry for spelling mistakes I did this on my iPod so as soon as I get the laptop back I will go through and fix stuff.

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