The big move - Chapter 8

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[YOUR POV] 4 days later -
You sat waiting impatiently for Scooter to pick you up, he'd apparently been in town all week to comfort your mum whilst you were in the coma. Knowing that she had someone around to look out for her made you smile. You were released from the hospital late yesterday evening and after you got up this morning your mum left to head back to New York. You heard the front door open followed by a loud "hello" from Scooter.
"Ready for the big move to the United States?" He asked sounding cheerful. "Your mum designed your room whist you were in the hospital so it's all ready for you when we arrive" you smiled at him before trying to attempt to stand up by yourself "woah easy there tiger! You're not ready to try and walk by yourself just yet!" He passed you your crutches and helped you to your feet. The stab wound in your shoulder was the least dangerous wound meaning you could successfully support your own body weight on the crutches without too much pain, they did offer you a wheelchair but you declined.

The day was filled with traveling and you slept most of it due to the painkillers you were on. You were awake the whole 2 hours from the L.A.X airport to your new home.
"I'll worn you before we arrive the house is very big, it's only 2 stories but it's still very easy to take the wrong turn" you laughed a bit, half because you were still nervous of the move and half because you just found it funny. "It's a double staircase that meets I'm the middle and your room will be too the right along with mine and your mothers, Justins room is to the left along with Patties room, a spare room and another room which is ushers for when he decides he wants to stay"
So Scooter and your mum shared a room, wow a lot must've happened when she visited L.A without you.
"So Justin lives there?" You asked nervously picking at the bandages that held your 2 broken fingers together.
"Well yeah, he does have a house a few blocks down which him and his mum sometimes stay in but we all like being together, we're like one giant family and it's a great atmosphere most of the time"
"Right.." You replied suddenly getting scared that you might see Justin for the first time in 3 years looking like a beaten up rat.
You felt like you had to ask so you could attempt to settle your nerves "And he'll be here now? When we get back?"
"Actually no, he's been in Washington on a trip with Usher but he'll be back in the morning"
You relaxed in your seat knowing that he won't be there when you first arrive because you didn't know what to say to him.

"We're home" you heard Scooter say waking you up from the nap you didn't know you'd taken. The car stopped and you half fell out of the door as you attempted to step out of the car by yourself. "Oh hunny" you heard Patties voice from the front door "let me help you inside and up to your room, you must be tired from all that traveling"
You would've argued with her but strangely she wasn't wrong, this medication numbed the pain yes but it also made you sleep more in the day than you were awake. Once you were in your room it took you a while to get over how amazing it was. "It's perfect" you cooed to Pattie as you sat down on your large queen sized bed. She laughed before giving you a hug, she hardly made contact with your skin so you could tell she was conscious not to hurt you. "It's so nice to have you as part of the family again Y/N, I've missed you and I know Justin has too" you smiled at her before she stood up and walked over to the door "get some rest sweetheart, you look shattered, I'll see you tomorrow" and with that she was gone.

You looked at the clock hanging on one of your walls of your new room and saw that it was 6am, you sighed before getting up and walking a little better today on your crutches over to your ensuite bathroom. You took your time as you washed your face and brushed your teeth as your whole body was still really achy. You made your way downstairs slowly and quietly, one because you couldn't move any faster on the crutches if you tried and two because everyone else was still sleeping.

You surprisingly found the kitchen quite quickly for not having a clue where you were going and took your medication, you grabbed a water out of the fridge after deciding it was too early to eat and headed back to your room. As you stepped up the first few steps your head started to spin and your could feel yourself shaking before you lost your balance and stumbled backwards.
You felt a pair of  large strong arms wrap around your waist which broke your fall and you crashed into a hard body instead. After a few seconds you caught your breath and turned around.
"Justin" you gasped as you looked into his hazel eyes, your eyes couldn't help but wander around his face looking at each of his facial features. He's beautiful you thought to yourself before realising you were staring. He laughed softly before speaking "you alright?" "Uh huh" you said still shocked it was actually him. "Let me help you up the stairs" God it was good to hear his voice again. You hadn't realised his arm was still around your waist until he stepped up a step dragging you up with him. You thanked him when you reached the top and he said a quick "I'll see you later" before he headed in the opposite direction to his own room you assumed. You frowned at how weird he was acting and continued to walk to your room.

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