Before he left- Chapter 1

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[YOU,RE POV] [Y/N= your name] [ set in 2007] -aged 10

"no no Justin Justin stop" you squealed as he chased you around the patch of grass outside your houses with a water gun in his hand. "please, I surrender I surrender, J!! J!! Please just don't get me wet before dinner" you shouted pretending that you actually gived a damn ..the truth was you didn't really care about getting soaked or muddy or anything that most girls would care about. You were the biggest Tom boy at school and maybe that's why you and Justin had such a close bond because you were so alike. "JUSTIN DREW BIEBER" you screeched as the cold water soaked through your clothes giving you goose bumps on your skin. "I told you not to do that" you said in a fake princess voice before punching him on the shoulder. "ow Y/N you punch hard.. For a girl" he teased before poking his tongue out at you and squirting you again with the water pistol. "Grrrr, give me that Bieber, it's my turn to have it now"
"Y/N, JUSTIN DINNERS READYYY" Justins mum Pattie shouted from their front door. You were having dinner round Justins tonight because your mum was away writing her latest novel in New York and your father claimed he had things to take care of.

*2 years later* [2009] - aged 12
You sat on Justins bed as he packed up the final things from his room. "It just looks so empty ya no?" You said as he closed the final box full of his stuff. "Yeah it's strange knowing I'll never be back in this room again, the people who bought the house will be moving in next weekend meaning I won't get the chance to come back"
You were silent for a few seconds not knowing what to say
"j?" You addressed him by the nickname you gave him when you were small
"yeah Y/N?"
"I'm gunna miss you.. Ya know I sure got used to having a brother around to protect me all these years, since the very first day at school you scared away all those bullies and you stuck by me through everything, I know you're only 6 months older than me but I always felt safe when you were around .." You trailed off and whiped away a tear that had escaped from your eye
"Don't cry, I'll miss you too but mum promised me you could come over to visit once we're settled! That guy Scooter I told you about has a lot of plans for me when I first get to L.A but after you can come stay and it'll be soon! They promised!!" You smiled a bit and hugged him. Even at aged 12 you two had a great friendship, you could have the most fun, silly times, laughing and playing around but when you had to be serious and mature you could be, that's one of the things about Justin, he was just like you imagined a girl best friend to be and more.

Your mum was out the front in the street to taking to Pattie as she helped the men load the removal truck up (her and my mum might as well be sisters with how close they'd gotten the past 9 years they'd lived across the street for one another and Pattie was like my auntie/ second mum anyway)
"JUSTIN" Pattie called which indicated it was time for him to leave.. You stood up and followed Justin out of the room and down the stairs
After saying your goodbyes for a good 20 minutes Justin and his mum got inside of the car and pulled off the drive way and down the street. She beeped the horn and you could see Justins hand waving out the window as the car disappeared down the road.
The rest of the night you just cried to yourself in bed watching a bunch of sad movies "God I must look so pathetic" you whispered to yourself "i probably look like a teenager that's just broken up with her boyfriend even though I'm 12 years old for god sakes and Justins NOT my boyfriend" you turned your bedside lamp off and rolled over on your side.. "Role on school tomorrow for the 1st day in forever I'll be there without Justin" you though before you fell into a restless sleep with tears stains down your face.

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