Keeping secrets - Chapter 15

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Justin surprisingly got up early this morning and went to the studio so you'd just had a lazy morning. It was now 10 to 3 meaning Justin was due back in 10 minutes so you went and got some food and then went and sat in his room.
He walked in 5 minutes late and smiled at the sight of you on his bed
"Hey miss lazy pants"
He said sitting down next to you
"I wasn't being lazy J, you just left extremely early"
He laughed "I missed you at the studio"
You blushed
"It wasn't the same without you there" he said licking his lips and you felt your face heat up even more
"I also saw that woman there and she avoided eye contact" he said laughing
You just sat there staring at him
"What's wrong?" He said concerned seconds later
"Umm" you said trying to think of the best way to word what you wanted to say
"It's just confusing okay.. Me and you, at first I didn't know how I felt but after yesterday I kinda realized that..."
"It's okay Y/N, you can tell me"
"I just don't want to start believing that you might actually feel the same way too because I can't lose you Justin, you're my bestfriend and I don't want to ruin our friendship by doing something stupid.."
"Hey" he said grabbing your hand
"It's not like we planned for it to happen, it just did okay? Our friendship's obviously strong so I don't think you need to worry, you know i've always loved you"
You smiled at his reassurance
"So if it happens it happens yeah? It's something you could want?"
"Exactly, it's strange for the both of us but let's be honest, since we started hanging out again it definitely wasn't as 'siblings'" he said laughing
"I'm glad you noticed that too" you said squeezing the hand that held yours
"What time are we leaving later?"
"Um, we're meeting the others there so we'll leave around 6 because unfortunately it's a 2 hour drive"
You pulled a face "2 hours?? You're not driving right?"
"No no a limo will take us"
You smiled "that's a bit extreme for just 2 people Justin but it'll be good"
"Right we better start getting ready, I'll see you later okay?"
You nodded getting up from the bed and left his room.

You had a shower and washed your hair, once you'd dried it you styled it in loose waves that ended just below your boobs, you did your makeup and put on a red tight fitting dress that ended above the knee and completed it with some black 4inch heels.
You sprayed on perfume before making your way to Justins room again, you walked in to find him wearing a plain white t-shirt with black jeans with matching white shoes.
"Babee" we said licking his lips as he saw you
"Don't do this to me" he whined
"Do what Bieber?" You said walking over to him wrapping your arms around his waist.
He tightly hugged you back and you stayed that was for a few minutes
"Justin the limos here" you heard Pattie call up the stairs
"Let's go baby girl" Justin said excitedly and you laughed at him.

The journey there consisted mostly of him playing his new music to you, the songs were great so you listened to all of the at least 3 times trying to pick up some of the words.

The limo pulled into the parking lot of the club waiting in a long queue.
"Right when we get out there maybe a few paps around because they know I'm coming so I'll get out first and you can hide behind me if you'd like"
You gulped
"Don't worry, once we're inside they won't be able to get to us, it's a private event"
You showed a small smile before grabbing his hand
"You ready babe?"
You nodded your head and followed him out the limo.
The paparazzi were loud and you clung onto Justins arm for dear life "WHO'S THE GIRL BIEBER"
you finally made it inside the entrance, the party was on the 3rd floor so it was quiet in this room
"Wow that was something else" you said relieved it was over
"You okay?" He asked placing his hands on your shoulders so you looked at him
"Um hm"
"You sure?"
"I think I need a drink" he laughed before leading you upstairs
As you got closer to the party you started hearing the loud banging music
You grabbed Justins arm again as you walked into the room full of people
"What do you want to drink?" Justin said walking up to the bar area "um.. Maybe a vodka coke but with a small amount of vodka this time"
He got the drinks and handed you yours
"Let's go and find the others" you suggested so once you'd located where they were you both went over to say hi.

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