You're both liars - Chapter 13

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It was the next day and you'd asked Caitlin if she'd like to come over for a girly day.

"It's such a nice day outside! Shall we go and change and go relax in the pool?"
"Sounds good! I have a bikini you can borrow"
"Race ya!"
"Caitlin noo, you got a head start"
You were fast so you over took her quickly, you ran up the stairs and down the left hand corridor to your room but not quite making it as you ran into someone on the way
"Woah there speedy, watch out" Justin said grabbing your arms with his hands to break the impact. You felt Caitlin slow down and stop behind you "wtf you're fast" she breathed out of breath. You and Justin laughed at her.
"Hey Bieber what are you doing down here anyway? I believe your room is located on the other side of the house" you said raising your eyebrows at him
"I was just coming to tell you I was going to the studio and that when I'm home later do you want to order pizza"
"Um yeah sounds good!"
"See you later then" he said glancing at you one last time
"Have fun girls" he called as he ran down the stairs.
Caitlin frowned at you before following you into your room
"Here take your pick" you said showing Caitlin your swimsuit and bikini collection
She picked one out and you both got changed and walked back downstairs with towels in your hands
"Caitlin the back doors are already open, I'll grab us some drinks and then I'll meet you out there"
You grabbed 2 cans of coke before walking towards the doors
"Y/N" you heard Justin call
"Justin? What the hell are you still doing here?"
"I came back, I forgot my phone"
You caught him looking your body up and down and felt your face go red
"Justin!" You shouted "stop it" you cried as he bit his lip
"See you later sexy" he said winking
You burst out laughing
"What's so funny?" He said trying to be serious but started laughing himself
"Nothing, nothing" you said turning your back on him and walking out the door feeling his eyes staring after you.

"What the fuck was that?" Caitlin asked giving you a look
"What was what?" You said confused of the sudden question
"That!! You and Justin! Is there something going on between the two of you that you're not telling me??"
"No no Caitlin absolutely not! You've got it completely wrong! I swear!"
She gave you a look again like she wasn't buying what you were saying
"Seriously!! Where did you even get that from?"
"Don't try and act dumb! I heard what he just said to you and I've witnessed the way you two look at each other with my own eyes on a few occasions!" She teased
"We're just friends Caitlin! Good friends! I admit he's extremely good looking and yes he's like the nicest guy ever but I've nearly known him my whole life and most of that consisted of us calling ourselves brother and sister! It's different now that we didn't speak for years but we're finally starting to get our old friendship back and I've missed him and I absolutely adore him as a bestfriend"
"Right whatever Y/N, you tell yourself that" she teased again
"It would be weird if it lead to more, I'm not admitting I like him in that way or anything but I'm sure he'd find it that way too!"
"Yeah yeah, I'll just have to ask him for information then!"
"No don't! Please" you said begging "he wouldn't have even thought of me and him that way I'm sure! You'll just make yourself look stupid asking, we just like to joke with each other that's all"
"We'll see" she said with a smug look on her face.

You said goodbye to Caitlin and went upstairs to take a shower to wash all the chlorine from the pool off your skin. You hopped out and walked into your room in a towel.
"OMG CAITLIN" you screeched as soon as you noticed her perched on your bed
"I wasn't lying when I said I was going to speak to Justin ya know" she said with a proud smile "I had the same chat with him that I did with you earlier"
"Anddd what did he say?"
"..Surprisingly the same thing you did" she huffed
"You're both liars ya know!" She said continuing
"Whatever Caitlin, think what you want.."
"Knock knock" Justin said letting himself in your room
"Oh hi Caitlin.. Again" he said with a slight laugh
"Don't worry don't worry, I'm leaving, you to can have some alone time"
"What's that suppose to mean?" You and Justin said in unison. You smiled at him and he smirked.
"Right bye then guys! See you both Friday at the party"
"Bye cait, have a nice evening"
"And you! Bye Justin"
"Bye see you soon!"
She left leaving you and Justin alone
"Sorry I didn't know she was still here, did I interrupt anything?"
"No no she was just telling me how she was pestering you earlier too!"
He laughed "That girl just wants to know everything"
"Yep, that's very true" you said laughing
"Right babe, I'll go and order the pizzas and we could maybe watch a movie again?"
"Sounds good" you said tightening the towel under your arm and trying not to smile at the word 'babe', you must admit it sounded great in his voice
"I'll just get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs?" You suggested
"Hmm" Justin said checking you out again
"Stop it J! Go, I need to get dressed"
"Come down to my room when you're dressed then" he said pretending to sulk
"Bye bye Bieber"
He walked out laughing to himself

You changed into some joggers and a baggy crop top and made your way to Justins room, the door was slightly open so you just walked right in. He lay on his king sized bed on his phone, it looked like he was playing a game or something "having fun" you said walking in and sitting next to him. "I was just killing time waiting for you, looking good by the way"
"Justin just stop" you said laughing
"What ya don't like compliments?"
"Justinnn" you said trying to keep a straight face
"Smile babe it looks good on you"
"Nope" you said standing up and folding your arms in front of you.
"Right that's it" he said before diving across the bed to where you were and grabbed your waist tickling you "NOO" you screamed as you burst out laughing
"Ooo someone's ticklish" he smirked proud that he'd made you smile before tickling you again. When he pulled his hands away the place where his skin had made contact with yours lightly tingled. "Right come on the pizza should be here any second, let's go down stairs" he grabbed your hands and you followed him out the room.

You finished your pizza and you and Justin both tidied the mess you'd made
"Right you have 2 options" he said positioning himself in front of you.
You studied his face not trying to hide the fact you were staring whilst you waited for him to continue
"We can either watch the film down here in the cinema room like always or up in my room and sit on the comfy bed with the pillows and blankets"
"Option 2 please" you said without hesitation
"Okay then mam, option 2 it is, please hop on" he said crouching down in front of you indicating for you to get on his back,
You jumped on and he gave you a piggy back up the stairs and dropped you on his bed.
He put a DVD on and sat down next to you, casually wrapping his arm around your back. You smiled up at him and he smiled back down at you. You rested your head on his shoulder like before and watched the movie.
Towards the end of the film your eyes starting closing by themselves where they were so heavy so you lay down a bit more and pulled the covers over your whole body to keep warm and get cosy.


The film finished and I looked over at Y/N to see she'd fallen asleep, god she was beautiful, her face looked so peaceful and angelic as she slept.
I turned the light off making the room dark and turned over to face away from her so I could fall asleep.

I woke up to find we'd both moved positions in the night, Y/N was now cured up in a little ball with her back against my chest, I could feel her individual even breaths as her body moved up and down against my stomach. My arm was snaked around her waist and my other rested on the top of her leg. God this happened the last time when we fell asleep together on the sofa, when I'm asleep my body automatically finds hers. I remove my hand from the top of her leg but keep my other one around her for a little while longer as she had no covers on her upper body and I was probably keeping her warm. It's not like I minded, I love her, as a friend, for some reason since we've been hanging out again I can't really bring myself to see her as a sister anymore, part of me wants to admit that Caitlin's right and things have changed between me and Y/N but at the same time I'm confused of what I want. My train of thought was cut short as I felt her small body move in my arms.

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