Visiting L.A - Chapter 2

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[YOUR POV] - 2 months later - aged 13

You and your mum landed in L.A.X airport in the middle of the night, you were exhausted ngl but you couldn't sleep where you were so excited to be reunited with Justin again. There was also a thought in the back of your mind that was scared something would've changed between you and that Justin wasn't happy here but you'll soon see once you arrive.

When the taxi pulled up outside Justin and Patties new home you couldn't help but stare at the size of the house, compared to his old house this one was pretty impressive
"Y/N" you heard Justin call as you saw him running towards you "YO!" You said back with a laugh before he gave you a small hug. "Come on, come on I've got so much to share with you!" You followed him inside the house and sat down on the sofas in his living room. Justin was obviously excited as all his sentences kinda mixed into to one "so I've been to quite a lot of studios recently and I've met some really cool people oh and this one guy said that I had potential can you believe that??? I've got to go there again next week OMG did I mention to you I met usher? Yeah yeah I met usher! I even sang one of his songs to him! Scooter wasn't too impressed with me because he told me not to sing to anyone unless asked but I took my opportunity and went for it ya know? And then I done some exploring with Ryan, Chaz, Christian and Caitlin and we went to all these cool places that I've never even heard of before and it's just been a really cool few weeks!!" He finally stopped to catch his breath. "Wow that was a lot to take in and register" you said laughing.
"Who's those people that you mentioned? And Justin, usher?? Omg that must've been crazy!"
"Caitlin, Chaz, Ryan and Christian are my friends, I met them when I first moved here, Caitlin and Christian live 5 houses down because they're brother and sister and Ryan lives next door and Chaz just across the street!! They're all so cool! You have to meet them Y/N you really do!!"
"Umm, I don't know about that! I'm not really good at making new friends.. The only friends I've made at school since you left are Dylan and Gemma.."
"Wait what.." Justin said surprised "Dylan and Gemma as in Dylan and Gemma who live on the west side of town whose brother and sisters are in that gang Dylan and Gemma!??"
You could tell Justin didn't approve of these new friendships so you told him a little white lie, after all it's not going to hurt. "Oh no no no, these are a different Dylan and Gemma, these two are nice, seriously they're cool"
Justin looked at you contemplating what you said before he changed the subject..

For the next 3 days your mum and Pattie took you and Justin to different places, including Disney which was amazing, even though you and Justin were getting along fine something seemed different but you couldn't quite think of what it was..

On your last day Justin invited his new friends over so you could finally meet, you all spend the day in Justins back garden talking about random things, they all spoke about their school a lot and different memories of theirs together, which was a conversation you wasn't involved in. Justin sat closest to Caitlin and you couldn't help but have this weird feeling inside which you'd never really felt before, was it jealousy?? No no what's there to be jealous of? Actually forget that, once you leave tomorrow you won't see Justin for ages as you'd have to go back to school and Caitlin and the others will be able to be with Justin everyday.. The thought made you feel sick, you couldn't lie to yourself you know you'd easily be replaced.
Justin smiled at you from across the small circle and you snapped out of your train of thought and smiled weakly back at him.
*9pm*- going home
You hugged Pattie goodbye and then walked over to Justin "message me when you're home okay? We can FaceTime!" You smiled and nodded at him before giving him a hug, you hugged him extra tight because you didn't know when the next time will be that you see him again. "Good luck with your music J" you said holding back the tears, it became clear to you know that you might not see him for a very long time, "my mums going to be in New York for a few months so I won't be able to come and visit for a while, have fun here Bieber" you said before getting into the back seat of the taxi. "Bye N/Y" Justin and his friends said in sync.

All the doubt in the back of your mind from the other day soon disappeared, as you glanced out the back window of the car as it pulled out of the street Justin was stood laughing with his new group of friends.. it looked like he was going to be just fine.

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